Saturday, May 17, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY' Page Nine I I _._.. 4 (Continued from Page 8) FOR SALE MEN'S 10 SPEED BIKE, 27" frame, -75. 994-6062. 68B516 BOOK SALE Sat, May 17. Bos 50c, 9-4 Mon., May 19. Boos 10cII, 9-9 Frensof aAss Arbor Pabli- Library TRANSPORTATION STUDENT WORKING as 0etr01t Free-IPreaaths till 1511 nee9sarliIde toand111 fromaDetrait daily. Will , i re ll ex~pense.Call Sara at 005- 9265or t'764-0553 persitenllttly. dO5la GOING 0ta Claradolaoetimelin I the nextfewaweeks? Nedlsomeaone 0113 after06. P5l BUSINESS SERVICES ED3IORIAL assitace. distertatiatn. aric~le,Sbooartile.aHoaard Saoatal, 665i-761. 03J517 lDISSiERTATION editin. Tixtulal, ,ralllllatical. stlstic adlvlca by Englalih aldoctoarall stuldents on1ally writling.662-5912, 663-5547, or 005- 9444. 77J531 Il;UiTAR LESSONS -- Palk, trc, bides9, jazz, tclaasical. llatllalllall anld fingerpickinag. ,15'. $3.50Ia.tar. Beg~innelrs 'laama. Call ODunran soul1, 4087-0437. 32517 TYING f~SO as, aurat.973-2776, TYINGB, edting, cassetta trains- -tption,. IBM raptes, Jaan Whilpple, 812 S. Sttr S1. 9a4-3594, 10am. 10 p~m. c2tc ITUTRoIG, l'onsutlting in staltstics, rnlath aompultars. Call Walt, 954-3504. MOV ING Low1 rats.Datt & Dan.160090007, MISCELLANEOUS A PROGRAM Sistaowbring attarad in1 Anti Arbor ta hrlp combbat alra- h111 and drug abusnamaoatg gay t4llra. I-ar futhebr infoartmaton, call 763-4i86. All coatnicnlation ieald inl strict rctifidence. 22M328 BIKES, SCOOTERS 1.972 HONDA CB.Peraetrtconditiatn. 21111 ItIned with5 1195batrery. 0e1- mand310lealtherr iltdrd. Only 78000 miles1. $650oAlldy. 6603-7016. 39Z17j HONDA C1,350. Excelentlconlditionl. Musttsall. 761-9207. 10Z517 NORTON 7507'1973, 80000milesr, 1109 ne.Dave, 105-27:17. 92Z317 LOST AND FOUND 1LOST -Naelterad 111019eaol point Siamese919cat. Vicinity11oatTappan& }Maonroe. Plrase roll 709-0791. 84A523 POUND 110 5,17--A pair o1f1sun- 011ses or 911ch1inPeople'sP1aa C.all 701-7277 Iaftr 65p010 OA52 WANTED TO BUY WANTED--10 aspeed ba. Prire or- gtal.C llprsistetly, 994-0174. dK3l7 CHAsP :3 -090PE0D5MAN'S BIKE(S) wanteld.('all 769-7024 betwraen 5-7 p.m1. ONLY. Thanlk you!l dK S REAL ESTATE 20U1' SEDUCED $1500. Ypsilanoti al-ar Fard Laka. 3-bdrm., brick 1011911c. Fu11ll basement, 12 b bas bu1ilt11n kitchen, 212 crt rae 191n99d backyard 011911l-d-sac. Ex- celletlscools 1100 naighborhooad. 9280 411142-1955. 90R5a17 USED CARS '110 VW-, 1runs1 g001, tresly paintrd. 79510 or best offar. Alata, 062-0945. 61N517 '74 AMX-4012.oMaxi1-blue,. 1ul11power, air.strro. 16 10011h101oad. Spotless. $2905. 1-477-6535. 46N517 1971 PINTO, low mlear~ge. automtatic, AC. radio, great price. Call 603-0362. 52N521 SITUATIONS WANTED PROGRAMMER desirrs part-timr 110s11100. CCS grad stutdrnt. Pease rail 764-05,aO lea19119 essag0e9ftr Strve. d0517 HELP WANTED COUPLE NEEDED as residro toman- altrs flo Hall-Way Housea. 709-7535, Bob or Kathy. 781H523 'HELP WANTED WA"TED-Catitterr tar twoo fa- amalr rats,tfour yr. old, 1through Sapt. 1st. Will pay 025 109., plus 1000od Cal~l 703-3900 persistently1. HOUSE PARENTS-Marriad c00019 to provide resdential 19901tm901, superrvision tar thrreeadolescentbays ismall 09090 homla. BA 0an0 0p- propriata axprriencre rquird. $7,000- 10,000 plus1 rant,9expense9 000 rr- 1191. Call VS-lot, IFamily Grou~p H01me9, '973-1260. 91H523 ALASKA PIPELINE BOOM!Inf~or- iiono osrtion 90 and91111010 on0- construction0 1006 in Alaoba atad ott therppeline-wage0s9, addreases, 1u01- 11190110119--1199trule story 11010 Alasaa. $5.00. 0911011 Information Service, P.O. Ban 1703, Anchoarage, AK., 99510 981H529 PERSONAL SATURDAYS we'aveoamorelatimae tor eaery'bodly. U-M1 51y1i1stsllt tr 01010n. oP5lS PASSPORT PHOTOS are ak11911Wrd. 6 pm. at 1109 Daily. CallI 764-0552, askfor SteveeorPlauline. 09524 THDE LATEST IS MAKE-UP at1 Iha Villagr Apohecary, 1112 S. Uollar- oty, r~ta PERSONAL WANTED-Mole 1000911 prefrretd to 0a9151t10n nursing workshop, $2.501 hr. Con~tinuing OEdi1'atlan Serrvicer, 763-3105.69F517 MASSAGE CLASSES carting May 19- 21. FPa re99 inforaton, seer postears 011 campus or call Warrenl, 709-7500 It~ppertima best). 5iF517 MID., 30, WANS to g11t01a19119. Wouldliketo1 ee tratv e11111, inl- te91i1e9t1g1rl19 8-20. It interested, 11190s91900 ptrerrand lnformoation ta 3217 Overland Avr., Na. 0101, Los Angelrs, Cal. 90034. 459517 FOR COMPLETE informoation on summe199r employmet in10the slate at Michigan, 19110 $2 to 15e Artive Em1- ploy-ment1Se09911996o01Miohigoao. P.O..- Box 901. Soultield, Michigan 48075. 349522 10 ENL ARGERS. Besele-r, Omega, Vi- vitalr, 010110619 tar 901tslibhacaeni- cals. Phone 608-6244. Aot Worlds, 2131,;5S.Main, Ann Arbor. 19520 NATIONAL Mediral Boards Prep 099ss r being offererdtar all 3 011911 91 tbe NMB. The Stanlay H. Kaplant 9009s99 011ere0 Save bees extremerly1succesflfor oal NMB, ftCFMG anad P1exesamas. Par 11110r- maltiont roll 354-0005. c~tc PERSONAL Albert's Copying Dissertation qutality. Location: In- s10e DavidI's Books, 579 E. Liberty. 994-4021. r~tr ADVISE o11n1'gett1 ing -M in-state rasidrenry Mondaly. May 19, 7:30 pm., Lt-gal Aid 011199, 4310 Union. 009517 MIIXED BOWLING LEAGUES. Tueso- days '1110Thulrsdays. S1i1n1111, o. Unon anes.11M9 1Pill bowlinll.1 sun0111r90 01191 11 1. 11111n-Sal.. 11p1n. un1ys0c517 REGENCY -TRAVEL 611 CHURCH STREET ANN ARBOR 48104 665-r6122 SPEC IALIZI1MG in business interview trips MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY TRIP HOME RESERVATIONS NOW '$19 LSAT-GRE-MCAT-DAT M1110e.5BackbGarateead Telt Prepa~ration YolurFrt Lesson Frar 100 TEST CENTER - 02-13711 9F11 Please call theatre far SAT.-SUN. at 1-3-5-7-9 0.10 special shawtimes! OPEN at 12:d5 F ~I I( MON.-TUES. at 7 & 9 ol OPEN at 6:45 you and a quest ONLY $2.50 "A remarkable and memor- able experience. -Judith Cist, New York Moaine1 "Vintage Bunuel .-.-.He's very truly the aid master" -Archer Wirster, " -' N.Y. Post "Best ActIess Vi xeaie 15112-iKNIT[ il-tlC CIi11COSASSN. OPEN 12:45 S T A 7:00pm.only OPEN 6:45 MONDAY is GUEST NIGHT ThetrePhoe' 42-264,-Yau and A Guest-Only $2.50 adnits / MATTEL Proadsctions "SeOUNDER"F 'A RobertEB.fRadnitz/Martin Ritt Flinr"q P0960 SlONOCOLOr BaDE LUXt ©THEATRE - CLAUDINE, G C WXEB SUBSCRIBE 0OW to the Spring/Summer editions of Keep in touch with what's happening ! Subscriptions ore ovoilpble for 1 or both terms. Order your 'subscription now by simply filling out the form below ond moiling it to: "The Michigon 'Doily,," 420 Maynord, Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104. Or coll 764-0558 between 10 ond 4. Ta abtan a subscriptian, simply flli out the form belaw and mail it ta: THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Isassssrs Irs r~ sr s~r~ sas~rssss sss~ " ~Yes, I would like to subscribe to THE SUM- LEAVE BLANK 'LEAVE 61 ANK" MER MICHIGAN DAILY. I agree to be billed . Slater (pre-payment necessary for subs, out- I " ____- side ot Ann Arbor, Micb.) _____ TERM: F 1 ao ]7I Il~b 111; " SUMMER SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: -I" "ii I Fot Ciaculatior Doot. Use Oslo 5.50 Saring-Summer Term (.'1)a 1 $6.00 by Mail (Mich: and Ohia) I " $6.50 by Mail (All oather U.S.A. paints) I [] Stencil Typed # " $3.00 Spring lila) OR Summer (1111b1 Term I " $3.50 by Mail (Mich. and Ohia)lI " $4.00 by Mail (All other U.S.A. points) INumber of 0papers-1_Amout Due_$ (PeaPit)Las-Nme irst Middle Initial(Pes as aeIDate Startd._______ " II ID Na. ___._ - Phone Na. - ICode.. 3a 1 I Icitcle ane)l Number Street Name Apl. Na. 1 - I -p "1I 1: 5-S-Ao 4: J-Ap. 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