The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, August 2, 1978-Page 9 'ITZGERALD: Slick packaging iTATE SEN. BILL Fitzgerald presents a palatable package, with his All rerican looks, legislative exerience and unteous supply of camp a funds 100,000). But when that image is netrated, it is clear that his stands on the ues differ little from those of the rest of efield of Democratic contenders. The 36-year-old Detroiter's pet issue is proving Michigan's business climate-a al that has been trumpeted by all the bernatorial candidates as they curse rd Motor Co. and other transnational rporations for shifting some operations other states and countries. Fitzgerald has been compared to the ennedys, mostly because he is young, ish and Catholic, not necessarily for his itics. His uncle and father served in the state legislature, which made his oc- cupation seem almost predestined. ON THE CAMPAIGN trail, Fitzgerald displayed a picture-perfect image for the television cameras and the Polish- American Retirees. His slow, clear speech was contrasted with the folksy, backslap- ping slang he used with Detroit Chrysler Stamping Plant employees at the plant gates that same afternoon. The candidate had shucked his suitcoat, rolled up his sleeves and refrained long enough from his incessant hair-comoing to greet the workers of the plant where he used to be a press operator. When he told the workers, "I know what you guys face in there," a few long faces brightened and some took a second look at the candidate. Some replied; "I'm glad ~overnor's seat the popularity of the incumbent (lte caliber of the candidates them- pposed on the Republican ticket. Ie millionaire governor has spent ary campaign. Many observers have trounce any one of the four easily. laims to be the only one capable of election a close race. omination will receive an additional ste for the rest of the campaign. This cites have received substantial public crest for office. Criticism of the fun- een almost nonexistent, and almost tmade the campaign more fair. tdecided voters has been calculated 's polls. That fact and the good oter turnout next Tuesday has kept nervous.- vsw: The Senate hopefuls Milliken somebody got out" and "I wish I could trade places with you now." Following his work on the assembly line, Fitzgerald attended Western Michigan University and then studied law at the University of Detroit while he taught and coached at a high school on Detroit's west side and worked as a legislative aide for the City of Detroit. He also worked for Zolton Ferency in his 1966 bid for gover- nor, a man now his opponent in this race. IN 1971, the aspiring young politician was elected to the state House of Represen- tatives, where he chaired the committee on Economic Development. He was re- elected in 1972, and in 1974 the voters sent him to the state Senate representing Michigan's First District. He served as majority leader for two years, the youngest ever to hold that position. Critics say he enraged too many people and flaunted his position, which prompted his democratic colleagues to oust him from the post. His press secretary, Michael Bartlett, said, "He was pissing people off by trying to get things done out- side the hierarchy." Added Bargtlett of his boss, "He's young and can't tolerate slowness." But Fitzgerald was slow to respond on the tax reform proposals that will beon the November ballot until last week, when he endorsed the Headlee proposal, but not without reservations. He acknowledged potential pitfalls of that measure, such as threats to tax breaks for businesses and limits on budget stabilization, but ex- plained, "These problems can by resolved statutorily." FITZGERALD APPEARED unaware of problems on university campuses. He said divestiture of South African holdings by public institutions is a federal issue and does not concern a candidate seeking statewide office, despite the fact that a bill forcing divestiture now sits in the state House. "I don't know the nature or extent that they hold them," he said. The polished politico seemed uninfor- med and appeared hostile when questioned on the U.S. government-backed spraying of marijuana plants by the Mexican government. After the situation was ex- plained he said, "They have every right to kill them." Later, he said he could not sup- port the use of American dollars for the program. Earlier in the campaign, opponent William Ralls requested an investigation of Fitzgerald's campaign contributions in view of nearly 100 contributions amounting to about $9,700 from Michigan National Bank employees. The contributions en- titled Fitzgerald to close to $20,000 in public funding under the new State cam- paign financing laws. Secretary of State Richard Austin said he knew of no illegalities in Fitzgerald's finances. Fitzgerald said the net effect of Ralls' charges "substantiated our clean record and was a source of embarrassment for Ralls." RALLS: An outsider looking in BILL RALLS HAS no legislative exper- ience and has never before bid for public office-facts which lead him to believe that if he is elected, Michigan will not be watching reruns of the last sixteen years of Republican rule. But the boyish-faced political newcomer has displayed a rather lackluster image and has centered his campaign around at- tacks upon the present administration and his Democratic opponents from the legislature. The former Milliken appointee to the mostly Republican Public Service Com- mission (PSC) is hoping his record of voting against utility rate hikes will propel him into the Governor's seat. RALLS IS A young (35) slim, Yale and Harvard graduate, whose political ex- perience was acquired while working for State Senate majority leader Sander Levin. He also served on the State In- surance Commission prior to his stint on the PSC. Ralls' attire is no flashier than his discourse. He looks most natural in a suit and tie whereas the other candidates merely tolerate the campaign uniform. The Okemos lawyer sparks little fire in his speeches. He tends to repeat the same . statements blasting the Milliken ad- ministration's handling of the PBB fiasco, mental health abuses and economic failures thatlhe was saying six montps ago. This is not to say the faults he finds have changed, but he has not come up with any new ideas or remedies to the ills he is ad- dressing. While facing large audiences, his speech delivery is uninspiring, halting, laden with false starts and lacking charisma. But in a small group or on a one-to-one level, he comes across as more sincere and concer- ned. HE IS NOT a member of the state political establishment, and he considers that a blessing. He worked in Gerald Ford's congressional office during his college years. This bipartisan experience and the lack of support from labor and corporate leaders prompts Ralls to dub himself an independent Democrat, who "transcends political caucuses." Ralls' proposed remedy to most present problems is to expel most state depar- tment heads and executive appointees, a plan echoed by his fellow gubernatorial hopefuls. He has also called for complete disclosure of lobbying activities. He has not endorsed any of the tax reform proposals slated for voter sanction in November. He calls the tax limiting proposals "directives to the state gover- nment to reorder spending priorities and they are all "indictments of the current governor and my opponents in the state legislature." RALLS SAID GROWING up in Detroit, where he believes public education is inadequate, led him to believe education should be the top spending priority, which concurs with the spending agenda of the other candidates, A few weeks ago, Ralls requested an in- vestigation by the Secretary of State of op- ponent Bill Fitzgerald's campaign finan- cing. Ralls expressed suspicion of a violation of the law in view of about $9,700 in contributions from employees of Michigan National Bank.Corp. Ralls never filed a formal complaint, but Secretary of State Richard Austin conducted a brief study of Fitzgerald's campaign con- tributions and said he found nothing in- dicating illegal donations. Ralls said he feels the charges had "a positive effect, they were never answered or denied." He also pointed to close to $20,000 in public matching funds Fit- zgerald received as a result of the private donations. Michigan's new campaign financing law provides $2 in public funds for every dollar donated in $100 or less amounts to a candidate's campaign after the first $50,000 is raised privately. LARGER SUMS MUST be contributed through a corporate political action com- mittee, which in this case could have only allotted Fitzgerald an additional $200 in state funds. Like Fitzgerald, Ralls seemed uninfor- med on the subject of the U.S. government- backed program of spraying of Mexican marijuana plants with the toxic herbicide paraquat. Upon hearing a brief ex- planation of the situation he said, "it soun- ds like an ill-advised project." When asked how vofers can be assured that he will deliver the campaign promises he makes, Ralls replied, "I'm not making any promises."