Page Twelve
Saturday, May 24, 1975
Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 24, 1 97~
Bats en
By CLARKE COGSDILL him to a 2- lead.
special To The Daily ski led off Michi
YPSILANTI-Michigan's base- ning with a walk,
ball team did something yester- on Dick Walterho
day that no other college squad left - center. Walt
has done so far this year. It second when Pen
made Mitch Lucevics look mor- to cut Grenkoski
tal. play.
A spirited, gutty Wolverine
attack nicked Penn State's right- RANDY HACKN
hander for five runs-four of a solid base hit to
which came in two-out situa- Grenkoski easily,
tions-while Chuck Rogers scat- house stimbled w
tered eight hits to give Michigan third base and wa
an impressive 5-1 victory open- yards at the plate.
ing the NCAA Mideast regional. Pete-Ross wt
Dan Damiani knocked in three three sail by, but
runs on two two-out singles to came through wit
lead t h e Wolverine attack. field doble down
Randy Hackney's first - inning lie, scoring ac
single and Bill Haslerig's dou- As it turned o t
ble with two outs in the same the only runs Ro
frame accounted for the other it the jn ior f
Michigan runs. Ohio, showed a
THE WIN gives Michigan the dramatic by givin
opportunity to get into tmor- Lions lots of base
row's final games when it meets 4th,-Sth and 6th m
Eastern Michigan today at 1:00 A forth-inning s
p.m. at EMU Baseball Stadium. Vogel, followed b
The Hurons got into the win- man, gave Rogi
ner's bracket by besting Clem- crisis, which he s
son 5-3 in yesterday's second getting clean-up m
game. to bounce into a
"I -was very pleased with the and striking out G
effort that Chuck Rogers made J
out there, said Michigan coach MUST ONE i
Moby Benedict. "He faltered visitors scored wh
just a little bit in the middle mie lashed a do
innings and looked like he was moved to third o
just running out of a little bit Rich Io0gel, and
of gas but boy, he picked him- Art Och's sacrifici
self up." Then, with two
Rogers, now 8-2 on the year, sixth, Rogers sur
breezed through the first three secutive singles t
innings while his mates staked Koch, and moved
Barry's 2
By The Associated Press
nal Rick Barry fired i 38
points, sparking the unrelenting In yesterday'
Golden State Warriors to a 109- used quotes froi
101 victory over the floundering baseball coach P
Washington Bullets last night, dict, some of i
their third consecutive triumph have been inapp
in the N at i o n a 1 Basketball inaccurate, and
championship series. were in fact used
T h e remarkable Warriors, consent. I regret
leading the series 3-0 despite gize for any in
being huge underdogs prior to this may have
the nationally televised best-of- Mr. Benedict, M
seven set, can win their first ham, and the M
NBA title since moving to the letic Department
West Coast from, Philadelphia in the spirit of this
1962 by beating the Bullets Sun- w ill allow thi
day in Landover, Md. Daily, and myse
The Bullets' chances of win- tam the good w
ning the title are now astrono- tionship we hav
mical since no team in NBA the Michigan A
history ever has overcome a 3-0 partment, and it
- deficit. the past.
The victory was the most lop-
sided in the series the War-
riors havingto rally to win the The veteran for
first two games 101-95 and 92-91. the Bullets with a
This time, however, they were of jump shots and
in front virtually all the way, to the delight of
never trailing by more than two 13,205 fans at the
points. Elvin Hayes pac
Barry, the leading scorer in with 24 points bu
the series with 98 points, an score in the last
average of 32.7, got the War- the Warriors brt
riors off winging with a 19-point Kevin Porter add
outburst in the first quarter.
The 19 points were only two
short of the single-quarter play-
off record of 21 by Joe Fulks
of the old Philadelphia WarriorsTI
against Chicago on April 16,
In the first period, Barry had
a sensational stretch, scoring 11
straight Golden State points, as
the Warriors raced to a 24-16
By halftime, when the War-
riors led 50-48, Barry had 25
points, and collected 13 in the
second half, despite sitting out
a good portion of the fourth
quarter after Golden State was
far ahead.
Mark Grenco- ond and third on a wild
gan's first in- He got out of that one bi
and took third ing Lammie pop out to
use's liner to baseman Jeff J a m e s
erhouse took caught the ball on the
n State tried the pitcher's mound.
down on the The Wolverines imme
got some insurance. Wi
IYdlvrd out in the same innini
KY delivered Mahan beat out a groun
but Walter- third. James singled,i
hile rounding Mahan to third, and tot
s oit by three ond on the attempt to g
han. Then Damiani de
his first run-scoring
atched s:rike single, driving in a pair
Bill laslerig Damiani capped Mic
h an opposite- scorng in the eighth wh
the left field two-out base hit drove in
kney. rig from second.
it, these were
ogers needed, LUKEVICS stayed o
rom Findlay, mound for the full gam
flair for the it didn't do him much go
g the Nittany gave up 12 hits in all- to
runners in the igan, striking out but si
nings. almost doubled his seaso
ingle by Greg of earned runs by surr
y a lit hots- five to the Wolverines.
ers his first
urmounted by Rogers showed his usw
an Bob Miller trol, walking nobody
double play, shaving the corners wit
arry Koch. gical precision. His stror
ng later, the formance keeps Mark
en Sam Lam- (4-1, 1.43) fresh to go ton
ouble to left, against the Hurons, wh
n a single by probably counter with
tallied on DH hander Ken Bruchonski
e fly. 1.69).
D out in the M a i
rendered cor- Michigan won its two
o Miller and games with EMU this y
them to sec- narrow 1-0, 2-1 margins.
Penn State
,y mak-
, who
run at
th two
der to
ok sec-
et Ma-
en his
n t he
e, but
od. He
x, and
n total
al con-
h sur-
ig per-
-o will
i (7-3,
ear by
Doubleplay! --
SECOND BASEMAN Dick Walterhouse has just put the force
out on Penn State's Kevin Moronic and is about to gun down
Bob Miller headed for first during yesterday's fourth inning
action. It was Michigan's only doubleplay of the game but
it was quite spectacular.
38 kills Bullets
s Daily, I
m Michigan
Moby Bene-
which may
ropriate and
all of which
d without his
and apolo-
caused for
r. Don Can-
ichigan Ath-
. I hope that
s statement
e Michigan
lf, to main-
orking rela-
e had with
thletic De-
s people, in
rke Cogsdill
ward dazzled
in assortment
drives, much
the frenzied
Cow Palace.
ed the Bullets
the failed to
period, when
oke it open.
led 21 points
for the Bullets while Phil Che-
nier scored 16. Chenier had
been the Bullets leading scorer
through the first two games with
50 points, but he didn't get a
field goal until the opening min-
ute of the third quarter.
Derrek Dickey hit his first
six field goal attempts for the
Warriors and finished with 14
points while George Johnson
contributed 10, including eight
in the second quarter. Johnson
also grabbed seven rebounds in
the second period, six off the
offensive boards.
The Warriors took the lead
for good in the third quarter
63-56, with nine straight points,
five by Barry. By late in the
fourth quarter they had bolted
to 14.
Barry's 11 consecutive point
splurge in the first period came
in a 3:24 span.
When the6Warriors had their
lead to 22-16, Porter flipped in
seven consecutive points, slic-
ing Golden State's edge to 26-21
after the first period.
The Bullets never led until
Porter tossed in a jump shot at
1:55 of the second period for a
29-28 margin. There were five
ties and seven lead changes be-
fore the Warriors forged ahead
to stay in the first half 44-43 on
a jumper by Barry.
Again the lead fluctuated
early in the third period before
the Warriors took command for
leads in
CCC track
After the first day of compe-
tition at the Central Collegiate
Conference track meet yester-
day, being held at both Eastern
Michigan and Ferry Field, the
Nittany Lions of Penn State hold
a commanding lead with 67
Michigan's thinclads, running
up against tough competition,
failed to score while Eastern
managed a mere 3 points.
Northern Illinois is currently in
second place with 34 points.
PENN STATE grabbed first
places in the six mile run, the
shot put, and the 3000-meter
The meet resumes today with
the decathlon slated to begin at
8:30 a.m. at EMU, followed by
the 110 meter high hurdles, the
discus throw, pole vault, javelin
throw, and 1500 meter dash.
Action at Ferry Field com-
mences at 11:00 a.m. with the
discus trials and finals and con-
cludes with the one mile relay
at 3:15 p.m. s
fMajor League
W L Pct G
Milwaukee 20 16 .556 -
Boston 195516 .543 14
Detroit 16 18 .471 3
Bsaltimsore 5021 ,432 414
New York 16 21 432 4!2
Cleveland 14 21 .400 51)
Oakland it16 .579 --
Texas 22 1, .554
Kansas City 22 19 .537 11
Minnesota 18 12 .514 214N
Calitoenia 21 201.512 2?4
Chicago 17 21 .447 5
Yesterday sResits
Oakand 3, Cleveland 0
New Yoera Si, Texas 7
Minnesota 2, Milwaukee 1
Kansas City 10, Baltimore I.
Chicago 5, DETROIT I
Today's Games
0.akland at Cleveland
Calitoenia at Boston
Detroit at Chicago
Texas at New York
Minnesota at Milwaukee
Baltimnore at Kansas City
Tomorrow's Gaoes
Texas at New York
Califoenia at Boston
Deteoit at Chicago, 2
Minnesota at Milwaukee
Oaklandrat Cleveland, 2
Baliore at Kansas City
W L Pet. oni
Chicago 22 1555
Pittsburgh S 016 .529 231
Philadelphia 20 18 .526 21Y
New York 12 50 .515 3
IL. Louis 14 21 .400 7
Montreal 13 20 .3947
Los Angeles 27 15 .643 -
Cincinnati ?2 .524 5
San Diego 20 20 .500 6
San Francisco 19 19 .500 6
Atlanta 20 B2 .4767
Houston 17 17 .386 11
Yesterday's Resuls
New York 3, Atlanta 1
Cincinnati 5, Philadelphia 2
Houston 4, Montreal 2
Pittsburgh at San Diego, inc.
St. Louis at Los Angeles, ine.
Today's Games
Chicago at San Francisco
Cincinnati at Philadelphia, night
New York at Atlanta, night
Montreal at Houston, night
St. Louis at Los Angeles, night
Pittsburgh at San Diego, night
Tomorrow sGamest
New York at Atlanta
Philadelphia at Cincinnati
Montreal at Houston
Pittsburgh at San Diego
Chicago at San Franciso
St. Louis at Los Angels
'he Michigan Daily