Page 10-Friday, August 4, 1978--The Michigan Doily rn r:. r n .r ww is i irx aoar "'_, "Co. 42i H M" s w{fT Y ++{ t S -WZ.A Oft A CALL 764-0557 MOVING SALE-Double bed, couch, chatf bookcases, turndable, plants, radial snosw SR 13i. (15 (113. SUZU'KI1977 TS1ooB. 700 miles. Perfectt COUCHII$25, 1wo hairs- $5. colteetalel$10. rack $15, toaster $3, dishes, lump. typessri black bag. 994-5487. MOVING-Modern DunBeige studis bed-c( goo ondition, Kitcbenaid coppetone di.: $t00, used only 4 years 420-0026. I BEDROOM, launodry facilities, pivatef large yard. $175 ptus electric, pins basic la 014 Pauline Blvd. Open. SINGLE RtOOM FOR FEMALE in cegel. opeative boase on Catberine. 76908 o YOtU TOO~ CAN LIVE AT THETA XI Webhavemoreerooms tban ever! No% werneednmotregood people tban ever Cbecb us sat noss for bhe fatl. THETA XI-THE C(I-ED) FRAT -tbe bolter alternative- 13145 Wasteawat boutbhtU. the one witb pitlars) 761-613~-Disco or Karen *ORR-N crs. desks, Fornisbed Htouse, 921 S. Stale. Up to 0 occupants, tires (165 close to Law, Rosiness Scbools and Intramural 40B05 Building. New carpetog, 2 batbs, basement.IU ot M conditisn. bomsing lease, newUtC.O. tl 941144. 14C804 ofSANS SOUCI ieM.. Largeone andtwoabdoomtfurnisbed apartmeoh 30804 avalabale toe fall occupancy. Apartmeolincladen pucb, $35, beat, tree parking, and a large balcony or patio. ssasber, Located across from tbe University of Micbigan 600304 Stadtum. Bus seevtce to and Irom central campus * datly. Rntlootat t I$273 and $378. E Call994-3955 entrance, Or oisit tbe restdent manager at awn care.I1365SOUTH MAIN STREET 49C005 Managdby rin_- Reaume and Dodds 4380 Management Co. 1 cCtc w FURNISHED ROOGMS at Inwprices. 0003276, 769 1075. c~tc 6 BEDROOIM HOUSSE, furnisbed, 2 bulb., lising- room wt fireplace, laundry room. $050 plus utilities. 014 Pauline Blvd. Open. 47C305 MOIST tIP THlE tHOUSE. 4 bdesoms. Purnisbed, 00vngoo w fireplace. $475s plus electric. 014 p4C804 Pauine Blvd. Open. 480805 CGMPLETE PROPHYLACTIC department avail- able at Village Aptbecary, 1112 S. University. peFte THE LATE,. LATE SHO0W is bereti I a.m. tonigbt. Billiards and boig at bhe Union. cF005 FURD, You tbink tbat Cassandra as faitbful to you? Ha! Sbe and I bud a lsce affair under your very nose. I tbougbt tbat sbe loved me and swas going to divorce you in order to marry me. But I soon learned tbut sbe man only using mes toe a tar worse reason tban pure lost., Sbe wan tbe reason tbut tbe Edsail boat failed! LEYLAND LEUNG dFoo4 WATCH FOR JIMMY CARAS coming to tbe Union. cFth5 DELIS RESUME AT HILLEL, t429 Hilt, eacb Sun- day at 6p.m. $1peplate. p0F12 Unique clotbes aIreaonable prices-YVONNE'S FASHIIONS, 123 N. Tbayer corner of Ann St reti, 62-2734. 37F5 WE NEVER HAVE to coveranytbing up. GM Stylists at bhe Union. Open f:ll am. Mon-Sat. cF8O4 Sby, bandsome, semi-atbleticiolermittent smoker 24, would like to meet woman. Interests inclade Walber Percy, Gastav Mabler, pbysics Tim Buckley, Nick Drake, Leonard Coben, tennis, and Sberlock Hlolmes. If you mould like to meet me for dinner, write Boo 36, Roy-l10ak, Micb. u8068. :32F809 Wesley August Activities Wesley Foundation bus too social and recreatiooal activities coming in August. Murk sour calendrs and call to letousknnowyou'rerintrested inpar- ticipating. Hiking, swimming, picnicking at Silver Lake, Saturday, August 12tb. CullMartba Ann, 073- 2736. Dinner a-I the PreteleOll and an evening of Bloce07rass music, Friday, August 25th. tall Dot- tie, 971-0074. cF8t2 Papa'is a preacberrand tbat'stherproblem. If you arr a 1U of N studenot wbo has a parrot u-So is a clergymanor clrgy woman, do you trnd to avsoid religious orgasnizations ?11' so. you may belsrerstrd in a grotto of studevts front like situations. hegivning in September. Lease your-oame and phone number at Weoley Foundaton, 668-0001, pcF8l7 The 1978 Michiganensian leas finally arrived! Yearbooks can So picked up at tbe Student Pub- lictions Building. 420 Maynard, from M-F, 0 am.- S pi..Yearboobs areualsonontsaletfor $t2. dFtc OFFSET AND XEROX Fast Loin Cost Duplicating COPY QUICK-769-050 1217 S. University DAILY CROSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe 1970 Los AngeesTimesSyndicate ACROSS 459 Tht nostrils 20 British schoolbt 1 Officials ftf old, io 50 Fly fttr fishiog vacation Venice 51 Fttrtetokens 23 Crosaders' foe 6 Ttkes it easy 53 Nautisal rope 24 Ilantld chalin in!t 12 D~iscttver by 54 1Post Officedtevtce N Pctific a-tcideot 55 Arrangedd10 soc- 27 Heat: Lat. 14 Comnplete cessin 2 Capacity units 15 llalo 57 Mttre clamorous '31 Statos symbol 16 Shttshones' cousins 59 Famous yachts- 33 Letter 18 Common atlloy man 35 Whalebtoes 19 1887 nt~oel 611 Par fttr titetcoutrse 36 Rio Tinto ptort 21 Gush 61 B~lack bucks 37 D~oes painting 22 Ttourist meccas 62 Venttures 38 Laod of the Hao 23 Busy bird DOWN 39 Active 25 Mathematical ratio 1 Daily 40 Customary pro- 26 Make lace 2 Adriatic strait cedure 27 Dials 3 Suppose 41 Peachtree and 29 Partner of order 4 Epic poetry others 30 Places 5 Money, in Lima 44 Thin metal diok, 32 Is a match for 6 Frolics 46 Kind of cloth 34 "When I was 7 Suffix with pay 48 Cuts " 8 Muhammad and 50 Amplified light 35 Tendril others device 36 Tarkington hero 9 Menu items 52 Egyptian queer 39 Seasoning makers 10 Pago Pago's osland the gods 42 Black bird 11 Of the breastbone 54 Singer of note 43 Small waves 12 Special garb 56 Long 45 Baseball great 13 Snuggled 58 Famous diction- 47 Falls behind 17 Fricassees ary: Abbr. soy s the nof STOP SMOKING IN 5 DAYS. Tbe U-M Smoking Cessatiott Poect is ofering a igly effectic program. Cll 94-332. 61F808 HOUSECLEANING-Expertly done by U-SIgad- ate student Refernes f rqurdClt 9732505, MAINTENANCE WORK in dwmntomn cloig retil store. Good ourly pay-rate. Saks Fiftb Avenue, call9:30-5:30665-531. 45H08 PERSON WITH CAR (N. Camps rea resident preferred, but not esenil to deliver te MICHI- GAN DAILY 0 days/eek ono N. Campus for all- Winter Terms. Great pay! Cll 764-h58, 10:0-200. dHt $11,(0 SECRETARY /BOOKKEEPER and $00, bouse manager iCounty CETA eligile) psitios are nowt open at bhe Domestic Violence Proect. Apply 117 Wstenaw Avenue bind bhe Unitarian Churcb in Ann Arbor. 9-5 Monday-Friday or sent reume. 311015 01000. STRUCTURED PROGRAMMER wntd mt. mediately trough early Septmher. Call Karl any- tine605-7377 or663771.311009 THlE UNIVRSITY CELLARistnow acepting appli- cattons fnrFll Book fush 1970. ull-timecte - poary postitons to start to August and Septmher. Pay $293/hour Apply UCellar tnformtion dsk. 3:309S Staer to the basemrt of te Mtcig-s Union. Mon-F ti.905 0 Sat125.411117 IANDSCAPE AND RENNOVATION hlpwate im editeIl for Ypilntpapart complx. Pll tieuntl mtd Sptmerft3.50/otr to start, ht willpyv$5 tfvnrk sattsfactory. Cal4373Mtor48- 7170 for torthr tnformatton 3311014 Studen19Srstces assstnlwantdforowork-study jobs no.63.2bhousprwek -mrin ratron Call Mike at763-2204or9952180 2810 Ldyor coupl toltvertnfor nght car ofsm invalid woman. Nc at-codtond hmc itheS country near Ann Arbor Prvte room and bt rea Da~y lady caes for mc mother all ay. Nght persoapreparcs evening mral and puts her to hd only. Call 426-361, s-5eekdas 1511o5t TUDE NT COUPLE.tOR BUSINEOS MAJO Local camp00octentedhbusnssslohngoa new manager. Must bhreger agg rstvead oell orgaun'.ed. Oppotunty to ero1t tW to $,00 for3 weeks ok. Will not tnterfer wth tlass chdul, begins Septembr 1, 178. Call for appointment 79- 403 dily. 291805 STUDENT COUPLE OR BUSINESS MAJOR Local cmu-or-0ented usiness is looking fo oem manager. Must So eager. aggressive and ueli organized. Opprtunity to ero$1,000 In $1,00 oe 3 eeks ok. Will not interfere wiS clas scedule, begins September 1. 17. Call for appotment. 709-4035,95 daily. _ 8 1729 PART-TIME JANITORIAL close In cmps. Call 1-7-9001 evenings bfore 10. -92812 MANAGER AND/OR COOK ioua Kose restaurant. 76-37 eves. cHc Judie Birdsall Typing/Binding 6121,. Forest 66-943 Dineraions, Teem Paper, Manuscript Temin Binding THE SECRETARIAT QUALITY TYPING SERVICE Di.seetations Manucripts. Reprts 12 Suth State Stree 94354 9- Mn-Sat cJtc PROFESSIONAL TYPING J&J COPYING/TYPING SERVICES We bndle- dissertations, resume, legal. teem paes ckam Qualiy guaranteed. 1202 S. University' 7dayn 662-6401 - cJc poemuional diregtio Ibesempae.557-755.cJc Cntnudn Page!- I- t 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 110 1 12 14 I 15 16 I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 36 37 38 9 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ii 56 57 j'58 j 1 59 1 r 60 61 62 Cusi.' T-SHIRTS-We got 'em. Many styles. Many colno. Lettering available. Also team uni- forms.Tbe Inn Sbop to tbe Ann Arbor Inn. tnt -8p.m.c~tc NEED COPIES? J&J COPYING/TYPING SERVICES 1202 S. University 7 days 662-6401 cFtc MAKE LOVE!-NOT WAR lIT'S GOOD FOR OUR BUSINESS) Austin Diamond 1209S. University 663-7151 -Specializing in custom engagement & medding rings cFtr ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE