Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, June 6, 1975 PaeSxTEMCIAVAIYFiaJn ,17 Women hurt more by economic crunch S.W. Africa eases segregation laws (Continued from Page 3) ing their spouses and profession- als, than any other group in the work force. Instead, says War- ren, women depend more on their neighbors as sources of help and support. However, she added, unless a woman is part of a "high or- ganization neighborhood" (areas where there is much interac- tion among residents) she is still without sources of assist- ance. "BLUE COLLAR and unem- ployed women in low organiza- tion neighborhoods have virtu- ally no one to turn to when un- dergoing long term stress," contends Warren, "and nearly 90 per cent of unemployed wo- men live in low organization neighborhoods." In light of her conclusions, Warren suggested that "efforts be made to make the neighbor- hood more resnonsive to the needs of the ble collar and un- employed women, since they de- pend on this source of support more than any other." To achieve this, she proposed a two part program to speak to the particular needs of these women. The program would combine informal women's dis- cussion groups with easily ac- cessible referral agents work- ing in the neighborhood. DISCUSSION groups w o u 1 d enable women to share their problems and concerns with other women of the same sta- fus, said Warren, while referral agents would serve as resource persons to link women with the anpronriate agencies outside of the neighborhood. "Policy makers must be made aware of the severe threat posed to women by un- employment," demanded War- ren. "Traditional studies have focused on the male as a bread- winner to the virtual exclusion of the female. It is time to re- eamine this unilateral fnocu." WINDHOEK, South-West Afri- ca ((P)) - White-ruled South- West Africa announced plans yesterday to ease the territory's racial separation laws in what may be a trial run for changes in South Africa itself. New legislation will allow all races to use hotels, restaurants and cafes, if the owners permit, and order removal of "whites only" and "nonwhites" signs on all public buildings. THE SURPRISE move was announced by Dirk Mudge, a member of the ruling Executive Council, who told the all-white Legislative Assembly the exist- ing laws would be changed to allow this process of develop- ment to move ahead smoothly and without friction," Mudge told the assembly. "All national groups in South- West Africa should accept these decisions with enthusiasm and responsibility," he said. "Whites must not accept them with hes- itation and lack of interest." Africa to eliminate what is com- monly known as "petty apart- heid." Officials here recently told visiting reporters that South- West Africa may be used to test more liberal policies planned for South Africa itself. The move may also reprenent a further step by South Africa to reach accord with its black African neighbors. The announcement also ap- peared timed to influence a de- bate at the United Nations on the future of the mineral-rich territory, also known as Nami- bia. SOUTH-WEST Africa has been administered by South Africa for 55 years under a mandate by the United Nations. The United Nations ended the mandate in 1966 and has been trying to get South Africa out ever since. Black African nations insist on the territory's independence. South Africa has promised to grant independence as soon as the territory's 12 major ethnic groups meet at a conference to decide South-West Africa's con- stitutional future. Political ob- servers in Windhoek say the conference may take place be- fore the end of 1975 or very ear- ly in 1976. South-West Africa's 850,000 po- pulation is made up of several African tribes, mulatto groups and the ruling minority of 105,- 000 whites. MUDGE SAID the changes announced yesterday were bas- ed on an interim report by a study group assigned to investi- gate laws that tend to cause ra- cial friction. He said owners of businesses who decide to cater to all races will disnlay this on a prominent sign, while racially discrimina- tory signs on public buildings will be removed as quickly as possible. Mudee said the Executive Council was in favor of greater freedom of movement for Afri- cans but that "essential" influx control laws will be retained. These regulate movement of Af- ricans from one region to anoth- er in the territory and South Af- rican authorities say they are necessary to avoid overcrowd- ing in urban areas. SOUTH-WEST Africa, howev- er, recently eliminated the hat- ed "pass" laws which require Africans to carry a reference book everywhere they go. The pass laws are still in effect in South Africa. African delegations at the Uni- ted Nations in New York were unimpressed by the announced changes. Sam Nujoma, presi- dent of the South-West Africa People's Organization, said: "What we demand is our inde- pendence, not a change in apar- theid." jĀ°ithere's $ la. 0lfi. d the Stil Ihouse String Band ttsoldover 9X miion copie6 JAMEO"S MASON SUSANOEOROE lERYaMING RICHARD WARD! BRENDA SYKES - KEN NORTONsMEE STARRING MICHAEL SARRAZIN * JENNIFER O'NEILL MARGOT KIDDER 0 CORNELIA SHARPE __ - --- .... r 4 Friday-Monday-Tuesday- Thursday at 7 & 9 p.m. Open at 6:45 Sat.-Sun.-Wed. at 1-3-5-7-9 p.m. P 6-4 Open at 12:45 Vittorio DeSica's Final Masterpiece! &jThe movie is rich with small revelations and De Sica's sensitivity to women's feelings is impressive. De Sica's personal warmth is unwavering throughout, and the film makes an honorable ending to his career." - New York Times "*** * A Brief Vacation is in the best De Sica style. After this film one misses De Sica all the more!" - New York Daily News "If you miss A Brief Vacation you will be missing not only a great film, but one of life's richest and most rewarding personal experiences!" --Rex.Reed, SyadirvteAR Ismnist an Arthur Cohn-Marina Cicogna production of Vittorio De Sica's Starring Florinda Bolkan - Directed by Vittorio DeSIca Produced by Arthur Cohn and Marina Cicogna Color " An Allied Artists Release C,' fiddle, banjo, guitar 1421 Hill Street 761-1451 ".. pp