Poge Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, June 3, 1975 Candidates offer curriculum ideas (Continued from Page 1) "I think the students have to be stimulated. I think we have to have a better environment, and I don't mean by that buildings or books-people have to learn to live with one another better and we have to be able to meet the needs of all the kids, no matter what" those needs are." Another candidate, however, favors more attention on basic education. John Heald, director of General Motors' Detroit Data Center, says new programs should not be added at the ex- pense of "basic programs" in the intermediate schools. "WE NEED a balanced pro- gram," says Heald, "and we do need to address some of the special needs. But we must do it within the framework of the total program." Heald also calls for more "comprehensive, be- fore - the - fact evaluations of spending decisions." Bermice Sobin is campaigning on what she calls "the original purpose of education for the in- dividual child." She adds that "a lot of money is being spent on experimental programs that shouldn't be gone into without careful consideration of whether we can expect the results that they were designed to produce." Sobin also feels more money should be spent on keeping the schools clean, and says she is' "violently opposed" to "new math." A FORMER school superin- tendent, Charles Moody, Sr., says that "the Ann Arbor pub- lic school system isn't respond- ing to the needs of many of the students, particularly non-mid- dle-class white kids and blacks and other minorities. "I think there needs to be someone on the board to help people deal with issues based on facts and data and not emo- tions," Moody says. "I see a need that boards of education have to get their roles in per- spective. Too much time . . . is spent trying to be adminis- trators." School board President Clar- ence Dukes, seeking a second term, says that "one of the most significant things we need to do is to continue the period of stability." As part of an effort to reinstitute good pro- grams and "slowly build the credibility with the school com- munity and the tax-paying com- munity," Dukes calls for co- ordination of the present school curriculum. WHILE HE favors the vari- ous "alternatives" which the school system offers, Dukes warned that "uncontrolled and totally unstructured" programs should be avoided. Dukes also says that "com- munication skills and reading . . . are extremely important. We need to be able to communi- cate and be understood, and un- derstand the written and spoken word." The issues of employe equity and administrative costs form an important part of D. Stephen McCargar's campaign. "The amount of money available for wage increases in the school system should be divided by the number of full-time em- ployes," he says. "All em- ployes should receive an equal dollar raise as opposed to a per- centage increase." McCARGAR also feels that administrative salaries in ex- cess of $25,000 should be frozen for two years. The school system, according to McCargar, "has neglected a sizeable segment of the student population which is generally passed from one class to an- other without the ability to read. and do basic kinds of mathe- matical functions." Human Rights Party candi- date'Shelley Ettinger-the only candidate with formal political- party backing, asks for a "com- munity control board" for every school. The board would be composed of half students, one- fourth school staff and one- fourth from the "non-student, non-staff" community." "THROUGH transferring the power over the schools from the administration-which is pretty much white men and rich peo- ple-to the people actually in- volved in the schools . . . we think we'd see a lot of changes," says Ettinger. Ettinger's platform also calls for women's self-defense in. struction and the teaching of "gayness" as "one of a spec- trum of way that people can re- late to each other." Incumbent b o a r d member Cecil Warner outlines two areas he feels need attention, He sup- ports greater emphasis on "the three R's," which he terms "the basic reason for school." WARNER also thinks the school buildings themselves, and the concepts used in designing them, m u s t be examined. "School buildings are built over- size," he says.' Warner opposes the "open classroom" concept. Maxine Henson, a real estate salesperson, says the school system should focus its atten- tion on being more efficient and being innovative as part of an attempt to provide "a qual- ity education for each student." She also emphasizes the need for reading programs, noting that some students "don't have the skills they need to go on to college." On the other side of the coin, Henson feels that vo- cational programs are "just as important as academics." THE SCHOOL system, accord- ing to George Wright, must be careful not to ignore "the large majority of our students" while it spends time on individuals. "I want to do as much for everybody as I can for one," tie says. "One of the areas that I would like to see some expansion," says Wright, "would be for the non-college-bound student. There seems to be a certain stigma placed on kids that don't take a college prep course. I'd like to see that removed and I would like to see some really practical courses that they can use to go out in the working community and get a job." COUWD SAVE A FRIEND'S LIFE. A phone call. A simple, ten-cent phone call for a cab could save your friend's life. If your friend has been drinking too much, he shouldn't be driving. The automobile crash is the number one cause of death of people your age. And the ironic thing is that the drunk drivers responsible for killing young people are most often other young people. Take a minute. Spend a dime. Call a cab. That's all. If you can't do that, drive him yourself. Or let him sleep on your couch. We're not asking you to be a doctor or a cop.Just a friend. - - - - -- -- DRUNK DRIVER, DEPT. Y* BOX 2345 ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852 E I want to savea friend's life. Tell me what else I can do. Myname is I Address_ City State Zip.. *YOUR H HIGHWAY SAFT Y ADVISORY COMM17TrELl IF YOU LETA FRIEND DRIVE DRUNK, YOU'RE NO FRIEND. E U.KS.DEPARTMENT PF TRANSPORTATION NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATUM New bookstore here (Continued from Page 3) Studies 240. The store also hopes to gain business from the other courses in the department. Arranged under such titles as Feminist Theory, Herstory, Novels and Poetry, some of the material is veryobviously so- men's material. But, indicating that the store shelves books by male and non- feminist authors, Gibson says, "they don't have to be feminist to have something to say to women, or to any- one for that matter." The collective is currently oat- aloguing every existing wo- men's book with comments on each entry. Most future plans for the store's expansion are being temporarily postponed until debts from the initial capital are cleared. But the Woman's Bookstore hopes to eventually put their profits into supporting local groups and individuals who have significant contributions to make to the women's move- ment. 10 lENUTS CO~~~~IUD 'RNSLFE Inthe time it takes to drive responsible for killing young people-l'----- - - - - - your friend home, you could save are most often other young people. [I DRUNKI R4 DEPT. Y' I his life. Take ten minutes.Or twenty. I ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852 If your friend's been drinking Or anhour.Drive your friend I Iwant to save a friend's life. too much, he shouldn't be driving. home. That's all.If you can't do , Tell me what else I can do. The automobile crash is the that, call a cab. Or let him sleep on I(may numberone cause of death of your couch: . . I me people your age.And the ironic We're not asking youtobe j Addr- I thing is thAt the drunk divers a doctor or a cop.Just a friend. Lf'' - stae. .zip-~~j .YOVMrH1 GHWAY SAFETYADVIS0RY C0MM& a IF YOU LET A FRIEND DRIVE DRUNKYOU'RE NO FRIEND.. ,.tIfN1'iIAN6POA'FIitE"NA 1NAiHIWAY 1A 1 fARYJN