Saturday, June 7, 1 975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Saturday, June 7, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Britain to stay in Common Market New York faces financial disaster LONDON (P) - Britons have voted overwhelmingly to remain in the Common Market, offic- ial returns showed yesterday. The referendum tally marked a major victory for Prime Min- ister Harold Wilson. With 65 districts out of 68 counted in Thursday's balloting, the vote was 16,537,070 or 67.4 per cent in favor of staying in against 7,988,797 or 32.6 per cent for pulling out. WILSON said the majority was "bigger than that achieved by any government in any gen- eral election in the history of our democracy," adding it means "114 years of national argument are over." The count showed British vot- ers had gone the middle way, rejecting the antimarket views of the extreme left and right. The turnout for the referendum, the first in British history, was 65.6 per cent of the 40.5 million Britons eligible to vote. In Washington officials learn- ed of the British vote with an unconcealed sigh of relief. There was-no immediate official state- ment, but those dealing with European affairs were known to be satisfied with the results. AT COMMON Market head- quarters in Brussels the French president of the Common Mar- Harvard with hold (Continued from Page 3) concerned about Barry lying under stress and they want to observe him for a year or two." "BUT MOST doctors lie like hell," added Atkins. "I don't know many that don't. They tell a sick woman she looks great when she looks like hell" Striking chords with the uni- versity, Atkins admitted that there were other incidents that catapulted Brooks into this un- comfortable situation. One in- volved Brooks taking a job un- der a government grant which wasn't supposed to be for full time students. BOTH BROOKS and Atkins stated the grant job was also given to two other Harvard stu- dents under identical circum- stances. Brooks is hoping that his par- ket Commission, Francois-Xav- ier Ortoli, expressed delight with the British vote. "Like the great majority of the citizens of Europe, I have always been convinced of the need for Europe to have Britain as a full member and for Brit- ain to play a full part in the ad- venture of uniting Europe." Market proponents in the La- bor, Conservative and Liberal parties, who teamed up to win the campaign, hailed the out- come. Some voiced hope that the argument over membership, which has split Britons for 14 years, now would cease and that the nation would get on with the job of beating inflation, unem- ployment and economic stagna- tion. BUT SOME antimarketeers vowed their fight would go on. Right-wing Tory Enoch Powell described the result as "pro- visional with the British people facing another Munich." He ar- gued the British people did not fully understand the implica- tions of membership which he insisted means a surrender of B r i t i s h independence to the nine-nation European com- munity. Wilson's rival, Conservative leader Margaret Thatcher, was quick to suggest the prime mm- fficials diploma ents haven't caught wind of the controversy. "I haven't told them ... I haven't been in con- tact with them at all. We lead very different 1 i v e s," said Brooks. ALTHOUGH it is certain that Brooks-who would be graduat- ing in the top third of his class -will not be in cap and gown June 12, he is confident that the problem will be resolved in 12 months. The Medical School administration has agreed to review the situation in one year, and it is likely that Brooks will receive his degree then. "But until then I can't be a doctor," he said. "Now I'll just look for a job as an extern in a hospital around here. I have no other choice." ister should reshape his cabinet in view of seven members hav- ing campaigned for withdrawal from the market. The judgment of the British people came on the 31st anniver- sary of D-Day when their forces joined with the Americans and other allies in invading Hitler- dominated Europe. Now Brit- .ain has confirmed a partnership with its former enemies, Ger- many and Italy, as well as with several of its wartime allies in an economic and monetary grouping designed to bring pros- perity to the people of Europe. ONE AREA of Britain that came through with a definite antimarket verdict was the Shetland Islands in the North Sea where huge oil and gas re- sources are being exploited. The islanders suspect that Com- mon Market nations of mainland Europe are greedily eyeing those riches and want to share in them. The -referendum vote count was a mammoth job. Up and down the -kingdom, from Land's End in the south to John O'- Groats in the north, on wind- swept offshore isles and in trou- bled Northern Ireland, the bal- lot papers were sorted and tal- lied. Then the boxes were sped to a London headquarters from the 68 separate regions to be collated and confirmed by 756 officials. They worked under the gaze of 384 observers to in- sure fair play. Troops in Northern Ireland and police in the rest of the country kept order, and only a few incidents were reported. One of these was in London- derry, thersecond largest city of Northern Ireland, where 50 youths attacked soldiers and police carrying ballot boxes from a polling center. Troops fired rubber bullets to disperse the youths. NEW YORK (AW) - The city's latest exercise in fiscal brink- manship moved into a final weekend " yesterday, with a $3- billion state bail-out plan to ease the municipal debt burden still up in the air. Meanwhile, $792 million in debts fall due Wednesday. A default on the part of Demo- cratic Mayor Abraham Beame could lead to a financial earth- quake that would shake every bonded municipal unit in the land. BIG CITY bankers, Republi- can state senators and Beame were unable to reach an agree- ment in three days of negotia- tione on a proposed new state agency to refinance $3 billion in city debts and impose controls on its future budgeting to end a decades-old habit of spending more than it takes in. Republicans in control of the statersenate were demanding tighter limits on city borrowing as the price of approving Demo- cratic Gov. H u g h Carey's proposed Municipal Assistance Corp., or Big Mac as he refers to the refunding agency. Mean- while, the Senate recessed for the weekend. The MAC would refinance the $3 billion in short term debts into long term bonds, to avert the threatened default on the short term paper. THE CITY'S giant banking interests reportedly were con- cerned about financial backing for the long-term MAC loans. They claimed the market for New York municipal bonds is glutted, and that without sound backing they cannot sell their because of the city's financial crisis, its worst since the Great Depression. Beame's concern was how much home rule he will be re- quired to surrender to gain re- lief through MAC in the latest financial fiasco. Meanwhile, the mayor's trou- bles were only beginning - he has to dig up $641 million in new financing to cover a gap in his $11.8 billion 1975-76 budget by the end of the month. BEAME HAS said that unless he receives additional taxing powers plus state aid to bridge the gap he will be forced to fire 37,000 of the city's 315,000 em- ployes. Late in the day, the budget bureau reported that pink slips already have been sent to 6,407 of the 37,000 ticketed for dis- missal. - --- -- gerhard schfanzky fra igoldschmidt AT THE UNION GALLERY ANN AFiBORMICHlIGAN.JUNE JLNE28,19-7 op ninat 73eaturing t!e r l r m i r n gaeyhus:tu-Sat 12-6 Memorex 112 Price Sale 90-Minute Cassette Buy one at regular price - get the other at 1/2 price . MEMOREX Ree Is it live,or is it Memorex? isthe anion, 53 S. State Street M-F 9:30-5:30 SAT 12 5 AKIRA KUROSAWA'S 1965 RED BEARD Set in 19th Century Japan, RED BEARD shows a gruff but humanitar- ian doctor teaching the meaning of compassion to his young assistant. In 1972 Japan's film-going was invited to vote for their favorite Kuro- sawa film. RED BEARD and his DRUNKEN ANGEL finished tied.for first. Makes what might be his best film. His most popular also. 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