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May 07, 1975 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1975-05-07

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Page Eight


Wednesday, May 7, 1975

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 7, 1975

(Continued from Page 1)
FLEMING was ill last night
and could not be reached and
Rhodes has refused to comment
on the report.
The Regents were unavailable
for comment last night. Point-
ing up an apparent contradic-
tion, the report concludes that
"Cobb was denied tenure in the
zoology department because of
alleged deficiencies in her re-
search and scholarship" while
Rhodes and Fleming recom-
mended Frye to the Regents
"on the basis of his adminis-
trative and budgetary experi-
The report questions whether
Fleming or Rhodes ever serious-

deanship search
ly considered Cobb's candidacy. problem," and blasted the af- ed for tenur
"According to Cobb," the report firmative a c t i o n committee's the Regents.
says, "the vice-president's voice failure to interview the Regents. Criticizing
was filled with gloom, and he The committee decided not to in the unsuc
did not extend congratulations interview the Regents, reason- between Cob
to her," when he first contacted ing that it was their collective tration, thez
her to offer the Regents' initial legislative decision that mat- "ambiguous
two-year contract term. tered. ter from R
The report sheds a bad light Medical Sch
HIGH OFFICIALS yesterday on the Regents, emphasizing department
blasted the report's criticism of that they should have pushed sible for Co
Rhodes' conduct, with one ad- Fleming and Rhodes very hard tion.
ministrator charging, "H o w to explain their producers fully. Zoology de
can you build a case on a tone THE COMMITTEE urges that, told the pan
of voice?" "if tenure is to be a require- executive c
Another official pinpointed the ment for administrative appoint- sponded to
original Regental vote, which ment, then all candidates for ed a reque
ignored t h e Administration's dean who are being considered demic tenur
preference, as the "crux of the by the Regents should be clear- that he hac
Fleming tha
partment) c

e be
bb ai
el t
st f
e. H
d to
t "I

to begin
fore selection by- level faculty appointment In the
Medical School."
tually every step Rhodes' "ambiguous" letter
sful negotiations read: "I am writing in connec-
nd the Adminis- tion with Dr. Jewel Cobb, a
art focuses on an copy of whose curriculum vitae
nure request let- I enclose. I should be most
es to both the grateful to know whether, if she
and the zoology were to assume an administra-
largely respon- tive appointment in the Univer-
ultimate rejec- sity, Dr. Cobb would qualify for
a tenured faculty appointment
Iment Carl Gans in the zoology department . . .
he department's An early reply would be most
mittee had re- helpful"
t they consider- The zoology department, in-
or faculty aca- terpreting Rhodes' letter as a
lowever, he said tenure r e q u e s t, returned a
old Rhodes and unanimious refusal to grant
hey (zoology de- Cobb tenure in 24 hours.
i give her an ap- GANS TOLD the investigative
ey desired and committee that he would have
as a possible phrased a letter asking whether
the department would offer ten-
an opposite de- ure to read, "We are consider-
zoology depart- ing appointing Jewel Cobb to
dical School re- the LSA deanship and wonder
des' letter as a whether your department will
hypothetical in- extend tenure?"
lied that "Cobb
alify for a tenure The Regents will discuss the
affirmative action committee's
report further during their reg-
ular public meeting next Thurs-
.day and Friday.


pointment if th
considered that
cision from the
ment's, the Me
sponded to Rho
"serious, yetl
quiry" and rep
would easily qu
at the
Dave, Che

iy Es1 s
t & Harold


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