Thursday, May 29, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Ci*ty gets budget in spite ofConi dissatisfaction (Continued from Page 1) will ,be layed off," Murray in- formed Council. "I am sorry." Rothbart, who headed the Community Planning and Man- agement staff, the Building and Safety Engineering Department, has worked as Murray's assist- ant since 1969. ALTERNATE proposals jug- gling the city's $18.6 million general fund budget and $9.5 million in other special budgets had earlier been prepared by each political party. Each of these alternate budgets was moved by its respective origi- nators, as substitutes for Mur- ray's, but none garnered the required seven votes necessary for successful substitution. Following these perfunctory motions, Council commenced negotiations aimed at produc- ing agreement on several minor budgetary items, and came up with the $60,000 in amendments to Murray's budget. The Parks and Recreation Department received the heal- thiest benefits from Council's modifications, realizing an ad- ditional $6,800 for playground programs, $6,500 for more nat- ural ice rinks and $3,000 for recreation fee subsidies to go so low income family children. DISTRICT Court also gained an additional clerk-typist, Pro- ject GROW was given $4,000, the Building and Safety Depart- ment emerged with another housing inspector and the refuse collection division received one more equipment operator. To balance these budget ad- ditions, Council cut $11,500 from the Human Rights Department. $10,000 from police overtime, $5,000 from conference and training fees, $1,400 from data processing, $1,500 from dues and licenses and $3,000 from equipment funds. Jamie Kenworthy (D - Fourth Ward) one of three Council members who voted against the final budget draft, explained his decision saying, "I cannot vote for this (budget) because it rep- resents a total lack of sensitiv- ity to the people out there (Ann Arbor citizens)." COUNCILWOMAN Carol Jones (D-Second Ward), who engi- neered negotiations f o r the Democrats in Tuesday's session, a c t e d affirmatively on the budget, but prefaced her vote with complaints, saying, "I am very unhappy with this budget, and in many ways I am un- happy with the revisions made tonight." Murray also spoke to the re- vised budget, highlighting the tender issue of layoffs. "I know what it is to be poor," com- mented Murray, "and I know what it is to be without a job. I didn't like laying people off." Although the budget for the coming fiscal year is now set, Council's allocation of the $2.4 million in CDRS funds could substantially change the finan- cial outlook for social and hu- man services within the city. The channeling of this money as suggested by a citizens commit- tee late last year is now being reviewed by the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment (HUD). With an eye to the future, Wheeler promised Council that he would work hand-in-hand with Murray next year in pre- paring the next city budget. He furthermore called for reinstitu- ting quarterly reviews of the new budget, coupled with a re- view of administrative positions within city hall to determine which positions were no longer necessary. Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN FOURTH WARD Democratic Councilman Jamie Kenworthy relaxes for a moment during City Council's lengthy session on Tuesday night in which the budget of City Administrator Sylvester Murray finally went into effect. President reaffirms strong tieswith NATO countries Concert site named The closed Municipal Golf of the golf course to the Fuller Course on Fuller Road was ap- Pool posed potential parking proved by City Council Tuesday problems. Acknowledging this, night as the site of the city's Council ruled that concertgoers summer rock concert series set not be permitted to use the to begin June 15. pool's parking facilities. Although five other sites were However, according to Owers, also investigated as possible lo- the golf course is grassed, and cations for the concerts, the has sufficient area to accom- Fuller site was determined as modate the expected crowds. the most desirable, while not The course is also within walk- ideal. ing distance from Campus, and ACCORDING to Parks S .2 p t. electricity and water is pr)id- George Owers, the proximity ed on-site. (Continued from Page 1) being." SIX DAYS of hectic diplom- acy await Ford in Europe. In Brussels, then later in Madrid, Salzburg and finally in Rome he has arranged meetings with the heads of 17 allied and friendly governments. Issues he will discuss include the American role in the world, East-West relations, the secur- ity of the Atlantic sealanes, possibilities of a resumed Amer- ican-led quest for an Arab-Is- raeli peace and the state of the North Atlantic Treaty Organiz- ation. The state of NATO will be dominant during the two-day s'ummit conference of the 15 al- lied leaders who yesterday were beginning to assemble and meet with each other here. INSTABILITY stalks along NATO's southern flank from Ankara to the Azores. This flows from the Greek-Turkish feud over Cyprus and from the left-wing takeover in Portugal. Against this background Ford has been pressing - with little success thus far - his reluctant NATO allies to formally recog- nize the contrihution Spain is making to Western security through its military cooperation with the United States. Most European members of NATO are still opposed to the idea of associating themselves with the authoritarian regime of Generalissimo Francisco Franco, which won power in 1939 with the help of Hitler and Mussolini. THERE ARE problems in NATO's central sector too. There the arms and armies of the Communist countries are catching up with the allies in terms of quality and combat capacity. Soviet strength is also mounting in the northern sec- tor, especially in the arctic and in the seas around Norway. Political uncertainties and economic stresses have been alarming NATO as well. Euro- peans have been questioning the validity of American presiden- tial pledges in the aftermath of the fall of America's allies in Indochina and at a time when Congress seems bent on pre- serving its regained rights and powers to check and balance executive actions. And leaders like West Ger- man Chancellor H e 1 m u t Schmidt intend to press the need for the allies to work to- gether more closely in the eco- nomic, trading and monetary fields. A game to Enjoy and get better at Billiards at the UNION 20%7 I You can't Miss it almost means not course books, calculators, copying,or photo supplies. HOURS: M-F 9:30-5:30, Sat. 12-5 Important NOTICE Important Deadline for the Sports Section Freshman Supplement 1975 Is SATURDAY, May 21 at 3 p.m.