I Friday, May 6, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five r Report on the Cobb affair At the beginning of the month, the University's Affirm- ative Action Committee releas- ed a 46-page report on the lit- erary college (LSA) deanship crisis. The report provided a detailed account of the so-call- ed "Cobb affair," and reaffirm- ed The Daily's disclosures of the administration's rejection of Jewel Cobb, the black woman educator selected unanimously by the Regents last January to head LSA. Unfortunately only limited editions of the report have been made available. To provide the campus with complete informa- tion, The Daily has excerpted the major portions of the so- called "Cobb report" for re- printing here. Not included are the report's chronology and ap- pendices, due to space require- ments. Both sections, we be- lieve, are adequately summar- ized in the report's findings and recommendations. Yester- day's Daily included the find- ings: today the recommenda- tions follow. If you would like extra copies of both sections, nlense stop by our office at 4201 Maynard. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The Charge to the Search Committee There were four specific re- sonsibilities placed uoon t h e Search Committee in the Presi- dent's memorandum of April 4, 1974. With respect to the first fnc- tion ("Prepare secifications of qualities and ex.erience to be sought in the new dean."), the Sear-h Committee prepared a list of eleven criteria used in con- sidering nominees. These criter- ia were very general. We can find no indication that the cri- teria were submitted to or re- viewed by the President (Rob- hen Fleming) or the Vice Pres- ident for Academic Affairs (Frank Rhodes). With respect to future dean- shin searches, we recommend that the crrent needs of the school be considered and that iob-related criteria for deans be more secific: that the state- ment of current needs and job- related criteria eereed vnon in advance b the Search Com- ttee and the President and Vice President for Academic Affairs: and that the statement of current needs and job-relat- e criteria be transmitted to the Regents for their information and use when candidates are beinginterviewd by them. With respect to the fourth function ("Determine ad ad- vise the President concerning the immediate and long-range problems facing the s pool against which the qualifications and interests of -rospective can- didates can b a-ged."), we re- ceived no evidence that the Search Committee carried out this request. We believe the re- quest was an appropriate one and measures should have been taken to comply with the re- quest in writing. This Committee also believes that Deanship Search Commit- tees should always submit a fin- al report to the President, in re- sponse to the charges of the Search Committee, and that this final report should always be in writing. 2. The Tenure Request Letter The January 23, 1975 letters from Vie President Rhodes to the Chairman of the Zoology De- partment (Carl Gans) and to the Dean of the Medical School (John Gronvall), with respect o tenure for (Conn. College Dean Jewel) Cobb, were the sub- ject of much discussion and con- cern by this Committee. A 'We recommend. that the President (either ap- point a new Search Com- mittee or) resume discus- sions with Dean Cobb on the basis of specific policies then established by the Re- W VI gents.' Jewel Cobb majority of the Committee be- lieves that the letter was am- bigions. We recommend that in all instances in the future, such letters, which inquire about ten- ure for deans, should be writ- ten so as to avoid any doubts abo'it the meaning of such let- ters or difficulties in responding to such letters. 3. The Role of the President Whenever a Dean Search Com- mittee recommends a list of unranked candidates, from which list the President will se- lect a person or persons to recommend to the Regents, the President should carefully in- ter-iew all the persons stilt be- ing given serious consileration before making his recommenda- tion to the Regents. This inter- vieu shorld represent a quality effort by the President to care- fully measure the relevant tal- ents of each of the competing candidates pursuant to the cur- rent needs of the school and the previo'isly agreed upon job-re- lated criteria. From our review of the tele- shone negotiations between Dean Cobb and President Fleming and Vice President Rhodes in Janiry of 1975. we have come to the conclusion that if mo-e- than one person is handling ne- gotiations (and arranging meet- ings), there is the possibility of misunderstanding and con- fision. In the future the respon- sibility for negotiations w i t h (arosoective deans should be handled exclusively by the Pres- ident or exclusively by a per- son who has been clearly design- ated by the President. 4. Tenure for Deans President Fleming st-ted to this Committee that lie strongly advocated a policy requiring all deans to have tenured appoint- ments in the college in which they serve in an administrative deanship capacity. Our review of this case has raised in our minds the question as to whe- ther such a policy should be continued in all cases in the fu- ture. We believe that the ques- tion should be reconsiderel. We recommend that appro- priate measures should be tak- en to obtain the advice of the faculty of the school concerned on this issue, i.e., whether a dean must always have (1) a tenured appointment and (2) in the unit in which he or she is to serve as dean, or (3) whether alternative arrangements would be acceptable to the faculty. The Committee believes that, if tenure is to be a require- ment for administrative appoint- ment, then all candidates for dean who are being considered by the Regents should be clear- ed for tenure before slection by the Regents. A majority of the Committee also believes that if tenure is to be a requirement for ad- ministrative appointment, .hen the administrative competence of a person being considered by the Regents for a deanship ap- pointment should be given some weight in the tenure proceso. One member of the Committee does not share this view. SOME MEMBERS ot the Committee believe that the cri- teria used by the Zoology De- partment during the tenure re- view process in this case were inadequate because no signii- cant weight was given to the fact that Dean Cobb had been tentatively selected to serve as the next dean of LS&A. Other members of the Committee do not share this view. The Com- mittee is equally divided on this issue. 5. Disclosure to the Press Unrelated to what may or may not have happened in the Jewel Cobb-case and whatever one may think about the disclosure of Regental actions to The Michi- gas Daily, it is realistic to as- some that it is difficult if not almost impossible, to defer any announcement u n t ii all negotiations for a prospec- tive dean are mutually satis- factory and completed. We recommend, therefore, that in the future initial Re- gental actions with respect to deans be clearly considered ten- tative until final consummation of negotiations is reported by the President to the Regents and announced publicly by the President. 6. The Regents In the Cobb case the Regents exercised their right to vote for the candidate of their choice which was not the first ranked candidate of the President. We believe that this decision was taken under circumstances which the Regents and the President did not anticipate and hence there should have been more time for consideration of all the elements surrounding the terms and conditions of any of- fer to Dean Cobb. We recom- mend that when there is a sig- nificant difference of opinion concerning a major appoint- ment, the decision regarding the selection of a candidate and the possible terms of appointment be made simultaneously after further and careful deliberation. We recommend that before a decision is made to select a dean, all Regents should, it at all possible, interview the can- didates. WHILE most members of the Committee believe the two-year term offered by the Regents was inappropriate, we do not mean to imply that the Regents should be bound by a five-year or in- definite term appointment for deans. Other terms might be de- veloped to permit flexibility in obtaining o u t s i d e per- sons. Three- or four-year terms, for instance, might be possi- bilities. Exploration of this mat- ter should be carried out in con- sultation with the faculty. 7. Affirmative Action The slow progress of affirma- tive action at the University has a bearing on the Cobb case. In the College of LSA about five per cent of full professors are women or minority persons. On- ly one of the more than 50 de- partments and administrative units within the College is head- ed by a black chairman and none by a woman (aside from the Center for Afro-American Studies, the Women's Studies Program, and the Center for the Use of Learning Skills). Thus, there was little chance that a woman or minority candidate for dean could be found in LSA. Any such candidate almost had to be an outsider. An inside candidate normally has the edge over an outside candidate - by reason of rele- vant experience, faculty sup- port, proven ability to get along with administrators, and the like. In a difficult period for universities, such as the pres- ent, the arguments for the in- sider may become persuasive and an "open search" may be- come a meaningless formality. WE THEREFORE recom- mend that affirmative action be pursued more energetically at all faculty levels in LSA, includ- ing department chairpersons. We further recommend that the University establish affirma- tive action goals with respect to deans, directors, and depart- ment chairpersons of units where the incumbent will re- tire or has a term appointment ending prior to June 30, 1979. A requirement for any such new appointment should be a willing- ness to support affirmative ac- tion. We recommend that these goals be discussed with the faculty. We believe that these recom- mendations should apply to all units of the University. 8. Next Steps We recommend that as a first priority the Regents and the President promptly take the necessary steps to consider this report and implement recom- mendations made in items one through seven. The Committee also recommends that, after such Regental consideration and actions, the Regents consider the following two approaches to resolving the Cobb case and act on one of them: 1. The Regents should auth- orize and direct the President to appoint a new Search Com- mittee for the LSA Deanship without prejudice to any pre- vious candidate and consistent with the applicable policies made by the Regents after con- sidering and implementing the recommendations made in this report; or 2. That the President resume discussions with Dean Cobb on the basis of the specific policies then established by the Re- gents. If su h discssios do not result in a mutually accept- able agreement within a reason- able period of time, the Re- gents should then authorize and direct the President to appoint a new Search Committee for the LS&A Deanship without preju- dice to any previous candidate and consistent with the applic- able policies madeby the Re- gents after considering and im- plementing the recommenda- tions made in this report. Reservations We agree with the overall thrust of this report and be- lieve that Recommendation 7 "Affirmative Action," is of greatest importance. We hope that this Recommendation will be read with particular care and implemented by the Uni- versity Community. At the same time, we believe that the sequence of events re- ferred to as: "the Cobb case" was unfair both to Acting Dean Billy Frye and to Dean Cobb, both of whom have distinguish- ed themselves as educators. Therefore, we especially sup- port Recommendation 8 (1), that a new search bestarted - without prejudice to either can- didate. We only support the al- ternative Recommendation 8 (2), if all the procedural mis- takes cited in this report are corrected before discussions with Dean Cobb are resumed. WE BELIEVE that the sec- tion on the "Tenure Review Process" is unduly critical of the Zoology faculty. Not know- ing anything about the stature of the experts the Zoology De- partment consulted, how well these people were acquainted with Dr. Cobb's work, or how much prior knowledge zoolo- gists on this campus had of Dr. Cobb as a scholar, our Com- mittee had no way of deter- mining whether the Zoology De- partment acted improperly. We wish to remind the readers of this report that the judgment of the extended Zoology Executive Committee was unanimous, and that that Committee included a Black and a woman. Finally, we must assert more strongly than this report does our conviction that careful at- tention be paid to faculty opin- ion in the selection of a Dean. We believe that President Flem- ing and V. P. Rhodes tried to do this when they recommend- ed Dr. Frye to the Regents. There are no doubt occasions when faculty preferences should be overruled by the Regents, but in that event the reasons should be carefully discussed by the Regents and conveyed to the faculty concerned. Ralph Loomis Professor of English Dept. of Humanities, College of Engin. Eva Mueller Associate Dean College of LS&A