Th Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Wednesday June 4, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 CIA spy files still exist NBC NEWS CORRESPONDENT Ford Rowan reported Monday evening that the CIA and Army are still maintaining and updating domestic surveillance files on thousands of anti-war protesters despite promises from the intelligence agencies four years ago that all such material would be destroyed. Rowan also named the University of Michigan as one of twenty American universities who may have par- ticipated in a computer linkup designed to store andj transmit domestic surveillance information under the direction of the CIA, the Department of Defense, and the National Security Agency. It has-not yet been de- termined what role the University's computers may have played in the operation, or whether in fact the memory banks harbor CIA-accessed files on anti-war activists. Even so, a verification of University involvement in such an operation could not make its implications any more sinister; it would merely bring its impact some-' what closer to home. THOSE APOLOGISTS FOR the intelligence establish- ment who so staunchly defend the agencies' right to look out for 'national security" priorities should take a good hard lnnk at the gross subversion of civil liber- ties and defiance of legal authority implicit in Rowan's revelations. The U. S. security network, though ostensibly found- ed for the purpose of protecting the U. S. from the sin- ister designs of foreign powers, has consistently shown itself to be a tool for those in power who would sup- press and distort the positions of those in a political minority. The Congress should make every effort to compel the VIA and defense department to heed the directivs they chose to ignore four years ago. HRP, Democrats still divided THE ONLY winner in the city budget battle was the Re- publican appointed City Ad- ministrator, Sylvester Murray. Because no party holds a ma- jority on City Council and since all three parties presented bud- get proposals, the Administra- tor's budget prevailed for lack of the seven votes required to overturn it. Fourth Ward Democrat Jam- ie Kenworthy understated the problem when he said tiat, The City Administrator's bud- get priorities favor the bnrsau- tracy rather than human needs." The unfortunate culmination to (of?) the budget controversy de- monstrates the crucial need for the Democrats and the Human Riehts Party (HRP) to work to- gether to promote progressive policies and priorities. The bud- get debacle proves that t h e Democrats and HRP will either, have to cooperate or stagnate. If the two leftist parties had sat down together with their respective budget pro als and hammered out a c-ompromise that aji six members co tid sup- port, Murray might well have been more inclined to change his budget. Instead, these nego- tiations never took place, t h e Democrats and HRP presented senarate proposals, and Mur- ray, lacking direction from a majority of Council, acted uni- laterally. IT SHOULD now be obvious to the Democrats and the HRP that they are ineffectual on Concil without each others heln. Democratic Mayor Al Wheeler has been developing some worthwhile ideas that will need HRP backing to be :mple- mented. Hopefully he will recog- nize the need for sufficient in- put from HRP to assure their support for these policies. HRP, for its part, must be willing to place the. broad interests of the city ahead of any narrow partisan considerations. Among the major priorities of the Wheeler administration is the creation of a Human Serv- ices Department. I's purpose would be to co-ordinate a wide variety of scattered social cer- vices such as day care, health care, legal aid, consumer pro- tection, and recreation. Wheeler would fund this de- partment by using a "good deal of the Community Development Revenue Sharing money and maybe al of it eventually.' As this plan is more fully devel- oped, HRP ideas should ie in- corporated. Dialogue between the parties must remain open. The entire city would benefit from a co-ordinated and de- cently funded effort t: provide these basic social services. There would be no excuse if Democrats and HRP could not find agreement on a tarmula for implementation. MAYOR WHEELER is now in the process of forming a group to write a rent control ordin- ance. It is urgent that thin pro- posal be completed by Septem- ber so that renters Willb e pro- tected in the next leasing per- iod. Wheeler should draw on the expertise of those in HRP who have worked on this issue for two years. The support of HP is essential to assure that a strong rent control measure will be paased. A third- major priority of the Wheeler administration will be the creation of a crime commit- tee which would examine and evaluate present xvlicies of the Police Department. The city's criminal code would be review- ed with the intent of eiiminating victimless crimes whics divert police energy and cause need- less spasms in community po- lice relations. A final aim of this committee would be to channel more effective citizen control into the Police Oe- partment. These are goals Murray largely shared by IRP, and their responsible involvement will be needed if this important watchdog group is t be formed. THESE AND other enlighten- ed and thoughtful proposals will face solid Republican opposition. Unless Democrats and HRP can put aside political bickering and posturing, little ornothing thai is positive will be achieved. In a recent interview, Mayor Wheeler said, "I'm not about to be mayor on HRP priorbies. I won't be swung around by 'he tail for one vote." While such a statement is not surprissig from a newly elected Democrat- ic mayor, it must be remember- ed that Wheeler would never have been elected without the second choice votes of nearly 90 per cent of HRP's support- ers. He has a clear responsibil- ity to seek accommodatien with HRP. At least for the next year, an activist and responsive city government depends on it. G-Man Central: Monuments, magnums W A S H I N G T O N - The blue-suited tour guide began by explaining that the Federal Bu- reau of Investigation is an "open" agency, after all - so the rap went - the general public never gets to see the in- side of the CIA complex. But when one of the dozen tourists whipped out a yellow legal pad to take notes, the guide looked askance. "I'm not sure you can do that," he said in a polite but "''r+:i::i; {{tif?::}ei"::v 4"::i:: : that's what they want you to believe - protecting mom's ap- ple pie against dangerous hood- lums and subversives, being tough and honest, and since 1972- affirmative action employers to boot. Highlighting the hour long ex- cursion into the world of real life Efrem Zimbalist Jr.'s was the demonstration on the rifle range. A rugged - looking agent - that's the only kind there seems "The agent then explained that the FBI doesn't use submachine guns except for de- monstration purposes -- perhaps because they are such crowd "leasers." all kinds of expensive equipment designed to spot clues no matter how small or well hidden. Still, if the gizmos are so good why hasn't the FBI found Patty Hearst yet? In one section of the lab, an empty file labeled "incoming ticklers." Maybe everyone is waiting for a tickler on Hearst and the SLA. Of course the file might be a repository for intra- office jokes or information on perverts who tickle people while committing felonies. Further down the hal, a row of women clad in blue lab coats hunkered over microscopes and studied a bloodied knife. Then one of them cracked a joke, per- haps about enraged killers, that got a chuckle right down the line. The "tickler" file wouldn't be empty tomorrow. THE LAST LEG of the tour featured displays on crime and criminals and a room devoted to the good buys. First there is a big tote board proclaiming that crime was up 17 per cent last year, murder is commit- ted every 27 minutes and rob- berv every 12 seconds. Most of the tourists recoiled at these numbers, figuring that it really isn't safe to walk the streets. But a couple of them probably began to wonder what's wrong with government when it pays a Magnum-toting FBI agent $18,000 a year to. catch criminals but does little to get at the root of the prob- "Then, out of no- where looms a portrait of Mr. Hoover himself. His ghost doesn't real- ly pervade the place, but one can't help thinking about h i m when the FBI is men- tioned." ..... r...i ::::::::::::.':: ... " ..... ..... "..... f:1':{ :" i' :?.;i:.l}:.tip J: '}:'i':"J:: ::::":":::' ':': ':!v:":":kk'{ "'( .', rYf.K ":^:: :::':tiC:"L:":"::::ti:: .... " ,i.... . ...... .. t.'.':.:":':".":"i:'::r :i'i:""J1 .'}i't:':":1"ititi":'::::Y::":":'. ........ J...V::I.vIJ..:.. ... firm southern drawl. "But you just got through telling us this is an open place . . " came the response from a slightly frazzled sight- seer. "I'll check it out," the guide said as he stepped into a secur- ity office and made a quick call to Claernce Kelly or whoever handles things like unorthodox tourists. Finally, it was decided that the guy could take notes, but snapping, photos was still a no-nao. to be - fired a hand gun and a Thompson submachine gun which shredded the paper sil- houette of a man that served as a target. The agent then explained that the FBI doesn't use submachine guns except for demonstration purposes -- perhaps because they are such crowd pleasers. G-men do carry the .38 caliber pistols he demonstrated, but can request Magnum revolvers which rate a good real higher on the macho meter. !.s'ssfi . 'f'""ft '"vi ct/;;.1ux:. cc} iiissc ,f, s..v :{}. .. . a,.' .2itttti' lem. the tooth fairy, is the followin Oh, such impure thoughts. tribute: "The greatness of S Then, out of nowhere looms gar Hoover will remain insei a portrait of Mr. Hoover him- arable from the greatness a self. His ghost doesn't really the organization . . the in pervade the place, but one can't vincible and incorruptable d help thinking about him when (Continued on Page 10) the FBI is mentioned - even in Gordon Atcheson, Dil passing. Co-editor in Chief, is spend UNDERNE TH the ing the summer in W picture of the man who hated ington as an intern for tI pinkos and believed organized Knight Newspapers Wash crime was just about as real as ington Bureau. FROM THERE IT was a' THE PEOPLE AT the FBI quick run through the labs to are wonderful folks or at least watch technicians fiddle with