The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Friday, May 30, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 Relief for squeezed bikers )URING WARM SUMMER afternoons, bicyclists take to the road for leisurely treks along some winding drive or other leading out of town. There's one major problem with those rides. The cars that also travel along those winding drives do not travel at leisure, and they're con- vinced that bicycles make good practice targets for a sometimes fatal game of dodgem cars. In the year ending last June, there were 79 bike acci- dents in Ann Arbor. Luckily, none were fatal. A lot can be said against bicycles using major roads. They are much slower than their gas-guzzling counter- parts, and thus present a very real traffic hazard. Their riders,-especially the younger ones, have an amazing ten- dency to disregard traffic rules and make sharp turns without signalling. Consider, however, the poor bicyclists' plight. There are 35,000 bikes in Ann Arbor, which might make for something of a crowd if they all had to ride on the side- walks. A HAPPY MEDIUM between the sidewalks and the busy streets might be secondary roads or side streets. The joy of riding along a traffic-free side street diminishes noticably when it dwindles into a cul-de-sac without warning. Outside of town, secondary roads often become gravel or dirt, unpleasant enough when you ride down them in a closed, air-conditioned car, let along an open air bicycle. The best alternative to this mess, one that would make bicyclists estatic, would be a massive expansion of bicycle trails in and around Ann Arbor. The bike trail to North Campus is a good example. Paved and away from traffic, it keeps most of the bicyclists happy and off the road. New bike trails would cost a good deal of money, but federal, state and local revenues can be obtained to cover that. Safety for bicyclists and relief for beleaguered drivers and pedestrians is worth the price. PIRGIM REPORTS Tenant's Corner Not enough ispectors By LARRY COOPERMAN tion of the set date by which Some preliminary steps tow, ONE OF THE issues involved repairs are to be made, bar- ards correcting the situation is the recent city budget ring extensions of the time lim- would be to enlarge the staff controversy has been how much it, an all too frequent occur- so that each rental unit caa funding should be allotted fo r rence. Thus, the housing code's be inspected as often as the building inspectors. Essentially, teeth are poorly developed and the issue boils down to what is have decayed from disuse. code requires, and to make vis- the minimum number of inspec- FOR TENANTS who are wil- lation of the code a criminal tors needed for which ,philoso- ling to go through the bureau- offense, as it is in Ypsilanti. phy of code enforcement. Under cratic rigmarole and who rely The criminals of the horising the Republican administration, on the building officials to en- crisis should be treated as such there have been four actual building inspectorsrand I h r e e . .* ...,.,,.,..,,, ... .*..*...* .**..*..*.**.. ..* .** supervisors. Their philosophy ;:::";":":.....:....:...... has been one of passive c o d e "Rental units are inspected once every ten enforcement, responding only to irate tenants, and, even then, years on the average, as opposed to once every often unsatisfactorily. Rental two years, as the code requires. units are inspected once every ten years, on the average, as "s,-ss:<,s,;se;;s:.ssv' s:::'""""::::::::.: .:.:.:r.., opposed to once every two years, as the code requires. sure that there is a certain level when they flagrantly disregard While the number and quality of maintenance, the problem is human needs. Rather, they are of the inspectors may be defic- twofold: 1) the building staff is now rewarded with the extra ient, there is also a problem small and has a total lack of profits that accrue to the slum- with the housing code itself. aggressiveness in enforcing the lord. The "teeth" of the code is a code, and 2) the code is lacking fine of not less than five dol- in that it does not effectively re- Larry Cooperman is c lars per day per violation. This quire quick and timely compli- member of the Ann Arbor fine is levied after the expira- ance with its provisions. Tenants Union. Rally today Namidia: Call for reform By The Movement for a New Society Blacks may not work in "white" jobs, live i NAMIBIA IS AN African country adjoining "white" areas and may not even use whit South Africa. It has a population of just over bathrooms. half a million with an 80 per cent Black major- An armed liberation struggle is in progress in ity. The country is rich in mineral resources, es- Namibia. pecially diamonds. The white regime in South A group of students has formed on campus Africa presently occupies the territory, despite to bring Namibia to the attention of the Ann reneated UN resolutions calling on it to withdraw. Arbor community. They are members of the The U.S. has supported South Africa several African Student Association, the Movement for times in the UN over Namibia, and continues to a New Society (MNS) and others. MNS is or supply the regime with strategic materials in the ganizing nation-wide to increase awareness about face of UN sanctions. an area where the U.S. is as heavily involved as U.S. corporations are heavily invested in Nam- in south-east Asia in the early 60's, and as ibia where they profit from the plentiful supply explosive. of black labor. Blacks may not vote; they receive THEY ARE BEGINNING by holding a rally little education and are forced to work as migrant on the Diag to disseminate information on Friday, laborers for the whites. The policy of Apartheid May 30, at 11:30 a.m., with a movie in the eve- is applied equally to 'Namibia as in South Africa. ning in MLB Lecture Room 1. Working full-time in the public interest By JOSEPH S. TUCHINSKY A LTHOUGH this is tIe ' ast PIRGIM REPORTS c o I- umn until the fall, PIRGIM's work goes on. The summer is generally our busiest time, when we start the research phase of many of the new projets to 'e released in the coming year. Srmmer school students at MSU can now support PTiSICIM for the first time. Startii tlbs year, the same voluntary $1 con- tribution system used in tal, winter, and spring quarters 'sil be available at summer term registration, too. The : t r a money will be ised to finance more nrojects. If you're attend- ing MSU this summer, we hope you'll check Yes to support PIR- GIM. We have j u s t annrounced awards to the five stuident.s who will participate in this year's summer internship program. The students, chosen f r o m more than 70 applicants, will work full-time on puli: interest research and advocacy w i t )) PIRGIM's professional staff in Lansing, receiving a $600 stip- end for the summer. SELECTED WERE. Nina Bunin, 26, a University of Michigan graduate student in the School of Natural Resources. John Chapman, 19, a sopho- more in MSU's public policy school, J a m e s Madison Col- lege. Patrick Lyons, 20, an MSU junior majoring in social sci- ence. Lawrence Lempert, 23, a fir.3t- year student at the University of Michigan Law School. David Klein, 23, also a first- year law student at the Univer- sity of Michigan. The interns were chose by a committee composed of four students and a profesaional staff member, appointed bv 2R- GIM's student board of direc- tors. After publicizing the avail- ability of the positionso:s PIR- GIM's five member car.-puscs,. the committee evaluated each application and interviewed about half of those who anplied. "Selection was really tough," said Ben Bifoss, a Central Mich- igan University senior who was a member of the selection cnn- mittee. "More than twice as many people applied this year as last year. And mane of them were obviously well qeal- ified." THE COMMITTEE basnd its, decisions on academic abilby, previous social-change exper- ience, writing ability, and pos- sessions of skills particularly relevant to PIRGIM' , summer projects. According to Bifoss, the in- terns will be working on a wide variety of projects. PIRGIM is planning studies on deceptive practices in apartmect rentals, state support for puolic vs. pri vale transportation systems, and environmental review pol- icies on state highway construc- tion projects. In addition, we are preparing briefs for inter- vention in utility rate cases be- fore the Public Service Con.. mission and preparing lawsuits on several government reform issues. In addition to these new pro- . jects entering their initial stag- es, a number of previous pro- jects are still in progress. PIRGIM lobbyists are still pressing for passage of HB 4296, a state law which, if pas- sed, would require deposits on all soft drink and beer contain- ers sold in Michigan. In part because of stiff opposition, this bill is stalled is the I1o u s e Consumers Committee. ONE FACTOR in its favor is an exhaustive report on the economic effects of passage of. the bill, now being completed by the Michigan Public Service Commission. The study covers energy savings, solid-waste benefits, economic effects on brewers, bottlers, distributors, and retailers, and net employ- ment effects. Rumors in Lansing hold that most facts in the re- port are so favorable to pas- sage that some industry-orient- ed officials in the Comnaission's parent body, the Department of Commerce, are pressuring for changes in the report or, failing that, hoping to delay release un- til too late to affect the legis- lation. Another piece of PIRGIIt-sup- ported legislation, the Consumer Protection Act, has just got- ten out of committee 'n the Senate where it is numbered SB 2. The Senate Judiciary Com- mittee, headed by Sen. Basil W. Brown (D-Highland Park) amendments on the Senate floo which restore the bill to esser tially the form in which it 'as introduced, we expect to OP pose the Senate bill and wor for passage of the House ver sion, HB 4433, sponsorelb Rep. Joseph Forbes (D-0 Park). G C C tS t sdded so many weakening joehS.Tci amendments that PIRGIM and Joseph S. Tuchmsky is th other consumer-organization Executive Director of t h supporters are now opposed to Public Interest Researd he bill. Unless there are Group in Michigon. SUPR5EME Cottr o0%146 SMKANc gceS 1-0b 1Z SCRUMWI/eaN-1eAptt OPC -toi ,_e- -f 4 *t