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August 03, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-08-03

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Vol. LXXXVIMI, No. 57-S
-Thursday, August 3, 1978
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents Sixteen Pages
S. Africa trip con irms Fleming's views
By BRIAN BLANCHARD toward the South African government and any cor-
After two weeks of "candid, blunt" discussion with porate support.
leadrs n hth ide ofSout Aficas aarteidFLEMING'S trip and that of four other American
leaders on both sides of South Africa's apartheid university presidents from Notre Dame, Clark
system of racial segregation, University Presidentv College, Denison and Hampshire College, travelling
Robben Fleming said yesterday he heard nothing in Cle, De and Hampshie Colled taelling
that country which convinced him to shift his with him were paid for hy the United States-South
talegianc om he Rn ts'ed smtnd ash t hAfrica Leadership Exchange Program (USSALEP).
allegiance from the Regents' stand against Sally Fleming, the president's wife, made the visit to
divestiture of University investments from cor-JhansrgPrtrDrbnndCpTwnt
porations doing business in the racially divided' her own expense.
nation. hronepne
"t' t pUSSALEP is a voluntary, non-profit organization
"It's the people there who have to resolve the founded 20 years ago to promote the "extension of
problem," said Fleming during an interview in the racial justice" in both nations, according to Audrey
Administration Building. "I don't really have any dif- Trioll, a USSALEP program associate in Old Green-
ferent view of that (divestiture), I guess, than I had Flem in wich, Ct. A committee composed of 20 American and
before .. I think the Regents in their actions were ports such investments. Fleming has not spoken with 20 South African members decides how best to spend
about right." Zulu leader Gatsha Buthelezi, but said that as "the money provided by a long list of contributing com-
FLEMING SAID he found South African blacks single most powerful black leader by everyone's panies, including IBM, GM and Ford, all of which
"split, as other people are" on the issue of divestiture acknowledgement today," Buthelezi's reported stand have operations in South Africa.
for American businesses. He mentioned two against divestiture is significant. One such project consisted of financial assistance
prominent examples of black leadership supporting Fleming acknowledged that Dr. N. Motlana, for Donald Woods, the white South African journalist
the continued presence of American firms in the chairman of the Committee of 10 in Soweto, with and outspoken critic of the apartheid system who
country. whom he spoke, voiced opposition to such American escaped the country early this year, according to
South African newspaper editor Percy Qoboza, who interests. Fleming also emphasized that most of the
was once jailed and released, told Fleming he sup- blacks under the age of 35 "are completely hostile" See S. AFRICA, Page 7
House votes to lift
sanctions on Rhodesia
if free elections come


yesterday voted 255-156 to life economic
sanctions against Rhodesia by the end
of the year if a freely elected gover-
nment has been installed by then in that
white minority-ruled African nation.
The House approach differs from that
taken by the Senate in that it does not
also require Rhodesia to participate in
peace negotiations with "all parties"
aimed at ending a continuing and
escalating civil war.
THE ACTION came on an amend-
ment to a $1 billion foreign military aid
bill that provides general authority for
arms sales, military training and
military aid overseas. The bill was
adopted 255-156 and sent to a conference
to reconcile differences with a Senate-
approved version of the legislation.
In voting on amendments before the
measure was approved, the House
rejected attempts to cut off arms aid to
the governments of Chile and South
The House initially had approved the
Chile aid cutoff by voice vote, but after
an emotional debate members reversed
themselves on a roll call vote of 243-166.
THE AID cutoff was urged in the case
of Chile to force the extradition of three
Chilean intelligence agents indicted
here in connection with the murder of
Orlando Letelier, former Chilean am-
bassador to the United States under the
Marxist government of the late
Salvador Allende. (See story, Page 2).
In the case of South Korea, the'arms
aid cutoff was urged to force South
Korea to produce former Ambassador
Kim Dong Jo to testify on alleged in-
fluence buying in Congress by the Seoul
After debating a number of ap-
proaches dealing with thesituationin

Rhodesia, the House adopted language
offered by Rep. Richard Ichord (D-
HIS PROPOSAL would lift all U.S.
sanctions against Rhodesia after Dec.
31 unless President Carter certified
that a freely elected government had
not been installed.
By taking that approach, the House
rejected alternatives that called for an
immediate lifting of sanctions in ex-
change for promises by Rhodesia
regarding free elections.
By adopting the Ichord language, the
House also ignored an attempt by Rep.
Clement Zablocki, (D-Wis.), chairman
of the House International Relations
Committee, to make the Rhodesian
amendment conform generally to the
version adopted by the Senate.
Zablocki argued that including a sec-
tion requiring Rhodesia to take part in
negotiations is the best step to ensure
that all elements of the nation are in-
volved in a peace settlement and the
establishment of a black majority
Rhodesia has scheduled elections in
December that are open to all political
Six Democrats and two Repub-
licans compete in their parties'
primaries next Tuesday for a
chance to gain a spot on the
November Senate ballot. For
candidate profiles, see Pages 8
and 9.

Raising the roof
What is said to be the largest crane in the world yesterday lifted multi-ton magnets
through a hole in the roof of the North Campus warehouse of the University's
cyclotron (atom smasher). The government-owned cyclotron has not been in use
for a year, so the five magnets are being transported to the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and California's Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. The
warehouse was closed down sothe Atomic Energy Commission could consolidate
atomic research in a few nationalfacilities.

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