Wedtesdoy, June H197 I5
Page Three
WednesdaY, June 11, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three
Disadvantaged youth
offered summer jobs
About 130 jobs for disadvant-
aged Ann Arbor young persons
and over 310 jobs far Wash-
tenaw County youths will be
available this summer through
the federally-funded Summer
Program for Economically Dis-
advantaged Youth (SPEDY>
After thorough chezks for re-
sidency, age and ecanam': eli-
gibility, the city will sire youths
for a nine-week period at $2.10
an hour. Money for Ann Arbor's
program, which is funded sep-
arate from the county program,
now totals $86,000, includmng
$16,000 remaining from I a s t
year's, program. AddicOnal jobs
may be possible if a currently-
pending bill for summer jobs
receives President For's ap-
"IF WE get that umosey, we
will have the same enroment
(239) we had last yea'v' says
Maiverne Winborne, SPEDY's
Ann Arbor director.
The eight-week county p o-
gram has a $200,000 budget, ac-
cording to an official, Patricia
Kempsky. Residents of Wash-
tenaw County outside of the
city, which includes Ypsilanti,
are eligible. County youshs will
work a 30-hour week and be
able to earn $504 over the sum-
mer, while Ann Arbor kids will
work 25 hours a week for a total
of about $475.
The two programs hope to 2c-
cept applications at the Com-
prehensive Employment cffice,
212 S. Fourth, begirP-tg tomor-
ro. "We're basically interested
in allotting jois on a first-come,
first-serve basis," says W i a-
borne, with some restrictions
based on physical rtquirements.
FOR THE county pro gram,
Kempsky says that rotating ap-
plication centers outside of Ann
Arbor will be announced later.
House fails to override
strip mining
HoIse failed by three votes yes-
terday to override President
Ford's veto of a controversial
bill imposing environmental and
reclamation controls on coal
strip mining.
The vote, which generally di-
vided along party lines, was
278 to 143.
IT WAS the third consecutive
veto Congress has sustained
this year and was viewed as a
major defeat for the Democra-
tic leadership.
"It's safe to say the Presi-
dent's pleased," Press Secre-
tary Ron Nessen said in re-
sponse to the vote.
Rep. Morris K. Udall (D-
Ariz.) blamed the outcome on
what he called misleading fig-
tres used by the administration
and energy industry lobbyists
on the bill's impact on utility
costs, coal production and em-
"THIS THING isn't dead, the
fight has to go on," Udall told
reporters. "A large majority of
Congress and of the American
people still want this bill;"
Ford vetoed the bill May 20
claiming it would reduce coal
production up to 162 million
tons per year. Ie also said it
control veto
could result in up to 36,000 job
losses, mostly an Appalachia.
Backers denied these claims.
Voting to override the veto
were 222 Democrats and 56 Re-
WHEN THE House sent the
bill to President Ford on May
7, it was 293 to 115 - more than
a two-thirds margin. At the
time, 216 Democrats and 77 Re-
publicans voted for the bill.
Thus, while the legislation
picked up some votes among
Democrats, the main erosion in
congressional s u p p o r t
was among Republicans who
previously supported the bill.
"If the White House had laid
off, the bill would be on the
way to enactment right now,"
Udall said.
lIE SAID attempts might be
made to tack the strip mining
bill on to a bill Ford wanted ap-
proved and would not veto, but
said no specific strategy on fu-
ture moves had yet been
The vote was a setback for
environmentalists, who have
tried for more than four years
to get Congress to impose en-
vironmental curbs on strip min-
ing, which accounts for about
half of all the coal mined in the
Ut. S.
The Israeli Prime Minister and his wife are greeted upon their arrival at Andrews Air
Force Base in Maryland yesterday. Rabin is here for talks with President Ford and other
administration officials on the Middle East.
Israel's. Prime Minister
arrives for talks in. U.S.
WASHINGTON OP) - Israeli Prime Minis-
ter Yitzhak Rabin arrived here yesterday for
talks with President Ford, saying his country
is prepared to do "whatever is possible" to
achieve peace in the Middle East.
In a brief statement at Andrews Air Force
Base in suburban Maryland, Rabin also
stressed his government's faith in "special
relations" with the United States.
IN HIS talks with U. S. officials, Rabin will
take up Israel's $2.59 billion military and eco-
nomic aid request as well as ways to resume
peace negotiations.
At the welcoming ceremonies, Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger told Rabin "You are
among friends here."
But Kissinger also reminded the Israeli lead-
er publicly that the two countries "have many
problems to discuss," including negotiations
and relations between them.
IN HIS talks with Ford, Rabin will not in-
sist on an Egyptian pledge of non-belligerency
as part of an interim Sinai settlement, sources
Current Israeli thinking is to accept a pro-
mise not to use force as a starting point for
negotiating a partial settlement, they said,
Rabin, arriving in a presidential turboprop
jet from New York, said that "Israel is inter-
ested in participating in every effort to move
toward peace and will do whatever is possi-
ble to participate with the United States and
the countries of the area in the movement to-
ward peace."
AT THE Capitol, Undersecretary of State
Joseph Sisco told a House international rela-
tions subcommittee tthat a jump in U. S. arms
sales to the Middle East from $128 million in
1970 to $4.4 billion in 1974 does not signify a
change in U. S. policy and occurred because
Saudi Arabia and Iran were building defensive
military forces.
Uto, pull out of Willow Run Airport
By DAVID WHITING Michigan are among the organizations which have poses.
The University is preparing to end its 30-year con- indicated an interest in acquiring the airport. Kazenko, while declining to report on the specifics
rot of Willow, Run-Airport and allow another group to of the Stanford study, did state that the report "takes
perate the-facility THE WAYNE County Road Commission, which op- a look at general aviation demand in the southeastern
While-the- University's withdrawal from the airport erates the Detroit Metropolitan Airport, has consid- part of Michigan, and makes a projection for aviation
as- been proceeding at a snail's pace since 1970 - ered ,merging the Detroit and Willow Run airports freight demand,"
hen the institution first made its decisioito move out but has made no definite plans yet. According to Kazenko, the study reports that "freight
f Willow Run - a new management is expected with- Last month Ypsilanti City Council moved to con- and general aviation demand are not growing quite
the next six aonths, tribute $6,000, and asked that Van Buren township re- as fast as we thought they would.
as fast as we thugthyrkud
THE FINAL push for the change in control comes
from the near completion of a master plan study au-
thorized by the Department of State Highways and
Transportation. The report, conducted by Stanford Re-
search institute of Menlo Park, Calif., was made to
decide the future of the airport.
The State Highway Commission reported that the-
study "will produce recommendations on the future
role of the airport in the state airport system; and
recommenda new owner-operator for the airport."
A coalition of Ypsilanti and Van Buren townships,
the Wayne Couny Read Commission and the state of
peat Tne motion, sotomn pret miary piana worK
toward possible acquisition of the airport.
Edward Kazenks, an official in the Metro Planning
division of the State Highways Commission, said last
week that "the state is somewhat interested in operat-
ing the airport."
WILLOW Run Airport was first built for the produc-
tion of B-24 bombers during World War 11, and now
handles air shipment of freight and general aviation
operations. The University, which has owned the fa-
cility since it became government surplus in 1947, has
used the airport for research facilities and other pur-
"THERE ARE enough airport facilities to handle
aviation capacities in the area, especially in the freight
line, for the next 20 years," Kazenko commented.
Although some observers advocate expanding the air-
port, it appears the state of Willow Run Airport will
remain the same after the University leaves.
"The report begins to point out," Kazenko said, "that
there is not a necessity for a major expansion, or use
of Willow Run as a reliever airport."