Page 4-Saturday, August 5, 1978-The Michigan Daily The Daily endorses: altruistic vein that is quite refi reshing. He h s Levin by a nose it. not neglecting business in his priorities or te deterin aino u bh tv ban ;n f , THIS YEAR'S Senate primary race has ivii~nnsassyaarmral n ' ~ 5 1 ine ns iplayed a remarkable in- g'l ut d vss nrc een called boring. It has been said the sensitivity to his constitutents' needs. Suc- they head his list. only isen he campa nsan Abor cess has made him complaceent; whatever Many people are quick to say Ferency's ney issue in the campaign is Ann Arbor leadership he may of once shown has long move to the Human Rights Party (HRP) newspaper publisher Philip Power s since faded, and been replaced by and back again, and his previous bids for millions. However, n the midst of an mismanagement and negligence in both the the seat make him unelectable. We see his energ is er cent, uner p oensecuti PBB debacle and the case of abused mental HRP migration as an earnest attempt to quarters of double digit inflation and when health patients, just to name two. These ac- make a third party viable and a true pursuit relations with the Soviet Union are the ts do not merit his reelection. of efficacy at the cost of established party reldtin 1ith yerSovie Uin thvew While all four Democratic challengers support. His preceding bids for office and coldest in 15 years we find this view have attacked Milliken's record, only the fact that he is back again show that he is especially naive. one-Zolton Ferency-has the vision and intent on bringing his ideas into the political Although Carl Levin, former Detroit City the drive to solve this state's problems. arena and his motivations to serve the lead throughout the Democratic senate Ferency has participated in, observed, public are inexorable. primary his opponents have collected and analyzed politics throughout most of his Another offhand regard for Ferency is enough surprise endorsements to keep most 56 years. He has made two unsuccessful that people cannot see" him as governor. pybbids for the governorship. Many people with If we are going to set an absolute prototype political analyst guessing about the final that type of experience become cynical and for politicians and governors then why The field of Democratic candidates is the impatient when they do not win or see allow any citizen who receives the required best in recent years. Four of the Democrats significant change in the direction goals. signatures and financial support to run? are worthy of special consideration. Levin, Ferency's endurance and maintenance of a All the candidates are lawyers, and they Power, former U.S. Rep. Richard Vander' fresh approach exhibits that he deserves to have spent their time in the legislature or in Veen and State Sen. John Otterbacher and is well,qualified to win the governor's similar environments recently, virtually in- VenadSaeSn oh tebce etthis year. sulated from ordinary people on a daily (Grand Rapids) are all good candidates and seat sye. basis Ferency teachescriminal justice and very close on the issues. But after much Bill Ralls, the former Public Service ai.Frnytahsciia utc n consideration we find Carl Levin to be the Commission (PSC) member, has tried to constitutional law at MSU where his per- osidratioualifideCratLtorere compensate for a lack of knowledge and ceptions of politics and the democratic Michigan i the U.S Senate,to re resent positive solutions by attacking Milliken and system are challenged daily. He calls him- capable of defeating the likely Republican his fellow Democratic candidates. After his self a democratic-socialist and does not candidate, incumbent Robert Griffin. barrage of barbs subsides little substance seek to overthrow the system within which The two easiest candidates to dismiss are remains. He has attempted to garner sup- he teacher and works. State Senator Anthony Derezinski port by pointing to his record of opposing He has remained outside the sphere of (Muskegon) and State Rep. Paul Rosen- utility rate hikes on the PSC. While the negative charges circulated throughout the baum (Battle Creek). Although State Sen. public appreciates his stance, an endor- campaing. Unlike the other three can- banthonytterenki. Athuhasateryie sement can not be predicted on such a slim didates, Ferency does not degrade his op- Anthony Derezinski has a very liberal, exhibition of capability. ponents or try to discredit their capabilities. progressive record n the state legislature State Sen. Patrick McCollough has a Instead he runs his own campaign, and this regresxibistand conseationl alnd intes record of competence in the legislature, and time we hope he is successful. national issues. He has been an effective his voting attendance record is commen- state legislator and should stay where he dable. Unfortunately, it is dubious that he Pierce the best satedlegislatorgandhoulstaywh could exceed the mediocrity of the present can do Michigan the most good. administration. His remedies for state T IN THE OFTEN inefficient world of politics, there State Rep. Paul Rosembaum (Battle ailments deviate little from the standard 1 is rarely a man who can combine the knowledge, Creek), is a dazzling public speaker who answers that fall from the lips of most other progressivism and sincere devotion to helping the has little more to say than what the audien- state politicians. His most enterpisin new people; Dr. Ed Pierce is that man. ce wants to hear. The Senate is a unique . p. s.e pr g Pierce, a Democrat, is running for the 18th district element of our government because it deals idea is to institute an inter-collegiate seat to replace retiring Republican state Sen. Gilbert directly with foreign affairs. Rosenbaum's library system on a large scale to clea; Bursley. Pierce has lost two bids for Congress and has understanding of international relations is space for new books and make old not served in public office for 12 years, but we believe knowledge more accessible. However, the there is no better man to stop the incompetence and minimal. This makes him an unacceptable University just joined a system like that waste which pervades state goverment. choice for the U.S. Senate. University jus joined astemtike that. This is not to say that Pierce's opponents are all in- In contrast, Power's knowledge of inter- McCollough has focused attention on spen- competent. Notably, Democrat George Goodman national political, economics, and the effec- ding waste and tax reform, but he has done would be a strong candidate in any other race. His s of foreign affairs on domestic stabilityslittle more than parrot figures and make the basic views are close to Pierce's, and as mayor of Yp- egnabys traditional ineffectual promises. silanti he has been a strong liberal leader. But in a race exceptional. However, Power has no . W'll' Ftgld h b that includes a man of Pierce's caliber, that simple political track record by which his en.WsiamFizgeral as asobeen isn't enough. A warm-hearted man who is best known statements can be measured. Perhaps if relying on legislative experience for sup- for the free medical clinic he built in Ann Arbor, Pierce Power had run for a seat in the House two port. Fitzgerald exhibits sound judgment knows what be done, and is ready to propose years ago, his candidacy for the Senate through his stance on most of the issues. legislation to accomplish those goals. However, he courts a concern for business For example, Pierce believes that the state should would be more appealing. His views on which could easily lead him to a myopic institute a graduated income tax. He refuses to jump South Africa are also disturbing. .mywoptestt' umnned.Gaic on the bandwagon, as so many others have, of the two He is opposed to economic sanctions view of the state's human needs. Granted, new tax limitation proposals. He says the reform against that nation, and doesn't favor Michigan shows a vital need to revamp its amendments would not cure inflation or settle the divestiture by the University. business climate and employment rates, citizens' heavy tax burdens, and he is right. s ,ABut gains in these areas-cannot be executed He strongly suports state funding for abortions See LEVIN, PAGE Swith a focus on capital needs while soft- because he believes "we have a moral obligation to help provide for the poor," services that are already Ferency's the one pedaling social service demands. Excessive available to the rich. tax breaks and catering to corporate con- He is also sensitive to the needs and rights of the OVERNOR MILLIKEN is running cerns could siphon precious tax dollars young as evidenced by his opposition to the ballot unopposed in the Republican guber- away from those who need them most. proposals to raise the drinking age. He also favors natorial primary, and his brbad-based sup- Ed Pierce is not a politician. e isa doctor, a con- port is sure to make him a heavy favorite in ERENCY'S IDEAS for restructuring cerned citizen, and a man committed to solving the November. Even many Democrats have the tax system, encouraging tourism, problems of the world by serving in whatever capacity prtised his record, ad ive; i- q tt 'hot - ,-conservation and jobs for.tthe marginally he can. Let's put him somewher5'where he can do mre wh4lehe4ar'edsupport,. lm does YJt ieseve..-kYtbl, Y a. Gd ress 'apiti g 1 e Qech It S r S t 1 r l