The Michigan Daily Vol LXXXV, No. 15-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 28, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Council nears decision on city's 1975 budget City Council continued deliberations on budget proposals for the 1975-76 fiscal year well into the early hours of this morning, but it seemed increasingly ap- parent that City Administrator's Sylves- ter Murray's basic plan would go into effect July 1. City budget proposals different from those developed by the administrator require the approval of seven of Coun- cil's 12 members. Under the present three-party split, however-six Demo- crat, five Repblican, and one Human Rights Party council member-no one political group has sufficient strength to defeat Murray's budget. MAYOR Albert Wheeler firmly stated last night that "The budget before us, as revised by the city administrator; is not the Democratic budget. If we had the votes, it would not be the budget at all." Murray did agree to make several major adjustments in his original pack- age. He announced plans to lay off one assistant city administrator, reduce hous- ing expenditures by $21,000, and cut back fire department overtime. He also said he would accept any budget amend- ments seven Council members could agree on, even if Council did not accept any one completely revised program. At press time, Council seemed to be headed toward approving an increase in the funding for the city's parks and recreation program of nearly $25,00 . Nearly $11,000 of that would go to play- grounds. In other areas, however, Council mem- bers remained widely separated. Earlier motions to accept each of three alter- nate budgets proposed by the three par- ties were soundly defeated. COUNCIL also earlier formally accept- ed the results of the April 7 election, naming Wheeler mayor in a slim victory under the city's new preferential voting system. In addition, Council considered several technical ordinance amendments and new zoning and planning proposals. Other items remained on the agenda, to be discussed at the conclusion of the budget deliberations. Dailv Photo by PAULINE LUBENS FIREFIGHTERS BATTLE a blaze which broke out at an apartment house at 825 Tappan last night. A large crowd of spectators gathered to watch the flames, which began about 9:00 p.m. and were not extinguished until past midnight. Witnesses claim that the fire first smoldered for a full hour before firemen doused it with water. - Ford orders hike ' in oil import tariff s By AP and UPI WASHINGTON - President Ford last sight ordered a second $1-a-barrel tariff on imported oil in a move aimed at im- proving the nation's balance of trade. I will not stand here idly while the United States of America runs out of gas," Ford told a national radio and tele- vision audience. BUT THE HIGHER import duty and additional mbasures proposed by Ford to conserve energy is expected to contribute to the nation's inflation rate by raising - the prices of gasoline, fuel oil, and other petroleum products. -- Each $1 increase in the duty adds about 1/2 cents to the pump price of a SPECTATORS are framed in an unusual sculpture as they attend the gallon of gasoline. Washington Square Outdoor Art Showing in New York. The show, billed Declaring that Congress had "done as the largest outdoor exhibit in the world, will continue through June 8. ,inothing" on energy legislation, Ford said -:-' ::;<:::::" -:>"- , :::.:.:::..::.:,: that the new $1-a-barrel tax would be effective Sunday. "The Congress cannot drift, dawdle, and debate forever with America's future," the President as- serted. FORD ORIGINALLY imposed a first $1 tax on imported crude oil Feb. 1, but delayed action on the second dollar to give Congress time to come up with an energy conservation program. The House, however, has postponed action on a bill designed as a substitute for Ford's energy proposals until after it re- turns from the Memorial Day recess. Ford also said he would ask Congress to remove the ceiling on the price of about half of the U. S. oil production that is fixed at $5.25 per barrel. This would add an additional 5 cents to the price of a gallon of gasoline within two years. The White House said the higher duty See FORD, Page 9 Local By ELAINE FLETCHER With wire service reports Tanzania has rejected the rans( mands of M a r x i s t guerrillas a exchange for the release of three kidnapped ten days ago from a research center there-while the hostage, an Ann Arbor woman, wa unharmed Sunday bearing the dem her captors. Barbara Smuts, 24, of 4011 Tht Dr. appeared early Sunday morning Tanzanian town of Kigoma near t of the original raid, carrying lett manding the release of two Zairian cal prisoners held in Tanzania, gui munition and $500,009 in cash. BUT ALTHOUGH the TanzanianI ment has flatly rejected all the de American officials met yesterday woman released by rebels cuss alternate ways of recovering the three The kidnappers, according to message remaining hostages-two Americans and relayed by Smuts to her father, are soldiers om de- one Dutch woman-now hidden in the jun- of the Popular Army of the People's Re- T,, nade in gles of Zaire. publican Party of Zaire. "Our captors em- They told us that the persons Smuts has said that she also intends to phasized that they are not bandits or pirates wildlife remain in Tanzania to work for the release who are out for political or personal gain, capture W a S n o t di- fourth of the three students. The kidnappers have but that they represent an organized mili- s freed set a 60 day deadline on their demands. tary and political front," the message rected a g a i n s t the ands of Expressing joy at his daughter's release, stated. Smuts' father said yesterday, "t'm de- SMUTS ALSO said that she was treated D u t c h or American ornoaks lighted that she's back but worried about very well, and given adequate food, cloth- in the the friends who aren't." ing and shelter. people. . . O..ur cap- he site "IT WAS just a week of desperation,." he "They told us that the capture was not ers de- added. "We had no word that progress was directed against the Dutch or American tors emphasized that politi- being made until we heard that Barbara people," she explained, "but was intended ns, am- was safe." to further their own cause which was the they are not bandits or Mr. Smuts also stated that Barbara's liberation of all the people of the Congo mother had recently arrived in Tanzania from the government of President Mobutu." pirates." govern- and sent word that she was "confident that A third-year behavioral studies student at mands, everything was being done to release the Stanford, Smuts had been researching wild to dis- other three." See TANZANIA, Page 6 r Y r