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May 29, 1975 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1975-05-29

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Thursday, ay 29; 1 7$:


Pacie Three-

---------2-195T- iC IAND IL a~ hre

Class of- '75
faces gloomy
job prospects

Special to The Daily
WASHINGTON - This year's
college graduates face much
grimmer prospects in the job
market than anyone had imag-
ined, according to a survey re-
leased yesterday by the College
Placement Council ('PC).
The study, based on question-
naires sent to over 1,t00t poten-
tial employers across thc coun-
try, said that 18 per cent few-
er graduates will be hired this
year as compared to 197-1. P-:e-
viously CPC, a non-profit or-gan-
ization of college placement
counselors, predicted a f o vr
per cent drop, based on a No-
vember survey.
A MAJOR factor in the hi, ing
decline was the extended down-
turn in the economy. Both the

automotive and constructive in-
dustries, among the hardest hit
by the recession, will have *lt
per cent fewer openings for cofl-
lege grads in 1375, the C PC
The only employers anticipat-
ing an increase a ;jobs are
state and local goverimeats, pe-
troleum manufacturers an s'von-
profit institutions.
In 1974, the industries survey-
ed hired nearly 86,060 college
graduates but projected that
15,000 fewer jobs will be avail-
able this year.
"FOR THE major tv of grad-
uates, supply was seen as ex-
ceeding demand unless the eco-
nomy improves substantially, '
the report says. "Comments an
next season's outlook seem to
indicate that little improvement

is expected uptil possibly Spring,
The decline has hit all degree
levels. Doctoral candidates will
find 20 per cent fewer jobs.
Master's and Bichelar -:degree
holders should get 1' per cent
and 18 per cent fewer positions
But top studen' s, 'minorities,
and women in hi4h-demand
fields should to "i a strong
competitive pas ticon,' the sur-
vey noted.
THE STUDY'S fidLirgs wc re
presented at the opening of a
three-day CPC national conven-
tion which has drarn leading
educators and poliician,.
Yesterday, Mlargarct Gor don
of the Carnegie Counci on Pol-
icy Studies in Higher !,duca-
See FEW, Page 6

$135 million in student
- - -' grants remain unspent

Schoolhouse shootout
An unidentified man injured in a shooting at a Brampton, Ontario high school isI
the school to an ambulance yesterday. The student doing the shooting killed himse
a classmate and a teacher as well as wounding 17 others.
Ruling refused on RegE
possible conflict o inte

W A S H I N G T O N R -
One-fourth of the $535 million
is federal grant money avail-
able for needy college students
during the 1974-75 school year
was not spent, the U. S. Office
of Education said yesterday.
The unspent. $135 million
could have provided help for
another 100,000 students, on top
of the approximately 600,000
who received Basic Education-
al Opportunity Grants (BOG)
ranging from $50 to $1,050.
THE disclosure comes as an
embarrassment to the adminis-
tration, which had initiated the
BOGs program two years ago
as a means of earmarking fed-
eral money for the needy and,
at the same time, reducing di-
rect federal assistance to edu-
cational institutions.
Diane Sedicum, an assistant
to the director of the Division
of Basic and State Student
Grants, said about 100,000 ad-
ditional students had applied
for and received notice of
eligibility last school year. But,
she said, those students later
decided not to go to school or
AP Photo enrolled on a part-time basis or
in programs ineligible for the
Congress., has appropriated
removed from $660 millidn for BOGs next year
lf after killing and the administration is seek-
ing permission to carry over the
. unspent $135 million and apply
it to grants also.
IN ITS first year, $122.1 mil-
n t s lion was appropriated for BOG
grants for incoming freshmen
only. About 525,000 applied and
220,000 received grants.
re st a e vrfo 937 ob
Ire Sedicumn said $60 million was
ste time," said
were some ser-
volved here. It tr
kpassing, but it
D the attorney The pre-trial hearing of argu-
e will research ments against trespassing char-
ssue an opinion ges facing 44 members of the
sly as possible Graduate Employes U n i o n
within the next (GEO) continued yesterday,
s. 'with the prosecution calling wit-
is a creature of nesses in an effort to show why
aid Lansing At- charges should not be dismiss-
e Swift, also a ed. The GEO members were
Swift said Pow- arrested while picketing out-
an elected offi- side of the University's Plant
University Board Department buildings on Febru-
litional claims of ary 27 and 28.
s dealings with Walter Stevens, assistant di-
e it impossible rector of the University Depart-
if Ethics to rule ment of Safety testified that the
driveway where the pickets
ought the Board were arrested is owned by the
cking the entire University and that there is no
ning the matter "crosswalk" in that area.
general's office, THE DEFENSE has attempt-
sdictional issues ed to show that the place of the
taybe it is buck- arrests is frequently used by
t know." the public, Defense attorney

added to the $475 trillion ap-
propriated for freshmen and
sophomores in the 1974-75
school year.
Sedicrim said the law au-
thorized a minimum of i$200 and
a maximum of $1,400 per grant
btt, based upon the govern-
ment's higher projection of
how many students would be
eligible, the actual range was
reduced to $50 and $1,050 to
avoid running out of money.
A B O U T 1.4 million stu-
dents applied last year and
700,000 were told they were
eligible. Sedicum said that
would have consumed the full
amount available if all had
requested grants.
Even at the lower figure of
600,000, the average grant should
have been $750 but was re-
duced to $675 because many
students enrolled in education-
al programs of more than six
but less than eight months dur-
ation, requiring grant reduc-
tions, and others simply drop-
ped out of school and lost part
of their grant.
Next year the government ex-
pects 2.2 million applications
from needy freshmen, sopho-
more and juniors and expects
one million to be found eligible
and request payments, Sedi-
cum said.
Eligibility is based upon a
complex index taking into ac-
count such factors as total fam-
ily income, number of wage
earners, family size and ages,
tax payments, and unusually
high medical or casualty ex-
penses. A student was eligible
last school year if his family's
index fell below $12,000.
Donald Koster pointed out that
while there is no crosswalk
marked with lines, there are
sidewalks at either side of the
side of the driveway.
This argument was some-
what weakened by the testi-
mony by Stevens and by Rich-
ard Wedge, manager of main-
tenance and construction in the-
Plant Dept., who testified that
pickets did occasionally enter
inside of a fence which encloses
the University property in that
Koster remarked after the
hearing that the testimony for
the prosecution "didn't hurt us,
but didn't help us either"
The hearing will continue on
June 8, and according to Koster,
could run three more sessions
before a decision on the motion
to dismiss the charges is re-

The State Board of Ethics
yesterday denied University Re-
gent Sarah Power's (D-Ann Ar-
bor) request for an opinion on
whether her husband's business
relationship with the University
constitutes a conflict of interest
for her.
The seven - member b o a r d
ianimnoosly ruled it was not
within their jurisdiction to rule
an the ethical behavior of Pow-
er, an elected public official.
According to Act 196 of the state
Code of Ethics, the Board may
act only in cases involving ap-
pointive officials of the state's
executive branch.
POWER'S husband, Phillip, is
a shareholder in Suburban Com-
munications, parent company
for a string of suburban weekly
newspapers, some of which ad-
vertise U-M Dearborn course
offerings, Mr. Power also holds
an interest in the Averilt Press,
a printing and typesetting serv-
ice which has entered bids for

University printing jobs. Power
said Tuesday his business with
the Unversity never totalled
more than $300 to $400 a year.
Donald Willis, Executive Sec-
retary to the Board, said yes-
terday, that Mrs. Power does
not belong to either the cate-
gory employe or "public offi-
cer" of the executive branch as
defined in Act 196.
"It was simply a lack of jur-
isdiction," said Willis. "We
didn't even get into the specifics
of the case."
THE CASE will now return t a
the office of State Attorney Gen-
eral Frank Kelley, whom Power
contacted in February for a rul-
ing on the possible conflict of
interest. Kelley referred the
case to the Board last month.
Assistant State Attorney Gen-
eral John Pirich, a member of
the Board, said the attorney
general always refers questions
concerning- ethical conduct of
public officials to. the Board,
"This is not some sort of a

charade to wa
Pirich. "There
ious issues in
looks like buc
really isn't."
general's office
the case and i
"as expeditiou
. . sometime
couple of week
"All we are
the statute," s
torney Theodor
Board member.
er's status as
cial ,and the t
of Regents' trad
autonomy in it
the state, mad
for the Board o
on the case,
Asked if he th
was merely du
issue by return
to the attorney
he said, "Juri
are like that. M
passing, t don't

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