Friday, June; 6, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Friday, June 6, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three GEO trial goes on and on. By TIM SCHICK The pre-trial hearing concerning jharges against 44 members of the Grad- ste Employee's Organization (GEO) arrested last February for trespassing while picketting near the University last Department, continued yesterday. Captain Kenneth Klinge of the City i'alice Department was unable to show, hile testifying for the prosecution, that arl the people arrested on February 27 and 28 were present when trespass 7-rnings were issued. As defense Attor- ny Donald Koster read the names of the defendants, asking Klinge if they had heard the warning being issued, Klinge repeatedly answered "i'll have to refresh my memory." KOSTER continued to show that Klinge apparently had no record of who was present when warnings were issued, but only a list of those arrested to refer to. The defense has been working for dis- missal of the trespassing charges against the GEO members arguing that the area in which arrests were made is fre- qoently used by pedestrians en route to University football games. Klinge testified that he had stopped trucks when the pickets were arrested. This was the first time both sides agreed that trucks were prevented from leaving. Earlier testimony had established that See GEO, Page 9 En garde With their masks in place and epees poised, three fencers stand in salute position at the International Fencing Tournament held recently in New York City. Swordfighters from 13 countries participated in the event. 'U' pledges no financial aid cutbacks By BILL TURQUE Despite an austere state ap- propriations outlook for the com- ing fiscal year, University offi- cials yesterday reiterated their intent to maintain financial aid fonds at their present levels. "I know that the Unversity has made a commitment not to cat back on student aid," said Thomas Butts, director of the Office of Financial Aid. ROUGHLY A third of the Uni- versity's student population re- ceives some form of financial assistance, either federal or state scholarships, work-study programs, or guaranteed bank loans. Butts said his office will be making student aid commit- ments later this summer predi- cated on last year's total ex- penditures, which were approxi- mately $30 million. Lawrence Fincher, assistant vice president for state rela- tions, explained that although the University's total state ap- propriation has yet to be final- ized, the line has to be held on financial aid funding. said Fincher. Although a clear assessment of student needs and available funds will not be available un- til mid-July, Butts said he is fairly certain the financial aid office will be able to accommo- date at least as many students as it did last year with some form of assistance. "I don't see any need to pan- ic," asserted Butts. He did ac- knowledge, however, the fall would be "a challenging time." "THERE IS a precedent for BUTTS SAID the net effect of this kind of action because stu- the state's high unemployment dent aid commitments have to rate , and' spiraling inflation be made as soon as possible," would obviously be an increased City airport expansion battle looms i -By DAVID WHITING view Team (CRI) must forward its fmndings to Council's Airprt Advisory Committee. Then the The six-year debate on whether or not to ex- Aipr. dioyCmiteadtePann Spad the city's Municipal Airport has reached CoissionAdafsr hearinge the tizesitea its final stages with e panionists and anti-ex- Candsuding atr caityomisioed rieporteaon Paonsosts gearing up for battle. the airport, will make its recommendation to i SCity Council is expected to make its final de- Council. tisiOn on the facility within the next two Finally, Council will vote on the issue, but months. Council has five options concerning the not before an airport public hearing takes ~ airport: pae *Immediately close it down; The impetus for forcing a decision on the i * Cut off its $200,001 a year support for the airport issue this summer comes frois the -facility and prevent any upkeep; - completion of a study for the city, done by hi *Allw ad supor soe kid o exan- Transptan Inc., after two years of research. sian or improvement; THE TRANSPLAN report is the third of its *Relocate the airport, white maintaining kind since 1969. However, the study is much 5 the current operating level; or more comprehensive than the previous two - vi and was conducted with a different attitude Of Relocate the airport but expand the pre- twrsheapotielanavtonngn seat base of operations- tcadml earo tefad vain ng'- HOWEVER, BEFORE Counci can make any The two studies, conductd in 199 and 1972, deciston, a Citizens' Airport Comnmunity Re- See AIRP)RT, Page 9 demand for some form of finan- cial assistance. He is looking to two as yet variable factors - potential new federal money and guaranteed bank loans - to pick up much of the slack. Health professions legislation now pending in Congress would introduce badly-needed dollars to subsidizing nursing, medical, and pharmacological programs. Increases are already slated for Federal Supplementary Educa- tional Grants, with an additional half-million in basic grant fund- ing. Butts said his office is cur- rentty negotiating with Michi- Women hu byeconoir By KAREN RAY The current economic crisis, with its high incidence of unem- ployment and job layoffs, may have a more devastating effect on women than on men, accord- ing to results of a recent survey of Detroit blue collar working women. The findings grew out of re- search conducted by Dr. Ra- chelle Warren of the Institute of Labor and Industrial Rela- tions - a joint unit of the Uni- versity of Michigan and Wayne State University. IN TESTIMONY before the New York Commission on Hu- man Rights hearings on "Wo- men in Blue Collar, Service and Clerical Occupations," Warren stated that unemployed women report feeling more stress than their male counterparts. War- ren attributed this stress to the scarcity of support systems available to unemployed wo- men. gan banks to determine their willingness to dispense federal- ly-insured loans in the coming year. He added the rate of loan default in Michigan is not com- parable to the "horror stories" other states have had to cope with in their loan programs. Butts said the most recent de- fault rate figure he had seen for Michigan was 7 percent. "I think we're in fairly good shape," said Richard English, associate vice president for aca- demic affairs, "even though we are in a difficult financial situation." irt more wic crunch "Women, especially unem- ployed women, cannot rely on the traditional support systems as men do, therefore it comes as no surprise that their stress levels are higher," Warren re- ported. According to Warren, the study, entitled "Helping Net- works Project", is unique in that it is the first of its kind to deal with women who are un- employed, rather than with men. ONE FACET of the project, "Helping Units in the Urban Community," was initiated to examine the local community for its "help giving" potential, It sought to discover where peo- ple seek help within their com- munity when confronted with the pressures of unemployment.. Warren concluded that while blue collar women report having more stress, they receive less help from all sources, includ- See WOMEN, Page 6