Tuesday, June 3, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three- Govt. computers keep files on activists WASHINGTON (A) - FBI, CIA and Army computers, in a link involving more than 2(3 uni- versities, still contain surveil- lance files on thousands of anti- war protesters despite official assurances four years ago that the files would be destroyed, According to the report last night from NBC News, the files grew out of the late President Lyndon Johnson's directive to find out who was behind anti- war protests in the late 1960s. CORRESPONDENT Ford Rowan said the Defense Department sent 1,500 agents "into the field" in response In Johnson's order. Information was collected on various indi- viduals and was stored in com- puters, Rowan said. "In 1970, Sen Sam Ervin ex- posed the extent of Army spy- ing. He got the Pentagon to promise to stop its surveillance program and to destroy the files. But four years after the promise to Sam Ervin, the Ar- my's domestic surveillance files. still exist. "By January of this year, the Army domestic surveillance files had grown to 600,000 en- tries ont Americans and their protest activities." ROWAN SAID that "NBC News has learned that a new computer technology developed by the Defense Department en- abled the Pentagon to copy, distribute and secretly update the Army files. And - our sour- ces say - the Army's informa- tion on thousands of American protesters has been given to the CIA, and some of it is in CIA computers now." Rowan said some of the ma- terial also is in "FBI and Sec- ret Service files . .." He said the network used to distribute the data "links com- puters at the CIA, the De- fense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, more than 20 universities and a doz- en research centers, like the Rand Corp." HE SAID some of the files were transmitted: -In Octobe r1970 from com- puters at the Army's Fort Hola- bird in Baltimore to computers at the National Security Agency at Fort Meade, Md., and CIA computers at Langley, Va. -In January 1972 from Fort Meade to computers at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology in Cambridge, Mass. -IN JUNE 1974 from Army computers in Washington to computers at the headquarters of the Defense Investigative Service. NBC said the Army's Counterintelligence Analysis De- tachment incorporated the in- formation into a Defense De- partment master index on American citizens. NBC quoted Richard Fergu- son, a computer technician at MIT, as saying, "I've seen the data structure that they've used and it concerns a person's oc- cupation, their politics, their name, etc." Rowan said MIT says its computers were not used for spying, but "no one there seems to know why the military files were at MIT." last January, Army Secre- tary Howard Callaway said some intelligence information on the political activities of American civilians had been found in a microfilm library. He said then that he was or- dering the microfilm to be screened for the Purpose of re- moving all material on civilians not affiliated with the Defense Department. FBI ranks city crime rate high By GLEN ALLERHAND First of a two-part series When the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) released, its preliminary Uniform Crime Report (UCR) for 1974 earlier this year, Ann Arbor was in the number three slot at the top fifty crime centers in the coun- try. Utilizing the UCR figures, Er- nest Landler put forth a vague theory in the May 2 issue of New Times that major crimes occur most often in states with warm and sunny climates - "crime in the sunshine," in other words. Ann Arbor, it turns out, is one of the notable ex- ceptions. THE ANNUAL crime report issued by the FBI is based on reported crime figures filed with the Bureau by police de- partments from all over the country. Only major crimes of the Part I Class (burglary, rape, larceny, auto theft, ag- gravated assault, robbery and murder) are included. The compiled statistics are ranked according to a system which includes communities near and influenced by the cen- tral city - the Standard Met- ropolitan Statistical A r e a (SMSA). The SMSA for Ann Arbor is Washtenaw County. According to the FBI fig- ures outlined by Lendler, the area around Ann Arbor last year ranked behind Phoenix, Arizona, and Daytona Beach, Florida, with an average 7,- 746.9 major crimes reported for every 100,0E0 people. TOP - RANKED Phoenix came up with a figue of 8,165.2. Crime tallies recently re- leased for Ann Arbor proper show that 10,338 Part I Class crimes were reported between July 1, 1973 and June 30, 1974. Using the 1970 city census figure of 99,799, it can easily be computed that Ann Arbor has a crime rate some 34 per cent higher than the Washtenaw See FILES, Page 7 DOily Photo bv PAULINE LUSENS ANN ARBOR was recently tagged third highest crime center in the country, according to FBI statistics for 1974. Bicycle theft contributes sig nificantly to the burglary category figures and here a potential thief is featured in action. Few jobs for graduates By CATHERINE REUTTER tions can be attributed to the reces This year's graduates face a particularly cation is also hampered by the dec high slump in job openings, and the prospects rollment at most schools. for next year's class may be even worse. -FOR SOME Natura 1 Resources A survey released last month by the Col- "things are pretty grim", accordin lege Placement Council indicates an 18 per Chaffee of the School of Natural I cent dip in employment of college graduates In the Chemistry Department, the: compared to 1974, and the number of recruit- people who landed jobs is half of I ing visits planned at college campuses next figure. "Bachelor degrees are coo school year is predicted to drop another 6 per lot faster than I thought they a cent- prospects for Master's and Ph. D h " WU v s islowing down," says Kathy Teasda I' WUULD be very surprised if more than emt f 10 or 12 per cent of our graduates who are placement office. serious about getting into the job market Nationwide, a similar downtrend don't find something," says Evart Ardis, Ca- ring for graduate students. Doctor : reer Planning and Placement Director. How- holders have seen a 24 per cent ever, the number of recruiters has been off hiring, while those with master's h 12 to 14 per cent since last year." 17 per cent slump. Even those who find jobs may find them- "Some jobs we thought were tt selves overqualified. "I can guess that most tive of high school grads are now b of our students will wind up underemployed," by holders of bachelor's degree Ardis says, says. "Realistically, there are not g "There's very little hiring of teachers being jobs related to degree work. Bac done at this time," Ardis says. "It's been a grees will be job entries to a bro steady decline over the last few years." Like than in the past." most job squeezes, the loss in teaching posi- See FEW, Pale 1t! sion. Edu- line in en- students, g to Beth Resources, number of last year's ring up a ould, but olders are le of their tis occur- i ral degree decline in . have hit a he peroga- ming taken es," Ardis 'oing to be helor's de- ader field .. Y!- 3 New bookstore will serve women's needs By SUSAN ADES s Amidst the various commun- ity service offices on the se- rood floor of 225 East-Liberty, one can now find what re- sembles a bookshelf-lined lounge which is actually the home of the new Woman's Bookstore. "Store windows aren't every- thing," comments Judy Gibson, one of the more than 20 mem- bers involved in the store col- lective. SCANNING the array of wo- man-oriented books, pamphlets, records, T-shirts and buttons, Gibson says, "We'd like to think of ourselves as a resource cen- ter instead of just a bookstore." "The first thing that turns people off," Gibson says, "is that they think we have a nar- row approach and that it doesn't appeal to just anyone. Just be- cause it's relevant to women doesn't mean it isn't relevant for men. "Other bookstores have ap- pealed exclusively to men and they have ultimately attracted everyone, women included. This. store is geared toward women and is run entirely by women but the important thing is that it is for everyone," she adds. THE STORE, in operation since last April, stocks approx- imately 250 paperback titles, most from small publish3rs such as Loltipops, a young people's publisher with a non-sexist re- puttation. And since small distributirs in cities all over the coontry often fail to disseminate a ia w women's book releases, accrd- ing to Gibson, "you really have to do a lot of outreach to find out what's going on." The remainder of the stire's stock rouses from large distri- butors, donations and a s e k books. HOWEVER, the collective ias increased its business with large distributors recently as tIhe Woman's Bookstore will b( the exclusive carrier of course backs for the introductory Womn's 'See NEW, Page 6 am.----.-.-----... .... . __AfL.NYi.S1tL~L S.N M^L .4tY:.'.._' _..".S ......>5h. A Syr .g xti 1 N.4,y4 ..... *. r F #t'. ''+ '. r .'x R- . 'rY N , i i'fir':+'M : ', .a;# ;-. :Q::b. ..