h gD A I IYVol. LXXXVIII, No. 55-S 1
[~richganL)R LITuesdayAugustl1 1978
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents Sixteen Pages plus Supplement
Hospital official killed after
argument with co-worker
In a flurry of gunfire that evolved out
of a heated argument between two co-
workers in a University Hospital
hallway, the assistant administrator
for the Neuro-Psychiatric Institute
(NPI) was shot five times yesterday
morning. He died six hours later.,
Donald Koos, 30, was shot at ap-
proximately 9:10 a.m. Arrested on
charges of assault with intent to mur-
der was William Aparacio, 47. Police
say Aparcio will be arraigned today on
charges of homicide.
THE SHOOTING occurred in a wing
of the Neuro-Psychiatric center,
located on the main level of University
Hospital on E. Ann. Outside their ad-
jacent offices, the two men were heard
arguing early yesterday morning. Ac-
cording to police, Aparacio suddenly
pulled out a gun and shot Koos three
times in the head, once in the chest and
once in the hip.
After the shooting, as Koos lay
bleeding and blood dripped from the
spattered hospital walls, Aparacio
walked to a secretary's desk and put
down his gun. According to University
security officers on the scene, Aparacio
quietly waited at his desk until police
Koos was rushed to an operating
room and was later placed in an inten-
sive care unit where he died at 3:24
REASONS FOR the dispute which
prompted the shooting are cloudy.
Hospital officials say they know of no
friction between the two, who worked
together as an administrative team,
handling various fiscal and budget mat-
ters for the center.
Joseph Owsley, assistant director for
the hospital's public information ser-
vice, said NPI employees had been
receiving job evaluations recently and
speculated Aparacio may have
received poor marks. Ann Arbor police
theorized this evaluation may have
played a part in the shooting.
But Owsley said the two men had
worked as equals, and Koos had no im-
mediate authority to enable him to of-
ficially evaluate Aparacio's work.
"THEY'VE worked together for 14,
15 months, and they had to work
together to coordinate their jobs,"
Owsley explained.
Both Ann Arbor police and University
security have theorized Aparicio was
depressed by something Koos had done
the previous week. A spokesman for the
AP Photo
FRENCH POLICE open fire during yesterday's shootout outside the Iraqi em-
bassy in Paris. The shootout followed an eight and one-half hour ordeal during
which an Arab terrorist held hostages inside the embassy. The terrorist surren-
dered, but angry Iraqi Embassy guards fired on him and the police who were
escorting him.
Shotout s
embassy seige
PARIS (AP) - A lone terrorist Palestinian sources in Lebanon to be a
surrendered yesterday after holding guerrilla loyal to Yasser Arafat, was
nine hostages at the Iraqi Embassy for reported seriously wounded.
8% hours and touching off a wild and THE OTHER three wounded were
bloody shootout between vengeful Iraqi identified as two police officers and an
security men and French police who Arab League diplomat who had acted
were trying to take him away. as a negotiator. An embassy guard suf-
One policeman and one Iraqi guard fered serious gunshot wounds during
were killed, and the terrorist and three the initial terrorist takeover of the
other persons were wounded, police building.
said. The Iraqis' action was "incom-
POLICE SAID at least three Iraqi prehensible," said French Police
security men first rushed the French Commissioner Marcel Leclerc, who
officers and their captive on the street himself had to duck gunfire at the
outside the embassy, opening fire on scene.
the terrorist. The Frenchmen returned RELIABLE sources in the guerrilla
the fire, police said. More than a dozen movement in Beirut said the embassy
shots were heard during the brief,, raid was part of an anti-Iraq campaign
bizarre battle. being waged by Arafat's Fatah
A number of Iraqi security guards guerrilla group because of Iraq's sup-
were arrestedby French police. port of radical guerrillas fighting n-
The captured rterrorit,; said by See TERRORIST, Page 12
Department of Safety, which heads
University security, speculated
Aparicio had never meant to fire the
gun, only "intending to scare him."
Koos had been the center's assistant
administrator since 1977. From 1969 to
early last year, he had worked with the
University's medical center coor-
dinating personnel. Koos was married
and has adaughter.
APARACIO HAS also been with the
University since 1969, working in
Sadat's peace efforts
'disappoint' Vance.,.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of
State Cyrus Vance will travel to the
Mideast this week on a mediating
nilssion, despite being "very disappoin-
ted" in the latest statement by Egyp-
tian President Anwar Sadat.
The State Department, responding
yesterday to Sadat's announcement
that Egypt would not negotiate until
Israel agrees to give back all Arab land
captured in 1967, was harsher in its
criticism of Sadat than at any time sin-
ce his visit to Jerusalem last year.
"WE ARE very disappointed" in
Sadat's position, said spokesian Hod.-
ding CArte N'onetheless', he Vdded,
Vance will leave Friday or Saturday for
-Jerusalem and Cairo to talk with Israeli
Prime Minister Menachem Begin and
with Sadat.
In Tel Aviv, an Israeli government
spokesman said that Begin expressed
"satisfaction" with the U.S. criticism
and that Sadat's recent statement
"proves that the obstacle to peace is the
unreasonable extremism reigning in
"It took several months for the truth
to begin to come clear," Begin was
quoted as saying. "Nations and gover-
nments were misled by the false
propaganda that Egypt desired peace
and Israel caused it to~fail."
See VANCE,1Page12