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August 05, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-08-05

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0 Vol. LXXXV11II No. 59-S
michigan DAILY Saturday August 5,1978
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents Sixteen Pages
up during July

ployment rate rose sharply from 5.7 per
cent to 6.2 per cent last month, but
nevertheless the economy is not
growing worse, the Carter ad-
ministration said yesterday.
The Labor Department said
teenagers looking for summer jobs ac-
counted for half of the 440,000 increase
among unemployed citizens during
dropped from May's 6.1 per cent to 5.7
per cent of the work force.
Government economists said the
reported decline in June may only have
been a statistical mistake and that the
unemployment rate has actually been
steady all year.
At the White House, presidential
spokesman Rex Granum said the new
figures are no cause for alarm. "We do
expect to make gradual further
progress this year and next in reducing

Crane wreck Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX unemployment," hesaid.
Cr(-, rc Granum said the July rise mer(
The operator of this crane was enlarging the hole for the law library extension "indicates that the sharp drop in une
yesterday when his machine slipped on the soft sand and took a 30-foot plunge. ployment in June was a statiti
the operator was shaken up, but unhurt. His crane, however, took it on the nose. aberration," which the White House
Greene m a be on ballot
By MICHAEL ARKUSH Tuesday's Democratic primary. Since One portion of the code declares
Barring unusual circumstances, Greene is the only Democrat who has person needs at least 15 per cent of t
Councilman Earl Greene (D-Second declared his candidacy, it is widely ex- party's vote in the primary to qual
Ward) will be on the November pected he will easily collect the most for the fall ballot. But a contrary s
Congressional ballot because of a ruling write-in votes. tion held that the person need or
yesterday by Attorney General Frank But to make sure, Dan Sharp, a receive a plurality of write-in ballots.
Kelley. worker on Greene's campaign, yester- Stanley Steinborn, Kelley's ch
Kelley's ruling states that the can- day said he had mailed letters to 3,000 assistant, explained the two secti
didate receiving the most write-in votes local Democrats urging them to vote were confusing and said the state opt
in an uncontested primary for Greene. to interpret the more liberal part.
automatically ends up on the fall ballot. THE RULING became necessary "WE FELT that in a decision whi
It culminates a two-month effort by when conflicting sections of the state's was not made by the court, we could1
Greene to challenge Republican in- Elections Code aroused confusion as to as lenient as possible to ease the acce
cumbent Rep. Carl Pursell. what requirements candidates who to the ballot," said Steinborn.
"THIS RESTORES my faith in the were not on the primary ballot would Kelley's decision came just four ds
democratic system," Greene said. need to become eligible for the Novem-
All Greene must do is win next ber slate. See GREENE, Page 14


point out at the time.
changed very little since February,"
Granum said, adding that a total of
about 1.4 million jobs have been added
to the economy since then.
He said the employment rise is not a
sign that the economy is slackening,
noting that other economic indicators
continue to point upward.
Despite strong economic growth in
the spring, some economists have
feared that worsening inflation will
lead to a recession early next year.
AT A NEWS conference, Treasury
Secretary Michael Blumenthal said
"there are no indications of a recession
as far as we can see."
He said the unemployment situation
has remained strong and that "there
are more Americans at work earning
more money than ever before and there
is no reason to be concerned."
A Labor Department official, Janet
Norwood, said, "It would be premature
to infer a change in the underlying
strength of the labor market."
THE EMPLOYMENT figures are ad-
justed for seasonal variations, and June
and July are considered particularly
difficult months for the adjustmenta
because of the influx of students into the
labor market for the summer season.
See JOBLESS, Page 5
Of primary
O0N TUESDAY, primary
elections for U.S. Senate,
governor and state Senate will be
held. On pages eight and nine
you'll find out how the U.S.
Senate candidates and the Demo-
crats after the governor's seat
handle the issues. Page ten is
devoted to the state Senate can-
didates. After you're through
with those, flip to page four to see
how we've ranked the hopefuls.


Killing suspect faces open murder trial
At a y hearing into the shootingdeath of a department of psychiatry, was arraigned Tuesday af- indicated that in the 17 months they worked together,
preliminaryternoon on open charges of murdering Koos, the Aparicio at least began to feel that Koos was his super-
University Hospital administrator yesterday, Ann Ar- assistant administrator for the Medical Center's visor.
bor District Court Judge George Alexander yesterday psychiatric hospital. "I asked him if he shot him, and he said, 'Sure, I shot
denied defense attempts to send the murder case to Last Monday morning hospital officials heard shots . him," testified Patrolman Harry Jinkerson. Jinkerson
Circuit Court with second degree charges. Instead, ring out from a hallway on the hospital's first level. was the first police officer on the scene after Koos was
Alexander moved the case to Circuit Court with open Moments after the bullet-riddled body of Koos was shot.
charges of murder. rushed to the hospital's emergency room, Aparicio was "I.ASKED him, 'Shot who?', and he said, 'Mr. Koos.'
That means when the matter is tried in Circuit Court under police custody for the murder. I asked him 'Why,' and he said, 'They had threatened
sometime after the formal arraignment August 17, the YESTERDAY'S investigation revealed further to take my job away, and I just couldn't allow that',"
judge or jury hearing defendant William Aparicio's statements police say Aparicio made during his arrest Jinkerson told Alexander.
case will then decide if the murder was first or second which would fill in gaps of the police's theory that Jinkerson' testified "they" referred to Koos and
degree. Koos' shooting was job-related. another individual, whose name was not brought up at
NEW EVIDENCE also surfaced which may help Although University Hospital's information service the hearing. According to Jinkerson's testimony,
clear up the mystery of why University Hospital ad- has stated that Aparicio and Koos were an "ad- Aparicio told the officer he had attended a "brief
ministrator Donald Koos was gunned down last Mon- ministrative team" and that Koos was in no way meeting" with Koos and the unnamed individual on
day morning. . Aparicio's superior, statements made at the hearing Thursday, July 27, in which "They told me if I didn't
Aparicio, 47, an administrative manager in the . at . h .y y See KILLING, Page 14

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