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June 04, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-04

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXV, No. 20-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 4, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Laro chosen as 'U' Regent
BvRTT B iLL T UE t: -f- 14 .." ,,t

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David Laro, a Flint tax attorney and
prominent figure in state Republican poli-
tics, was named to the University Board
of Regents by Governor Milliken yesterday.
Laro fills the seat vacated by Lawrence
Lindemer (R-Stockbridge), who was ap-
pointed to the State Supreme Court by the
governor last month, replacing the late
Thomas Kavanaugh.
LARO, A 1964 University graduate, de-
scribes himself as a "Milliken Republican."
At 33, he becomes the youngest member
of the Board. He will serve the remainder
of Lindemer's term, through December 31,
1980. His appointment is not subject to
approval by the Senate.
Laro said yesterday afternoon that he
was "extremely pleased to become a Re-
gent of the University of Michigan." He

said his experience as a tax attorney will,
he feels, be helpful to the Board, which
will soon be faced with a set of difficult
decisions regarding budget cutbacks and
a possible tuition hike.
Laro said the University's "fiscal bal-
ance" was probably its most pressing prob-
lem. He stated that tuition rates "should
be adjusted according to the student's abil-
ity to pay."
"I AM ALSO concerned about maintain-
ing the continued standards of excellence
in the professional schools," said Laro. He
feels salary levels should high enough to
retain "the best faculty members possible."
Laro's appointment was apparently a
hotly contested one. An aide to the governor
said Laro was selected from "an incredible
array of candidates." The aide said close
to 50 persons, including one University stu-

dent, submitted credentials to the governor.
Laro has a background of considerable
breadth in state Republican politics, having
served as Genesee County chairman for
Governor Milliken's election campaigns in
both 1970 and 1974. He has also been a
member of the state Republican leadership
steering committee, and is a former Gene-
see County party chairman.
LARO IS currently a partner in the Flint
law firm of Winegarden, Booth, Ricker,
Shedd, and Laro. He has represented many
large banks and corporations in corporate
tax litigation, and is himself a member of
the Board of Directors of the Genova Cor-
poration, a manufacturer of plastics.
Since January, 1972, Laro has been a
member, and subsequently chairman of,
the Tenure Commission of the Michigan
State Department of Education (MSDE).
See MILLIKEN, Page 7


Computer expert terms
spy network unfeasible

PRESIDENT FORD reviews the Mounted Corrazzieri
guards yesterday at the Presidential Palace in Rome.
Later, Ford told Pope Paul VI that the United States
will do "all that is possible for the progress, emphasis
and dedication to peace."
Ford meets Pope
on issue of peace
VATICAN CITY (1') - President Ford came to the cen-
ter of Roman Catholicism yesterday and told Pope Paul VI
the United States will do "all that is possible for the pro-
gress, emphasis and dedication to peace."
Ford, winding up his European trip, met for more than
an hour with the pontiff, exchanging views on the arms
race, the Middle East and aid to the world's poor.
THE POPE told Ford not to forget the "primacy of spirit-
ual and moral values" when forging U. S. policy. The Pope
said these values "direct social living no less - indeed
more -- than economic and military interests"
Ford answered that "we can develop those military
policies that are best aimed at maintaining peace. We
can continue to provide aid - both food giving and food
producing - for those less fortunate than ourselves."
Ford's Vatican stop concluded his European summit
See FORD, Page 9

A University computer spe-
cialist asserted yesterday that
a Pentagon national data net-
work-which NBC News says
was used to gather and distri-
bute information nationwide on
Vietnam war protesters-could
not have feasibly been used in
such an undercover project.
The Advanced Research Pro-
jects Agency (ARPA) computer
network, a telephone hookup
maintained by the Defense De-
partment and reportedly used to
transmit surveillance material
on over 600,000 American citi-
zens, is so accessible to the
public that "any individual can
hook into it, even from their
own home," according to the
assistant to the director of the
University MERIT computer
network, Nelson Navarree.
"THE ARPA net is sort of a
public network," Navarree ex-
plained. "I can't conceive of
why the Defense Department
would use such a computer net-
work to convey that surveil-
lance information when they
have their own networks and
data bases," he added.
One University computer
science undergraduate who used
the ARPA system at a conven-
tion last year said that there
seemed to be comparatively few
guards against outside access
to the network. "There are no
entrance codes and no pass-
words," he stated. "All you
have to know is the phone num-
In Monday night's newscast,
NBC correspondent Ford Rowen
indicated that governmet agen-
cies, a dozen private research
centers, and more than 20 col-
leges-including the University
-participated in the distribu-
tion of the information compiled
on ant-war demonstrators and
dissidents prior to 1971.
ROWEN TOLD The Daily yes-
terday that he believed the
ARPA net was used in the trans-
fer of information,.
But Robert Bartels, director

of the University's Computing
Center, denied any connections
existed between the University
and ARPA facilities.
"We have no official connec-
tion with the ARPA net. As far
as surveillance is concerned,
that is not the Computing Cen-
ter's function, and we do not
want to be involved in that
activity," he said.
University professors may be
individually listed as ARPA net
users for their own purposes.
But he agreed with Bartel's
statement, asserting that "the
University per se has never
been tied in with ARPA."
Rowen later explained that
the University was merely list-
ed as a "user" of the ARPA
system and did not serve as a

Ford approves new sex
discrimination guidelines

"host" in the network, storing
the classified information. "I
don't think the University did
anything wrong," he said.
The Central Intelligence Ag-
ency (CIA), Defense Intelli-
gence Agency, National Secur-
ity Agency, Rand Corporation,
and Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) are among
those still alleged to have han-
dled the information on a net-
work that the Defense Depart-
ment claims is used only for
military research, Rowen said.
600,000 entries have been in-
corporated into the central
files maintained by the FBI and
the Secret Service.
A spokesman front MIT de-
nied Monday night having any
See COMPUTER, Page 10

With Wire Service Reports
New Federal guidelines bar-
ring sex discrimination in vir-
tually all the nation's schools
and colleges, including the Uni-
versity, were sent to Congress
yesterday after being approved
by President Ford.
Officials in most University
departments do not anticipate
any major changes in procedure
to result from the new discrimi-
nation guidelines, which re-
quire equal treatment for males
and females in admissions, fi-
nancial aid, and classroom fa-
cilities. But if the new rules
go into effect as scheduled,
they could bring massive chan-
ges in the structure of the Uni-
versity's athletic department.
new Department of Health,
Education and Welfare sex dis-

crimination rules says that ath-
letics may be provided through
separate teams for males and
females or through a single
team open to both sexes where
competitive skill is involved.
"But if separate teams are
offered, a recipient institution
may not discriminate on the
basis of sex in provision of
necessary supplies, or in any
other way, but equal aggregate
expenditures are not required,"
the new regulations say.
However, schools would not
be required to allow women to
try out for contact sports such
as boxing, wrestling, rugby, ice
hockey, football, basketball or
others which involve bodily con-
tact as its purpose or its major
"IT'S NOT a suggestion that
colleges can refuse to offer foot-

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