The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Friday, May 16, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 Drop tres passing charge The trespassing case against 44 members of the graduate organizing committee is now being heard in Judge S. J. Elden's courtroom. Hopefully all charges will be dismissed against the graduate student group sup- porters and members who were arrested during the GEO strike while picketing in front of the Plant Department., The GEO strike was no picnic for those who made it work; they protested at their own risk and paid a high price for their efforts in inconvenience and discomfort. In addition, there is ample evidence to suggest that many plant department drivers had actually encouraged the picketers to slow them down, and the police department hadn't clearly indicated locations suitable for picket lines. A conviction of the picketers at this point would be no more than blatant vindictiveness; we hope to see all charges made against them dropped immediately. HEW cutback welcome THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Education and Wel- fare's commitment to carefully investigate the Cobb controversy and remedy any discriminatory activities it may have involved is a refreshing indication that the government bureau is committed to a working affirma- tive action program, not one in name only. Hopefully, HEW's reported plan to withhold a half million dollar grant from the University's Highway Safe- ty Research Institute will provide a greater incentive, for the University rectify Cobb-related transgressions than the Affirmative Action Committee report commissioned by President Fleming. ~03 Profile of a misanthrope By SUSAN GIZYNSKI According to this mythology, chologist William Prendergast, J1XACTLY WHAT is rape? if it were not for learned soc- it was found that moet states Everyone has their own de- ial controls, all men would rape. did not try to differentiate be- finition. Rape is a natural oehavior pat- tween the criminal offender and Rape is an act of aggression tern and men must learn not the psychiatric offender. in which the victim is denied to rape. Yet in fact, studies re- Prendergast found that the self-determination. It is an act veal that rape is not impuive average I.Q. of the p;ychiatric of violence; although not al- behavior, and that most rape offender was quite high and ways followed by beatings or is planned. that many had a broad range murder, rape still carries the Ours is a culture which cx- of educational actolevemen's. threat of death. Rape is not pects aggression from the male The offenders ran the gamut only a crime of bodily as- and passivity from the female. from poverty and lox social sault, but . a transgression The male psyche persists in be- position to wealth and high soc- against chastity as defined by lieving that deep down in her ial position; most were white. the male society. mysterious soul, the f e m a 1 e Prendergast found that most Rape is the least reported of "rays for this destiny. Tae rap- were sexually inhibited a n d all crimes, according co the ist can often condone his be- often knew that they were sick P Tn he16' i havior by claiming that all and thus felt tremtndous galt. . D.. IIn it YO , 11 of rape rose nationally by 93 cent, less than robberymbut n than any other crime aga: the person. Approximately 000 to 40,000 rapes are repor annually, but for an accurate tal, the F.B.I. claims the ures must be multiplied by to compensate for unrepot assaults. Using this form there are more rapes tom: ted than aggravated ass and homicides. Police officials feel that definite increase in rape is necesarily due to a step-ut criminal activity, but is a re of increasing willingness to port rape. Since traditional IT society defines women as sessions, it isn't surprising find that theft is ine fe most often committed toge with rape. RAPE HAS been amazii misunderstood, and remains mostamyth-ridden of all ccix In past times and places, rapist has been variously v ed as monster, mental ret ant, and playboy. Saxon 1 punished the crime with de under William the Conque the punishment was castra and loss of eyes. In 15th tury England, offenders c escapesentence by morc their victims, which iml that the crime was simply a deemable sport. According to the male m stagy, rape is an animah stinct inherent in thz- na per ore inst 30,- rted to- fig- ten rted uila, mit- ulls the not sult re- nale pos- to luny toer ugly the he lew- ard- ath; ror, women want to be raped. And it is the nature of human be- ings to want to live up to vhat is exoected of them. RAPE 5S THE perect com- bination of sex and violence: the ultimate act. Sexual pleasure cannot be separated from cul- ltre, and in our socis y, male sexuality is wedded tO power. A theory presents itself: that so- ciety teaches men the basics of rape, and also indirectly en- courages the practice of it. Just what type of individual rapes? Psychologist Bernard J. Oliver states; "The rapist gen- erally tends to be emotionally immature, has deep feelings of insecurity and inferiority, and seems to have considerable dif- ficulty in establishiag adequate social relationships.' In a study conducts 1 by psy- CRIMINAL offenders r a t e very low in educational achieve- ments. They feel no guilt but often feel tremend)is hatred and hostility toward women. Al- most all are from the ghetto; a great number are black. Rape and other forms of .;ex- ual aggression could e curbe by the solution of our social and moral problems. Rape virtims must draw together oil t h e i r strength to follow t:hrough with prosecution of their case. A greater willingness to discuss rape in public, the growing availability of abortion, and the women's liberation movement have combined to create a cli- mate in which women reel stronger about their convictions, and can dispell their fears of reporting rape. Letters: Women s Studies feedback } i y t ' ' ,' \ .. . {J ~ ~~ 1 . ..-- ' ion cen- alternatives ould To The Daily: pying BEING ONE of the students plies in the Women's Studies 3 70 a re- course, and more specificaly, one of the four woo requested iyt- men be exempt, : would like to in- explain the rationale beh ad my iale. action. On the first day the class muet, goals were proposed, and ore of those goals of the, class (com- posed at that point only of wo- men) was to g. t a better feel- ing of ourselves and an appre- ciation of what it entails to be a woman in our society,order laws generated by me u At the next session, the men who came were preset-ed With the fact that the class could be run more cffaciv'ely with-ut them. An equally infcrm.a:ive di- rected reading coa:r se was sug- gested as an alternative. I would suggest that through the directed reading course, con- current with any tsormal inter- action with yr amen, this goal may be reached I DON'T FEEL these men re being denied their rights. Al- ternatives are availabe to th-n, and these priori'ies should be considered by the-n. --Karen O i)1ger May 14 - generalities To The D-ilv: YOUR EDITORT AL of Tav 14 implied that the 'oum-st s Stu- dies Program exchides men fronm its courses as a matter of policv. The Program ha never in the past and does not new haie any s-ch policy, as I clear- lv informed your reporter be- fare the editorial wept to press: Notonly would such an exclus- on violate the Fanul'y Cole; it would be blatantly anti-eduna- tibnal as well and for all the reasons that your ediorsl sug- gests. In fact, men nwa' con- stitute about ten or cent of the enrollment in Women's Study courses. Par from excluding men, the Women's Studies Program hs actively responded to the edu- rational needs of nesnnot only in regular courses, but by ot- fering them specialized inde- pendent studies, by organizing discussion sections for men to study sex-role socialization, and by co-sponsoring projecus a n d events aimed at the male con'- munity, such as a directory list- ing area resources for men. Men have also served as discussion leaders in our two in -oductory courses. If your reporters would in- corporate more than one source in their editorials, it would pre- serve them from the fallacy of generalizing from a single and ill-reported interaction. -Margaret Lourie Director Women's Studies Program May 14 Ed.'s note: The Wednesday Daily's editor- ial on Women's Studies 370 was in no way intended to imply that the Women's Studies Pro- gram excludes ruen as a matter of course. The progressive stu- dies made by the program io examining and coordinating the expanding roles of both men and women are a matter of re- cord as is the program's unre- stricted policy on the accouamo- dation of men in its classes and projects. At no point does Wed- nesday's editorial present a broad-based indictment of the program, and any inference made to that effect is unfound- ed. The point of the column - one which we feel was suf- ficiently verified bo a number of sources - is tCat, in an in- dividual Women's Studies class, an instructor-initiated attempt was made to exclude male members from the course in violation of LS gsuidelines and the spirit of higher education. rit11 Mi1.WAtjKISE JOURNAL (. 'Hey, kid. Wanna get away from all this talk of energy crisis and decaying environment?'