The Michigan Daily
Vol, LXXXV, No. 22-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 6, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Sadat reopens
Suez Canal in
step to peace
ABOARD AL HORIYA, Suez Canal WP) - Leading a
convoy of Egyptian ships dwarfed by a big American
cruiser, President Anwar Sadat reopened the Suez
Canal yesterday after eight years of war and uneasy
Smiling broadly and dressed in the white uniform of
an admiral, Sadat lead the ceremonial convoy on the
bridge of the Egyptian destroyer "October 6", named
for the date on which Egyptian troops stormed across
the Suez Canal in 1973 to recapture part of the east
SAILORS, teen-agers and aging boatmen in white
turbans jammed small boats to follow the convoy.
Many hung from the rigging or perched on top of masts
chanting "Sadat! Sadat!" Crowds lining the canal banks
clapped and danced to the rhythm of reed flutes and
leather drums.
"I have been feeling very happy since the moment
I arrived in Port Said," Sadat told a reporter aboard
his dstroyer. ". . . It has been one of the happiest mo-
ments of my life when we started transiting the canal
again after eight years.
"Let this be a message to the whole world that we
have taken a practical step to peace not just in
words." Israel will send cargo through the newly re-
opened Suez Canal in the near future and Egypt will
let it pass unchallenged, U. S. officials said yesterday.
TlHE SHIPMENT will be aboard non-Israeli vessels
under a provision of January 1974 Israeli-Egyptian
agreements calling for military disengagement in the
Suez Canal area.
The American sources did not have the date of the
Israeli shipment, and they expressed strong doubt that
Israel would make a prior public announcement. "In
that sense, there will be no test case," one official
said. "Our understanding is that the goods will be ship-
ped through without either side acknowledging it."
The 18,500-ton guided missile carrier Little Rock, a
flagship of the U. S. Fleet, became the first foreign
warship to sail down the strategic waterway since it
was closed by Arab-Israeli hostilities in 1967.
The reopening was tiued to coincide with the anni-
versary of the June 1967 Six Day War, which brought
Israeli troops to the east bank of Suez Canal and
forced Sgypt to close it.
AP Photo
Class of '88
Daniel Hobert, 5, of Elm Grove, Wis. covers a yawn as he and his classmates at Sherman Park nursery
center wait to be declared graduates yesterday. They are now officially ready to be processed and dehu-
manized through institutional education . . . just like us college folk.
Hart to retire next year
WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. Philip would like to be senator," said a
Hart, the soft-spoken Michigan Demo- straight-faced state Democratic Chair-
crat who played a major role in forging man Morley Winograd.
liberal civil rights laws during the Both Republicans and Democrats in-
1960s, announced yesterday that he will sisted there would be no "consensus"
retire next year. candidate. One look at the potential
"No person is irreplaceable," Hart field of candidates indicated they prob-
? said in announcing his long-rumored de- ably are right.
cision not to seek a fourth term. "No
one institution is all-important. The
guard should be changed with some
AFTER the three-term Michigan
Democrat formally announced his re-
tirement plans here, leaders of both
parties back home began talking of the
"wide-open" Senate primary the state
can expect next year.
"There are a number of people who
ONE prospective big-name candi-
date immediately ruled himself out of
the race - Republican Gov. William
Milliken, one of his party's few win-
ners at the polls in the Watergate-
blemished 1974 elections.
But Milliken gave the GOP good odds
in the upcoming race. A victory would
give Republicans both of Michigan's
Senate seats.
See HART, Page 5
Congress investigates spy net work
WASHINGTON (P) -- Congressional millions of Americans. link-up with other government agencies, House select committees established
investigators probing allegations of as suggested in the NBC report. to look into allegations of widespread
widespread government spying are NBC SAID the breakthrough, develop- government spying on private citizens
turning their attention to the vast net- ed within the Department of Defense, (REFERRING to earlier NBC allega- were known to be making independent
work of computers where federal agen- would enable the government to coin- tions that the surveillance information inquiries into the use of computer sys-
cies store details of the lives of mil- pile swiftly a file that includes an in- was transferred and stored in com- tems.
lions of American citizens. dividual's medical, credit and tax re- wstratsoeredundestied andcom-
In several related developments: cords, military history and any infor- pate ate 2 usti A HOUSE esvrnandppr
vate agencies, a Justice Department AhUE gosernment operations
--Rep. John Moss (D-Calif.), chair- mation in FBI files. NBC said it had no spokesman told The Daily yesterday, subcommittee headed by Rep. Bella
man of the House government informa- evidence the system was being used "I'm afraid Ford Rowen (the NBC Abzug (D-N.Y.) held hearings Tuesday
tion subcommittee, moved to block for domestic surveillance, correspondent) is a little off-base." into allegations that domestic military
plans for two massive -government data A , Defense Department spokesman intelligence files, ordered destroyed in
banks, one controlled by the FBI, the said the Pentagon used he linking de- Assessing the legality of the Defense 197, instead hod been transferred to
other by the Department of Agricul~ vice frteecag fcmueie Department spying operations during acmptrnwrk
ture. for the exchange of computerized the late 1960's, Justice Department computer network.
--NBC News reported that a tech- technological information among uni- Deputy Press Director, Bob Feldkamp The Abzug subcommittee plans fur-
nologBC breakthrough in computer sch- versities and other holders of contracts said yesterday, "It could very well re- ther hearings Monday when Federal
nOloc had enabled federal agencies i involving military projects. stilt in a violation of the law if it Communications Commissions officials
link different makes and- models of The spokesman said he know of no doesn't involve national security or for- will be asked what steps they are tak-
computers so they could draw on a use of the device in exchanging person- eign policy considerations.") ing to limit wiretapping of long-dis
number of sources to compile files on nel information and could determine no Staff members of both the Senate and tance telephone lines.