Thursday, May 22, 1975 THE MICHIGAN. DAILY Page Five Thursday, May 22, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Laotian youths seize U.S. AID office Mayaguez figures revised (Continued from Page 1) "modify, reduce or eliminate" economic assistance to Laos. It has asked the Laotian govern- ment for a clear-cut statement of its views on the American aid program-which totals $32.5 million this year-but has re- ceived no reply. The students slipped quietly into the big fenced AID com- pound in Vientiane about 1:30 a.m. yesterday when two Ma- rine guards were the only Americans inside. The Marines were not molested. The youths remained in con- trol of the compound as the day passed, and there were uncon- firmed reports that they looted the commissary. Police patrols sat on the roadside outside the fence but took no action against the youths. THE STUDENTS handed newsmen a manifesto in which they said they were local em- ployes of AID who oppose "im- perialist Americans plans to destroy peace." It called the right-wing fac- tion in Laos, which now is vir- tually powerless, "toadies, trait- ors and American puppets" and accused the Central Intelligence Agency of still trying to destroy peace. "All Americans should be driven out of Laos," the mani- festo said. MEANWHILE in Saigon, there are strange sights and sounds for those who knew the South Vietnamese capital before the Communists took it over. Soviet-built MIG jets that once engaged U.S. warplanes over North Vietnam fly in formation over Saigon in victory celebra- tions. A blue-gray helicopter of Air America, the airline financed by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, whirls overhead. Left behind by the Americans who departed in haste, it now bears the yellow star of the North Vietnamese air force. At Tan Son Nhut air base the Pentagon East, headquarters of the U.S. Military Assistance C m m a n d Vietnam (MACV) and later the U.S. Defense Attache's Office, lies in ruins. THE AMERICANS apparently destroyed it with thermite gre- nades, TNT and gasoline during their hasty pullout to keep docu- ments and equipment from fall- ing into Communist-led hands. Ho Chi Minh's picture hangs from the presidential palace from which President Nguyen Van Thieu fled last month. Maxim's, the city's biggest night club, is now a police pre- cinct station. BUT SOME things haven't changed. The Indian money changer is still doing business under the guise of a bookstore. The Fuji steam bath is still going full OSCAR'S ? SHORT or LONG HAIRSTYLES TO PLEASE DASCOLA STYLISTS ARBORLAND-971-9975 MAPLE VILLAGE-761-2733 E. LIBERTY-668-9329 J EUNVtSTY-662-0354J blast. The Continental Shelf, the Continental Hotel terrace where prostitutes and pimps cater to foreigners, is back in full swing after being cleaned up briefly by the previous government. The Viet Cong and North Viet- namese seem to ignore the nightly show. Playboy, Qui and other maga- zines are still on the news- stands. Every once in a while you catch a North Vietnamese or Viet Cong soldier sneaking a look at the centerfold or carry- ing one of the magazines under a sheaf of official papers. AND COCA COLA is still an institution. It was served hot the other day at Tan Son Nhut when the North Vietnamese and insurgents bade farewell to the Hungarian and Polish delega- tions to the International Com- mission of Control and Super- vision. (Continued from Pae 1) 13. However, one well - placed Pentagon source conceded there was concern in official circles over the casualties sustained by the United States in the effort to free the Mayaguez. The Pen- tagon's latest official count is 15 killed, 50 wounded and 3 missing. Under a formula commonly used by U. S. forces in Viet- nam to evaluate combat losses, the casualties were heavy - more than 20 per cent of the attack force involved. "SOME PEOPLE are shook up by these casualties, that's certain," said the source. But he added it should be noted that most of those killed were aboard one helicopter that was shot down by Cambodian gun- ners in the initial stages of the assault on Koh Tang, an island in the Gulf of Thailand. "Take away those losses and the over-all casualties wouldn't seem so bad," said the official. At the White House, mean- while, Press Secretary Ron Nes-, sen said the Mayaguez opera- tion was being reviewed to "see if anything needs to be im- proved," but that President Ford "has no second thoughts about what he did" in ordering a Marine assault and air strikes to free the ship. HE SAID Ford "is saddened by the loss of life" but "likens the risk to that, for instance, that policemen run:' He said Ford had hoped for no casualties but added that "it is the belief here . . the Cam- bodians freed the crew of the Mayaguez because of the use of force." Pentagon spokesmen acknowl- edged that in the early stages of the Mayaguez incident, plans were made to use the Air Force policemen in the opera- tion because they were the on- ly combat-trained American troops in the immediate area. The security police normally are assigned to guard air bases and other installations. T H E helicopter crashed shortly after taking off from Nakhom Phanom air base, one of three from which Air Force security policemen were being ordered to Utapao. The plan to use the Air Force men was never carried out because the United States was able to fly a complement of Marines from Okinawa to Utapao, from where they made the assault. Sen. Edward Brooke (R- Mass.) said there remained some unanswered questions about Ford's use of force, par- ticularly whether the United States took "punitive" action against the Cambodians in ad- dition to tactical moves to free the ship. "Some of the statements indi- cate that there may have been some bombing after the crew was released. That would dis- turb me greatly," Brooke said on the CBS radio program Cap- itol Cloakroom. If oncoming drivers continue to flash their brights at you when you have only your low- beam headlights on, then your lights needs adjustment. They should aim down and slightly to the right. Student could become Regent (Continued from Page 3) spring on the Positive Action Politically, Massey described nd aides to Governor Milliken SGC ticket, said if appointed herself as "a moderate liberal," bout her chances for the ap. she would be "a student Re- adding, "I am and always con- ointment, gent, and not a student's Re- sidered myself a Republican." "o*1 a ai P{ MASSEY said yesterday she had been encouraged to seek the Regent's seat by certain members of SGC, who she would not name. Massey, who ran and lost this gent. "I would not be there as an advocate for all the students," said Massey. She said she would rather be considered just another Regent who happened to be a student. Are You Color Blind? We need you for color vision experiments WE PAY Call 764-0574 or come to Rm. 5080 Kresge II - RENT ME $5A DAY 1Oc A MILE New VW Super Beetles Pickup and Delivery Available RENTABEETLE 2016 PACKARD RD. ANN ARBOR 994.9300 we're having a Rockwvell calculator a ai SALE 61 R Advanced Slide Rule 63R Scientific Slide Rule SALE PRICE $650O SALE PRICE $79.95 SALE ENDS FRIDAY Rockwell Calculators carry a one-year warranty. If du ring this year your calculator needs servicing, we will handle the shippinq and provide you with a calculator f rom our rental stock for the duration of the repair tie, in the Union, 530 S. State St. open M-F 9:30-5:30 Sat 12-5