The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, August 2, 1978-Page 5 GROUP CLAIMS SUPPORT IS STRONG: Backers confident of drinking age hike (Continued from PageeOne) He predicted that only ten per cent of the 18-20-year-old voters in Michigan will turn out to the polls in November, and half of them will vote in favor of the proposal. A FLURRY OF bills to raise the drinking age to 20 or 21 have been in- troduced in the state legislature in past years, and the body passed a bill last March to raise the drinking age from 18 to 19. Effective December 3, the new law affects only those who will turn 18 after that date. But the ballot proposal - which would overrule the legislative measure - contains no such "grandfather clause." The proposal would go into ef- fect 10 days after the election and affect all individuals under 21, regardless of their birthdate. Bailey rejects the new law, calling it a "complete waste of time, a worthless piece of legislation, a facade for legislators to show their constituency Costanza resigns WASHINGTON (AP( - Margaret "Midge" Costanza, already stripped of most of her duties as an outspoken assistant to President Carter, has resigned her $56,000-a-year job as White House aide for women's issues, it was announced yesterday. White House spokesman Rex Gran- um said Carter accepted Costanza's resignation on Monday "with regret," and asked her to remain for 30 days un- til a successor could be found. IN QUITTING, the often controver- sial Costanza said it had become clear to her that she and the President had too many differences in approach and style, although she said she parted with warm feelings for Carter. Costanza was vacationing in Florida. Her office said she had left no telephone number. Carter recently announced that Costanza would "focus her efforts on women's duties." He made the statement in directing heads of federal departments and agencies to include a plug for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment in their public speeches. Actually, Costanza's duties were narrowed to women's issues last May when she was moved from a large of- fice near that of the President in the White House west wing to much smaller quarters in the White House basement. In 1977, Americans were the most numerous of any tourists to visit Greece. A total of 598,470 Americans visited the country last year. The game that won't go away Billiards at the Union they're doing something." BACKERS OF the proposal argue that car accidents involving drunk drivers in the 18-20-year-old age bracket have increased since the drinking age was lowered from 21 to 18 in 1972. "We're ready to address anyone anywhere on statistics," said Bailey. "Figures don't lie but liars can figure," said Eddy Shepherd, coor- dinator of activities for the Michigan Licensed Beverage Association, which opposes a hike in the drinking age. SHEPHERD SAID "(backers of the proposal) never kept track of those things (statistics)" before the drinking age was lowered. He also said a growing young adult population has in- flated accident statistics. Studies made of isolated areas in Michigan have produced accident statistics which are applied state-wide, he charged. "We're against it (the proposal)," said Shepherd, "because the people who are promoting it are drys and are irresponsible." A study conducted by Richard Douglass and Jay Freedman of the Systems Analysis Division of the University's Highway Safety Research Institute (HSRI) recommended that the state consider hiking the drinking age, but added that rights accorded to those currently between 18 and 20 should not be retracted. THE STUDY covered male drivers 18 to 20 years old in various Michigan communities, including Washtenaw LEAVE BLANK ONES SCHEDULI $12 $131 $6.5C $7.00 (Please Print) I.D. No. Number County. "It is suggested that the legal drinking age be raised. If it were raised, a decline in the frequency of alcohol-related crash involvements among male drivers 18-to-20 years old could be expected," the report stated. The report also examined the availability of alcoholic beverages, and found that, too, has gone up. ANOTHER study, conducted by Lyle Filkins of HSRI and Jairus Flora of the School of Public Health, confirmed that accidents involving drivers under 21 who had been drinking have increased since 1972. Bailey, Finlan, and Utica Community Schools PTA President Nancy Ricketts claimed the proposal would curtail the "trickle down effect" - young legal drinkers providing high school, junior high school, and even elementary students with booze. "Our concern is with the 18-year-old who gives it to 14- and 15-year-olds," Ricketts said. "We don't think 14- and 15-year-olds should have to face this burden. We hope by raising the age to 21 we'll get it out of the high schools during the day." The Utica school district was one of the first groups in Macomb County to support the proposal. "THE EFFECTIVE Michigan drinking age is 16. That's too young," said Finlan. "California enforces 21. We don't enforce 18. I'm working to try to get a handle on it for the 13-, 14- and 15-year-olds." D 0IT BY MAIL Both opponents and proponents of the amendment say Secretary of State Richard Austin opposes the measure, but he denies having taken a position yet. "I haven't taken a position," said Austin. "I assure you I'll be taking a position on it." LADISLAUS Dombrowski, ad- ministrative secretary to, the State Board of Education, said at one time the board voted to oppose any legislation raising the drinking age, but has not taken a stance on the ballot proposal. The Michigan Licensed Beverage Association said the state board op- poses any hike in the drinking age. Bailey put little stock in some proposal-opponents' reasoning that if a - person is old enough to go to war for his country, he is old enough to drink alcohol. "DRINKING IS a privilege, as well as many other adult privileges. We find 'no correlation between carrying a gun 'and drinking alcoholic beverages. I don't think those kinds of arguments' are valid." He added that such arguments may have held true in the +past when the draft was in effect. Bailey said there is a trend among state legislatures to raise drinking ages. He said not one state has lowered its drinking age since 1973, while seven have raised the age. Twenty-four states now have a 21-year-old drinking age, while 17 stites have cut off booze to those under 18. SEME Yes, I would like to s u b s c r i b e to THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I agree to be billed later (pre-payment necessary for subs. outside of Ann Arbor, Mich.) LEAVE BLANK STER TWO SEMESTERS E OF PRICES: SEPT. thru APRIL (2 Semesters) by Mail outside Ann Arbor 4 per Semester 3 by Mail outside Ann Arbor Last Name First Middle Initial Phone No. Street Name Apt. No. PERMANENT (automatically renewed each term) For Circulation Dept. Use Only Q~ Stencil Typed Number of paper- .1 Amount Due $ Date Started Code 3 (circle one) 4: J-Ap. 1: S-D 5: J-Au. 2: S-Ap. 6: J-D 3: S-Au. 7: Perm do it I City Stat l alig e Zip , I IIIIJ , i l 9 rt may