Saturday, ,tune 7, 1975 PtH M tC#!I GAN DAILY Page Three Doctors await malpractice law; slowdown unlikely By DAVID BLOMQUIST Although Michigan doctors are still waiting for final legislative action on malpractice insurance reform, it seems unlikely that the state faces any massive work slowdowns in health ser- vice professions, a University Hospital spokesman said yester- day. "There seems to be some sort tif general feeling that some- thing is being done," said Ro- bert Bier, health service rela- tions editor. "No one is ready to drop their scalpels and walk out.," HOWEVER, frustration over rising costs of malpractice in- sarance and increasing cancel- lation rates has led hundreds of doctors in New York, Cafor- nia, and Texas to refuse all but emergency treatment work in recent weeks. Bills providing for major re- Osions in Michigan's malprac- tice codes passed committees in the Legislature earlier this seek, and the state has already established a commercial ral- practice insurance pool. Bier explained that Unaversity flosaital - unlike some Michi- gan health care institutions - was not in danger of -losin its insurance coverage. "It's d'ffi- colt for gross negligence to hap- pen here. Someone's looking over a doctor's shooulder all the time," he said. HE NOTED, however, t h a t the hospital's insurance rates had nevertheless tripied in the past year. "Prices are high -- and it's all reflected in the pa- tient fees," he stated. The Re- gents recently approved an in- crease in daily rates fo: hospi- tal in-patient care. Officials at the Michiga State Medical Society in Lansing agreed with Bier's assessment. "The society's house of dele- gates voted back in May against a work stoppage," said a press spokesman. "There will in Al probability not be a slow- down." The spokesman added that the society was waiting ftr ap- proval from the state insurance commissioner and capitalization of $5 million in resery- furts that would enable it to issue malpractice coverage throggh its own , non-orofit campany, Michigan Physicians Mutual Liability Co. "We would hope for the eir- liest approval pr)oiba,-' ne said. He indicated that the new firm would begin to offer cover- age to doctors unable to pur- chase low-cost comnmercial pl- cies sometime during the sum- mer. Sex laws attempt to ban 'unnatural acts' By TIM SCHICK On April first of this year, an historic piece of state legisla- tion went into effect - a law dealing with rape. victims in a humane manner. However, the state still has repressive sex laws which are little different from those enforced a century While many of the laws con- cerning incest, polygamy and rape stand as examples of progressive legislation, Michi- gan sex laws still contain refer- ences to "unnatural acts .- gross lewdness . . . and lewd and lascivious cohabitation." FOR EXAMPLE the law states that "Any man or wo- man, not married to each other, who lewdly and lasciviously as- sociate and live together, or any person guilty of open and gross lewd and lascivious behavior shall be guilty of a misde- meanor . . . punishable by one Join The D)aily If you've ever had a yearning to shift from a reader to an au- thOr in any .department of this publication - be it news, edi- torial or arts -- we cordially in- vite you to drop by our offices ini the Student Publications Building at 420 Maynard to say hello and discuss your interests With us. The Daily can certainly use you If you're talented and will- lBg to put in a few hours of work every week and wouldn't mind getting the chance to see your own name in print. Call 764-OSS2 any afternoon and ask. for Jeff Sorensen for further details. year in jail." In cohabitation cases, the courts have ruled that the crime does not have to be "open and notorious" - meaning that situations, involving two con- senting adults in the privacy of their bedrooms can result in jail sentences. One statute used frequently to arrest homosexuals is the solici- tation law, a statute originally intended to control prostitution. It states that "any person, male or female who shall accost, so- licit or invite another in any public place . . .to commit pro- stitution or any other lewd or immoral act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." WHEN IT comes to sodomy (anal intercourse), the legisla- ture in 1846 stomped its foot down. "Any person who shall commit the abominable and de- testable crime against nature ei- ther with mankind or with any animal shall be guilty of a fel- ony." A violator can receive up to 15 years in prison. However, a loop hole in the law allows a person who has been declared "sexually delin- quent" to receive life imprison- ment. By law a sexually delinquent person is "any person whose sexual behavior is characteriz- ed by repetitive and compul- sive acts which indicate a dis- regard of consequences of the recognized rights of others, or by the use of force upon anoth- er person in attempting sexual relations.. DESPITE the obvious bias against gays, judges have ruled that "this law does not punish homosexuality or mental illness, but only the act of sodomy." However, the law's language has been upheld because "so- domy is of an indelicate nature and as a result was not graphic- ally outlined." The law also declares that sexual penetration need not be proven. See SEX, Page 10 The great escape Hijacked at knifepoint yesterday, pilot Richard Jackson was ordered to snatch inmate Dale Rem- ling out of Jackson prison. After delivering the two desperados to their destination, the pilot pick- ed up police to lead them to the scene of the crime. Harvard Medical School withhods student ipoma By ANN MARIE LIPINSKI It's been a long time since Barry Brooks faced the morning with a smile on his face. Four years of Harvard Medical School can steal that from a man. , He had marked June 12-graduation-a red letter day on his calendar, and he was confi- dent that he could endure the remaining headaches during that home stretch. HOWEVER, Brooks has just come down with one headache that two aspirin and plenty of rest aren't going to cure. Harvard officials have learned that the aspiring doctor falsified ;information on his application to the university in 1969 and they aren't about to hand Brooks that sheepskin until he's swallowed a healthy dose of consequence. When filling out his application form in a bid to become a Crimson med student, Brooks falsely listed his alcoholic father and pros- titute mother as deceased. Saying he was "ashamed" of the fact, Brooks added, "At the time I thought that it (knowledge of his par- ents' standing) would politically keep me from being admitted. "I've now been told by members of the Medical School Administrative Board that it wouldn't have made any difference. That's the kind of thing they like to say, but I don't be- lieve it for a moment," Brooks told the Daily yesterday. DR. JACK EWALT, administrator of clinical services at the Harvard Medical School, claims Brooks is inaccurate in believing that uni- versity officials would have denied him ad- mssion because of his family background. "We admit people for their brains, not their breeding," said Ewalt. "And you can be sure that we didn't take this action capriciously. We have thousands of dollars invested in this man." Complicating the controversy are several other "minor incidents" which Harvard offi- cials claim also effected their decision to withhold Brooks degree. However, they have refused to elaborate on the nature of the in- cidents. EXPRESSING a difference of opinion with Harvard officials, Brooks contended yesterday that the additional accusations are "incor- rect. There have been no other incidents," Brooks' troubles began three months ago in Dayton when he was applying for a medical internship. While there he sparked a heated argument with a hospital secretary who re- lated Brooks' behavior to the Harvard Medical School administration. "When she brought that to their attention," Brooks said, "a whole investigation started. They said they wouldn't tolerate that kind of behavior." BROOKS originally began legal proceedings last Thursday asking that the school be order- ed to allow him to participate in commence- ment next week. However, "national publicity" forced Brooks to drop the suit yesterday. "I have to portect my family. I have no alternative," explained Brooks. "Whatever little my sisters, brothers and parents have going for them would be ruined in the media." Burton Atkins, a Boston attorney who was handling Brooks' case, contends the university is withholdirg the degree "because they're See HARVARD, Page 5