Page Ten THiE MiCHiGAN DAILY Thursday, May 29; 1975 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Thursday May 29, 1 975~ I 1976 BICENTENNIAL SALE. WE NEED CASH-SALE. 3 DAYS ONLY-Thurs., May 29, Fri., May 30, and Sat., May 31 Garrard Turntables Model 42 REG. $94.95 BLOW-OUT $49.88 PRICE IEModel 70 REG $13995 BLOW-OUT $179.88 PRICE Model 86 REG $159.88 SINGLE PLAY BLOW -OUT $119.95 PRICE Tape Prices Cut Maxell UDC 90 REG. $6.49 $2.90 UD 35-7 REG. $8.70 Now $5.25 TDK ED 90 RE. $5.60 Now $3.00 Superscope HF-62 REG. $1.49 Now 99c Superscope Portable Recorders C-10l REG. $59.95 Now $39.95 C-102 REG. $79.95 Now $59.95 C-106 REG. $109.95 NOW $89.95 C-108 REG. $159.95 Now $124.88 336 S. State, SANSUI Price Cut 881 REG. $529.00 Now $399.95 661 REG. $349.95 Now $289.95 AN-IDI REG $99.95 Now $79.95 ORX 6001 REG. $759,00 Now $549.95 JENSEN. Speaker Dump Model 3 REG. $99.50 DUMP $69.88 PRICE EACH Model 4 REG $12995 DUMP $97.77 PRICE EACH Model 5 REG $199.50 PCE * SHURE Cartridge Sale M91ED . . . . $54.95 $17.88 I VEt TYPE Ill . . $77.50 $56.00 UNLIMITED STOCK SUPERFIEX HEADPHONES TL-3 REG. $39.95 S~iC 10$29.88 SAVE UP TO 30% ON ENTIRE HEADPHONE STOCK ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE super savings on many demo models AN N ARBOR MUSIC, MART I. State House unit to hear bills for non-smokers LANSING (UPI) - H o u s e Public Health Chairman Ray- mond Hood says his comnmittee Will consider a series o4 bills next Thursday aimed at pro- tecting the rights of non amok- '"There seems to be cansider- able support for this kind of legislation and it only seemss fair that non-smokers be pro- vided some kind of protection from the smoke of_ someone else's cigarette," Hood, (D-De- troit), said Wednesday. THE BILLS to be cansidered would limit smoking in host/i- sas, nursing homes ad h "ees for the aged and res .i-:t smst k ing in public buildisgs a tdid oh- lic meetings. Hood said he does not sspp legislation that bans s asskng altogether even thou,;h hiscur- mitee will take up bill, pr.- hibiting smoking in elevators theaters, libraries, art muse ums, concert hulls ad retaur- ants. It's a spewing smoke- stack. It's litter in the streets. It's a river where fish.can't live. You know what pollu- tion is. But not everyone does. So the next time you see pollution, don't close your eyes to it. Write a letter. Make a call. Point itout tosomeone who can do something about it. People start pollution. People can stop it. sh* Americie- m IA#IKAMEIIIIMD WON Ann Arbor, Michigan, 769-4980