Page Two
Saturday, May 17, 1975
Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 17, 1975
In the news
National the appoi
Natinalent Comr
a , ed to con
SAN DIEGO - "The sidewalks are ed.tFacon
er. Fauri
full of goya who ought to be castrated viepe
for society's good and their own," re- vice pre
tired Judge John Hewicker says. The Shlanig
trouble is, said Hewicker, "the Catho- School of
lic church and the psychiatrists oppose
it and the damned doctors won't do it."
At least 250 court-ordered castrations Loca
were carried out in San Diego during
a 20-year period that ended with He- The list
wickers retirement in 1970. Some veter- school bo
an court observers say it probably was two Thur
the most active program of its type Barbara
in U. S. history. But today two convict- race for1
ed sex offenders are trying without suc- by, a del
cess to avoid prison with the operation election,
that removes their testicles and pros- his petiti
tate tubes. After a judge recently ap- the under
proved the surgey for the unlucky two, be two i
the surgeon withdrew under pressure learned t
from his colleagues. However, three Dukes an
other surgeons have offered to do the both seek
honors. out. Elde
Ann Arbc
cided not
State able to fi
would ca
LANSING-Fedele Fauri, a former electionc
University vice president and dean, has
been appointed state racing commis-
sioner. Gov. William Milliken announced Membe
today ...
ntment yesterday, saying prei- Brigade (RSB) protested American in-
missioner Leo Shirley is expect- volvement in Southeast Asia by picket-
tinue as a deputy commission- ing Congressman Marvin Esch's office
retired Jan. 31 as University yesterday. According to Cynthia Hud-
sident for state relations and gins, Esch staff workers, "About 25 to
He had been dean of the 30 people marched around in a circle
Social Work. chanting." Hudgins stated that RSB
members "lit a burning bush" in front
of the office before stomping out the
flames and peacefully leaving the scene.
it of candidates for the June 9 The city has quit playing the lottery
ard election was shortened by --after breaking even with a $25 win.
rsday, as Stanley Bielby and "We won't recommend continuing next
Eldersveld dropped out of the year because we wanted to make a
the three available seats. Biel- profit and we only broke even," said
feated candidate in last year's Ctiy Administrator Sylvester Murray.
said that when he submitted The city budgeted $25 last year to buy
on for candidacy "it was with a one-year supply of tickets.
rstanding that there would not
ncumbents running." When he
hat Board President Clarence Weather
nd Trustee Cecil Warner would
re-election, he decided to pull Well folks we're in for some more of
rsveld, a volunteer tutor in the the same beautiful stuff with today's
or Public Schools, said she de- skies clear and sunny and temperatures
to run because she "was un- at a comfortable 70 degrees. Last night's
Ind a campaign manager" that low was around 40, but tonight's low is
rry her through the three-week expected to be a bit higher. Today's
campaign. light winds will bring higher tempera-
tures by tomorrow with the mercury
moving up to 80 with cloudy skies ex-
rs of the Revolutionary Student pected.
Daily Official Bulletin
Saturday, May 17
Day Calendar
WUOM: From the Midway-Blaek
novetist Paste Marshsatl, "Towards
A Personal Aesthetic;" gout. Hay-
don, "The Poetry of Robert Bay-
dan," t0 am.
Baaebatt :Us vs. wisconsin, Pish-
er Field, 1 pm.
Planetarium: Audience requested
topics, Exhibit Museum, 3 pan.
women's Cultural Ctr.: Coffee
House, music, entertainment, Guild
House, 5 pm.
sunday, May is
Day Calendar
WUOM: Future worlds Lecture-
Gea. Kish, "Views oC a Finite
word: Man's Use of His Resour-
ces," 1:10 pm.
TV Ctr.: Saeial Security. Through
thse Yeara, WWJ TV, Channel 4,
Graduate Outing Cluh: Hiking,
Raekham,N. Entry ,1:30 pm.
Planetarium: Audience requested
topics, Exhibit Museum, 3 pm.
Monday, May 19
wuOM: william Loeb publisher,
Manchester Union Leader, on "The
Conservative View," 10 am.
Music school: Carillon Recital,
Cranhrook Guild, aurton Tower, 7-
General Notices
May 22. 1975 5 pm,1islastdate tar
Spring HalC Term & spring Sum-
mer Term when Registrar's Ofe.
wilt accept student 100 per cent
withdrawal nottce for retund par-
pines. exctuding a $55 disenroll-
ment fee allow refund for student
who reduces hours of course credit.
May 29, 1975 4 pm. is last date for
Spring Half Term when Registrar's
Office will allow refund for a 50
per cent withdrawal.
June 19, 1975 4 pm. is last date
for Spring Summer Term when
Registrar's Ofc will allow refund
for a 50 per cent Withdrawal,
July 17, 1975 4 pm. is last date
for Summer Half Term when
Registrar's Ofc. will accept student
100 per cent withdrawal notice for
refund purposes. (Excluding a $50
disenrollment fee), allow refund for
the student who reduces hours of
course credit.
July 24, 1975 4 pm. is last date
for Summer Half Term when Reg-
istrar's Ofc will allow refund for
50 per cent withdrawal.
8 Month Fall/Winter Leases
2/4 Month Spring/Summer Leases
n 0
university towers
South University at Forest Ave.
. 2 blocks from the Diag
f±7 . :. . Air-Conditioned
... .5.} Fully Carpeted
..... .,. Piano and Recreation Room
p } Vin ;$} j".; ..... i{}iY'.v:U :"~.
. . :.; * Laundry Facilities
s } c ,.. . Study Room
{ : .':' . Heated Swimming Pool
?{ " Maintenance and Security
Luxurious Lobby
* Weekly Housekeeping
Volume LXXXv, No. 9-S
Saturday, May 17, 1975
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postagr
paid at Ann Arbor, Micsigan 40106.
Published d ail1y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area);
$11local mail (Michigan and Ohio);
$12 non-local mail (other states and
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
(campus area); $6.00 local mail
(Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
local mail (other states and foreign).
Marion Brando
stars in
Last Tango
7:00 In Paris 9:30
with Maria Schneider, Jean-Pierre Leaud
"A dispute-provoking study of sexual passion
MarIon Brando gives a truly remarkable per-
The Wild One
with Lee Marvin, Mary Murphy
at 7:30 &9:30 $12s
The original and best biker film-young Brando
leads the Black Rebels M.C.-"what are you
rebelling against?" "what have you got?"
Saturday and Sunday
May 17-18 Modern Languages Bldg.
53I . OES VE 6128