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June 04, 1975 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-04

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Wednesday, June 4, 1975


Doge Three

New groups
By GLEN ALLERHAND "It seems we
Second of a two-part series years ago. We
One of'the ironies of the crime struc- percentage asf
tare in any city is that the better the the FBI crime
police work done, the more criminal He sees a b
offenses are reported. manpower or t
The explanation lies in the very es- main reason f
sence of any successful crime - that with new look
it never goes detected. For every the crime are
criminal thatris' apprehended, there apprehensions.
must be several' who get away. apeesos
IT IS THEREFORE ppossible to have BUT SUCCE
a drop in the overall crime structure in is not strictlyc
a community while the number of peo- The recently
ple charged with criminal acts goes Anti-Rape Effo
up. is aiding. the p
teal assaults.
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Kras-
iv believes that crime in the city is In addition,a
ctually on the decline. Says Krasny, ty reporting s

assist crime prevention

hit a peak about two
're going down a small
far as the major crimes
index is based on."
better utilization of our
he street patrols as the
or the decrease, along
s at fighting some of
as, particularly in the
ries and an increase in
SSFUL iaw enforcement
dependent on the police.
established Community
rt, located in City Hall,
olice in combating sex-
in anonymous third par-
ystem has been set up

so that a rape victim not wishing to
be identified can still report details
about the assailant. The police record
this information in order to keep tabs
on an attacker should another assault
be committeed.
These two practical measures, the
anti-rape effort and the anonymous re-
porting system, reflect an evolving at-
titude of frankness towards rape that
is also apparent in Michigan's new rape
THE STATUTE, which became ef-
fective on April 1, is unique in the na-
tion. It divides sevual assault into four
varying degrees of severity, depend-
ing on the manner in which the as-
sault was conducted.
The new code attaches no gender to

either the "attacker" or the "victim,"
thus. making it possible for males to
prosecute under the law.
Furthermore, it does not require evi-
dence that the victim resisted attack,
to establish the occurrence of a rape,
as the old law did.
OF COURSE, one element necessary
to the smooth operation of a criminal
justice system are the courts. But, with
the huge volume of cases brought to
trial every year, court dockets are
Particularly sensitive to the situa-
tion are, the people who charge the
crimes. Washtenaw County Prosecu-
tor William Delhey remarks, "There
See NEW, Page 9

School board candidates
offer a wide spectrum of
s olutions to student issues

Second of a three-part series
An alarming number of stu-
dents in the public school system
today are "turned off" to the
whole educational process. In-
stead of enjoying their daily
lessons in reading, writing and
mathematics, m a n y simply
count the weeks until the school
year is over.'
Despite these seemingly in-
herent problems, the ten can-
didates in next Monday's school
board election hardly agree on
the precise needs of students in
the 70's. The seven men and
three women seeking the three
available board seats look at
the student in several different
TO SOME, the students are
"future adults," and should be
given meaningful responsibili-
ties as a matter of course. But
other candidates suggest the
pupils are confused, helpless
children who must be tightly
directed by more mature ele-
ments-their parents.
D. Stephen McCargar, a bus

driver for the Ann Arbor Trans-
portation Authority, criticizes
the current school discipline
policy and looks at it from a
student's point of view.
"There are some students in
the school system that have
very little respect for the people
who are meting out the disci-
pline because they view them
as either elitist or racist or re-
moved from the needs and sen-
sitivities of young people," he
McCARGAR goes on to rec-
ommend development of a
school staff that is more at-
tuned to students' needs - re-
moving, he says, the necessity
for a sat-r i n g e n t discipline
He also feels the board
should put more weight on ad-
visory opinions from students
in their decision-making. "A
community has to listen to the
people that the education sys-
tem is supposed to be serving,"
McCargar says.
Another candidate censures
See BOARD, Page 6

As part of the annual effort to spruce up the lobby of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
tihese two MIT workmen mounted scaffolding to shine and polish the window glass - and per-
haps sneak a bird's eye view peek at the Charles River as well.
Photographer recalls scene
before Kent State shootings
C L E V E L A N D, Ohio Kent streets. The protest was tified in legal papers filed in
- Students were laughing sparked by U. S military ac- connection with the trial as
and running from Ohio Nation- tion in Cambodia. Sgt. Myron C. Pryor. In ear-
al Guardsmen "like on Hollow- John Filo, who was a pho- lier proceedings that also.
een" moments before an out- tographer for the Kent State stemmed from the shootings,
burst of gunfire felled 13 stu- University yearbook in 1970, Pryor repeatedly, has denied
dents on May 4, 1970 at Kent also testifiel that it appeared a firing and has said his gun
State University, a. Pulitzer shot was triggered by one wasn't loaded.
Prize - winning photographer Guardsmen seen kneeling with Filo, now a staff photograph-
testified yesterday, a handgun slightly ahead of er for The Associated Press
The nine who were wounded other Guardsmen when the gun- in Kansas City, said he thought
and the parents of the four who fire erupted. he saw smoke come from the
died are seeking $46 million in The first shot came from a weapon.
damages from Gov. Jomes A. Guardsman carrying the pistol Another photographer, John
Rhodes, three former state of- who tapped other troops with Darnell of the Youngstown area,
ficials and 40 former Guards- his hand to hurry them up a a high school classmate of one
ten, hill, Harry Montgomery of San- of the four students slain in
T H HS H O O T I N G dusky, a student at the time of the 1970 shooting incident, be-
Capped three days - of demon- the shootings, testified later came the first witness so far to
strations that included the fiery yesterday. testify he had seen notices
destruction of the Army Reserve HE SAID the Guardsman from Kent State University pro-
Oicers Trainin Cocarrying a .45-caliber automa- hibiting the rally during which
o the Coru s buld- tic pistol "was the first to turn, the shootings occurred. Others
1f 'an the campus and window- and he fired. I saw the recoil." were questioned about the point
smashing sessions on downtown The Guardsman was iden- earlier.

''Medical School.:.
admissions steady
The barren economic condition of the state and a de-
creasing federal committent to medical education are
some of the reasons why the University's Medical School
will be accepting only 202 new students next fall, 35 less
than last year.
r; c"Those figures are, in all probability, essentially cor-
rect," said Dr. Colin Campbell, director of admissions "u
for the Medical School.
CAMPBELL SAID, however, that the classification of 35
fourth-year Inteflex students as first year medical students
will bring the number back to 237, so that the Medical
School class of 1979 will have no fewer graduates than in';
previous years.
Inteflex, an abbreviation for Integrated, Flexible, Medical
Program, is a special six-year curriculum combining pre-
medical and medical courses. Six years after graduating
from high school, Inteflex students acquire medical de-
The program's first class of students, who have com-
pleted three years as of this spring, will be designated first-
year medical students so that they may qualify for certain
federal scholarship funding, according to Medical School
Dean John Gronvall.

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