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July 28, 1978 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily, 1978-07-28

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The Michigan Daily-Friday July 28, 1978-Page 15
Holmes to ight Italian in Sept.

By The Associated Press
Heavyweight champion Larry Holmes
has signed to make the firstrdefense of
his World Boxing Association title
against Alfio Righetti of Italy, Don King
announced yesterday.
King also announced that he will be
co-promoting fights with Madison
Square Garden.
The date and site of the Holmes-
Righetti fight is uncertain, although the
fight signed under the new Garden-
King partnership. That could be a
stormy pairing because of the presence
of Garden boxing president Teddy
Brenner, a long-time rival of King.
King said the Holmes-Righetti fight
would he part of a championship
quadruple header which he had hoped
to hold Sept. 8. Thatedate isdnow very
much in doubt. The hoped-for site,
Giants.Stadium in East Rutherford,
N.J.,definitely is out.
Both King and Sonny Werblin,
president of Madison Square Garden

Corp., said that the Meadowlands
would not be available because of
commitments to the New York Giants'
football team. King mentioned other
possible sites - Rutgers University,
Shea Stadium and Yankee Stadium -
saying, "We would like to put it in the
New York metropolitan area."
Heinsohn snubbed
BOSTON - A U.S. District Court
judge ruled Thursday that Tom Hein-
sohn cannot have extra time to barter
with Irv Levin, who has offered him a
National Basketball Association
coaching job in San Diego.
Judge Andrew Caffrey turned down
Heinsohn's bid for a temporary
restraining order against Levin, who
has threatened to hire an unnamed
coach for his NBA franchise unless
Heinsohn accepts a $100,000 offer.
Heinsohn, who was fired by Levin as

coach of the Boston Celtics last
January, is owed $100,000-on his Celtics
pact. Levin offered Heinsohn that sum
to coach the San Diego team, moved
this month from Buffalo.
On July 7, Levin - the former Celtics
owner - swapped franchises with John
Y. Brown, who owned the Buffalo
Heinsohn was in the midst of
negotiations with Levin to move to San
Diego when, the former Boston coach
alleged, he was told to accept the offer
or possibly lose the $100,00 he is owed.
Young Turks
RBod Funseth's record-tying front nine
29 could not withstand the charge of two
young golfers - Phil Hancock and
Larry Nelson - at the $210,000 Sammy
Davis Junior- Greater Hartford Open
Funseth carded six birdies on the
front nine in his course record-tying 29.
The 45-year-old Funseth ended the first
round at 65, 6-under par.
"This is the first time in a month that
I've played," Funseth said, explaining
We're sorry ...
In our Wednesday edition we prin-
ted a picture of a play from the
BaltimoreFexas baseball game that
some readers felt was in poor taste.
We sincerely apologize to anyone
who felt offended by the picture. Any
feedback stemming from such
material would be greatly ap-

he was building a barn on some land he
owns in Napa, Calif. "I'm still not hit-
ting the ball well but I putted super on
the front nine."
Funseth rolled in two putta of 40 feet,
one of 25 feet and another of 20 feet
during his streak.
Tied with Funseth at 6-under were
Artie McNickle and Jim Colbert.
Brett hurt
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The Kansas
City Royals announced yesterday that
all-star third baseman George Brett
will be out of action for two weeks
because of an injury to his right hand.
Team physician Dr. Paul Meyer said
an X-ray revealed a bone chip between
Brett's thumb and index finger on his
right hand.
He suffered the injury while swinging
at a pitch in the first inning of Wed-
nesday night's 12-3 victory over the
Seattle Mariners.
Brett remained in the game, but was
removed after driving home a run with
a sacrifice fly in the third inning.
Brett is hitting .316, with four home
runs and 42 runs batted in this season.
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No Doubt, He's Out AP Photo
TOTONTO BLUE JAY second baseman Dave McKay completes a second inning
double play in mid-air asButch Wynegar of the Minnesota Twins tries in vain to
break up the play. The Twins came out on ton 6-3 in action vestoerdav


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