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May 30, 1975 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1975-05-30

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Friday, May 30, 1975 THE
Leftist Portugese govt.
seizes Maoists during
midnight police raids

LISBON, Portugal P - Por-
tugal's leftist military rulers
cracked down on a militant Ma-
oist party yesterday. A party
spokesman said 500 members
were seized in a predawn raid
on its Lisbon headquarters and
Spokesmen for the dissident
and highly vocal Movement for
the Reorganization of the Party
of the Proletariat (MRPP) said
troops of Portugal's military se-
crity force sacked party of-
fices and seized party records.
THEY SAID 500 party mem-
hers were taken to Caxias pri-
sm near Lisbon and will be
transferred to the Berlengas Is-
an'S, a tiny archipelago 10
amiI, off the central Portugu-
e- coastt
There was no official confir-
mtaion of any arrests, but about
75 relatives of MRPP members
gathered outside Caxias to seek

The prison was a detention
center for political foes of the
right-wing regime toppled 13
months ago. After the revolu-
tion it was used to hold agents
of the former secret police, but
most of the prisoners have been
moved to other prisons.
AN OFFICIAL communique
said the raid was ordered be-
cause of MRPP's "falsely revo-
lutionarv" activities and atti-
tudes of "confrontation," which
threatened internal security.
The military regime said it
would "guarantee fundamental
civil liberties" endangered by
MRPP's "violence and the
practice of aggression threaten-
ing public order."
The MRPP has held frequent
demonstrations calling for an
end to "military dictatorship."
Party members stormed the
U.S. Embassy on May 18,
roughing up a civilian American
security guard and two U. S.
Marine guards.

Unspent funds won't
affect 'U' students
By DAVID WHITING Sedicum explained that the
$675 average for this past schoo
As official with the U.S. year could have been some $12
Office of Education stated yes- higher had the surplus fund-
terday that University students been correctly anticipated.
ere "not directly affected" by
the department's f a i I u r e to She enphasized that original
spend one-fourth of the $535 1v 700110 students had beet
millon n feera grat mney acepted tor grants bitt later
tillion its federal grant motey 100,0 of these declined pay
available for needy college stu- menat-accounting for the extra
dents during the 1974-75 school 1.35 million.


Pedigreed pooch
Scott Lister and his dog Blitz were contestants at the Genesee County 4-H dog show last week,
They won second place in the costume category dressed as fishermen. It makes one wonder what
took first place.

Hospital bonds

H owever, Diane Sedicun, as-
sistant to the director of the
Div;-ison of Basic and State Stut-
d'tt Grants, admitted that if
the office had foreseen the $135
nillion surplus, "It's possible
the individual student grants
Woaid have been higher."
THE UNSPENT surplus could
have provided help for another
100,000 students, on top of the
approximately 600,000 who re-
ceived Basic Educational Op-
portunity Grants (BOG) rang-
ing from $5 Oto $1050.

WITH TIlE program in ex-
istence for only two years. Sedi-
cum contended, there was no
wa to forecast the number of
students not wanting grants af-
ter being accepted. "We've had
no program experience . . . You
have to have something to go
on to make predictions."
Congress has appropriated $660
million for BOG's next year and
Sedicum expects permission to
carry over the $135 million and
apply it to grants also. The
Senate has already given the

University Hospital officials
have responded favorably to a
statewide referendum proposal
that would provide for the fi-
nancing of a new University
Hospital with a $150 million
bond issue instead of annual
state appropriations.
"A statewide bonding issue,
if successful, would clearly se-
cure the future of a new hos-
pital," said acting Hospital Di-
rector Dave Dickinson, yester-
HOWEVER, he added that fi-
nancing the construction of the
new unit would involve "very
likely, several funding sources,"
inciding private fund raising
and other unnamed revenues.
The resolution for a referen-

dum on the bond issue, spon-
sored by Rel. Gary Owen (D-
Ypsilanti) and co-sponsored by
D o m i n i c Jacobetti (D-Nega-
nuee) is die to be introduced
into the state legislature within
a week.
"There's certainly a positive
reaction," said John Zugich,
associate director of the Univer-
sity Hospital. He stated that
the alternative, annual state fi-
nancing, would have forced the
University to construct the hos-
pital piecemeal, over a longer
period of time.
"WHEN YOU'RE building a
piece and it's so closely inter-
related to anything older that
has to remain, it creates tre-
mendous operational problems,"
explained Zugich.

School board hopefuls debate funds.

"This (bond issue) would then
be one method to replace it in
the time frame that would be
important for the hospital to
continue." Zugich added that,
"A total replacement would
take about five years."
While most University officials
as-well as the resolution's spon-
sors say they feel that the bond
issie has a good chance of be-
ing unproved by the voters, Hill
Dergis, assistant director of
capital planning, claims that
the project will still be faced
with "money problems right off
the bat."
THE ISSUE, according to
Dergis, is "how do you build
stch a hosnital while you keep
the existing one going. The
thing is really shot through with
great kinds of problems."
Dergis also claimed that
"Gary Owens was a little ont
of bounds by bringing it about
without the concurrence of other
legislators." He added that,
"we would have expected it
(the resolution) from the capi-
tal outlay committee chair-
Owens responded to this: "Let
the joint capital outlay mem-
bers take care of themselves."
It has the support of the chair-
man, "there doesn't have to be
any coordinating capacity."
HE CITED the history of his
interest in the resolution as
springing from his dual mem-
bership in the joint capital out-
lay committee and higher edu-
cation subcommittee - which
he chairs.
Owens says that the need for
a new hospital first came to
his attention through state fund-
ed studies on the old hospital
unit which were requested by
the University and from discuss.'
sions with the Medical School

Discussion of money in the city's public
school system-where it should come
from and what it should be spent on-
dominated a meeting last night of the
ten candidates for the school board.
All but one of the seven men and three
women seeking the three available board
seats support the two millage renewal
requests which will appear on the June
9 baot. Opinion, however, was sharply
divided on whether the proposed 1.5 mill
increase is necessary.
GH RGE WRIGHT told the audience
of less than 50 at Pioneer High School
that "after a lot of deliberation and soul-
searching, I have decided that I am not
in favor of (the millage increase pro'
posal)." He said he thought cuts in ad-
ministrative expenses could produce the
needed funds.

Another candidate, D. Stephen Mc-
Cargar, termed the millage increase
proposal "premature," and suggested at
least $300,000 could be cut from the
school budget in several areas including
consulting fees. He said administrators'
salaries over $25,000 should be frozen.
Human Rights Party candidate Shelley
Ettinger opposes all three millage re-
quests because of the property-tax sys-
tem they are based on. As an alterna-
tive, she feels a state-wide, steeply-
graduated income tax should finance the
public school system.
MOST OF THE candidates favoring the
mill increase cited inflation and a $3.7
million cutback in state aid as reasons
for needing additional revenue. Their
opponents have charged that increases
in both property value assessments and

the tax base offset financial losses.
Incumbent Trustee Cecil Warner, who
is heading the school board's millage
drive, voiced the strongest support for
the increase. Without the additional $1.3
million it is expected to produce, he
said, "I guarantee you that we cannot
offer the same program next year that
we did this year,"
Similarly, John Heald contended that
"we need a 'yes' vote to avoid further
cuts in our educational programs."
who is seeking his second three-year
term on the school board, said a decline
in purchasing power over the last five or
six years make additional revenue
Seated in a long row under hot, bright
lights, the candidates presented their

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