The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 28, 1978-Page 3 Private library holds host of tasty delights By ELISA ISAACSON Even for those who, when asked by a television commercial narrator if they can recall what they ate for dinner that night within five seconds, do not even muster an attempt, Jan Longone's Wine and Food Library contains a gpldmine of goodies that can't help but make the mouth water. The shop, which houses books from all over the world, is one of only about five libraries of its kind, according to Longone. It contains 7-8,000 volumes, which range in price from $2.50 to over $1,000, and cover such topics as herbs and spices, wine tasting, tobacco and the lives of famous chefs. "I'M VERY PROUD of the collec- tion," Longone said as she moved slowly along the wine-bottle-bedecked shelves, pointing out such unusual volumes as a cookbook by Salvador Dali, illustrated with his own drawings, a dusty-covered work by a well-known French chef dating from 1893 and a treatise written in the pioneering days of Ann Arbor, giving not only cooking tips, but information on birthing babies and mending horses' broken legs. Longone said that when people learn she collects books on food and wine, "they think of it as a housewifey thing, but to me it's important." Both Longone and her husband, Dan, a Chemistry professor, teach adult education courses at the University on such topics as "The Regional Wines and Foods of France." They began seriously collecting for their library 15 years ago when they found their per- sonal book collection could not provide answers to students' culinary questions. LONGONE started marketing her books five years ago'and now receives mail orders from a clientele spread all over the United States and Europe. But she finds no need for extensive publicizing. "I've thought of adver- tising," she said, "but the shop is nice the way it is. It's not too big, and the customers and clients become friends." As a result of her library's fame in the food world, Longone said, she and her husband have been wined and dined by chefs and connoisseurs wherever they travel. ALTHOUGH gastronomy is part of See WINE, Page8 Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX JAN LONGONE points to a few of the 7-8,000 volumes of books from all over the world at her Wine and Food Library. Postal workers attack contract By MICHAEL ARKUSH Local members of a nationwide postal union yesterday unanimously rejected on a voice vote the new ten- tative postal contract, attacking its cost-of-living allowance and first year pay hike, a union official reported. Official ratification ballots are expec- ted to be distributed within two weeks. JIM SCHAEFER, vice president of the local branch of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) said yesterday's voice vote, taken during a union meeting, demonstrates overwhelming opposition to the three- year pact and indicates members will likely reject the contract when they receive their ballots. The controversial cost-of-living allowance, which totals $1,518, r toda)4 represents an increase of ap- proximately 9.5 per cent from the last pact, which officially expired July 20. Leaders of the nation's largest postal union yesterday voted down a proposed new labor contract, but left it to the rank-and-file workers to decide whether to accept the settlement and head off a possible nationwide strike. See story, Page S. Schaefer indicated workers want a larger benefit, but he would not release a specific figure. Another point of dispute is the workers' progression of pay increases. The tentative contract would entitle postal workers to a 10 per cent wage hike in base pay, money not allotted for cost-of-living allowance, during the next three years. The raises would be distributed by increases of two per cent the first year, three per cent the second year, and five per cent the third. SCHAEFER SAID union members prefer the reverse order, opting for a larger initial raise. Schaefer added workers were bitter over the lack of improvements in seniority rules, health benefits, over- time laws and number of holidays. "Members are angry because there are no benefits of seniority. It doesn't matter if you've been on the job more years than somebody else," he said. REGARDING health benefits, the new agreement would force the Postal Service to pay for 75 per cent of the worker's health costs. Schaefer said workers want the management to pay for nearly all of the costs. Schaefer indicated members support a provision providing for voluntary overtime and excluding the clause demanding mandatory overtime. The union leader said local officials had only received an outlined version of the new pact and not the complete text. BUT HE discounted any notion the total text would sway members to vote for ratification. "Based on this meeting, it became so emphatically unanimous that workers opposed the contract and its whole package won't persuade members to vote for passage," said Schaefer. NALC, which has nearly 170,000 members, will hold its annual conven- tion in Chicago this weekend. "It will be pretty intense and anything can happen," he said. woolk Blumenthal to speak Secretary of the Treasury W. Michael Blumenthal will deliver the keynote address at the University's summer commencement exercises August 20. Blumenthal, who resided in Ann Arbor before assuming the cabinet post, will be awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree. Also receiving honorary degrees will be social scientists Herbert Simon and social leader Stella Brunt Osborn. Cancel that complaint We suspected a letter we received at our offices yesterday might have been sent Pony Express. At first we thought the letter took 30 years to arrive-that is, until we took a closer look. The stamps were circa 1948, saluting the Armed Forces Reserve, the Wisconsin Centennial,;Oregon' Territory Centennial, Youth Month (Sept. 1-30, 1948). and military chaplains. But the letter was post- marked July 23, 1978, so it actually took four days to travel here.from Springfield, Mass., not 30 years (better, but still a little slow). The clever sender was Jim Louden, staff astronomer at the University Exhibit Museum's Planetarium. Where he got the vintage 1948 stamps, we don't know. We do know, however, that he had to use five of the three-cen- ters, instead of the one that would have been suf- ficient 30 years ago. The name's the same Robert Griffin appears headed for dismissal, in the wake of a series of scandals at the Government Services Administration (GSA). But our senator in Washington isn't likely to pack his bags and head home just yet. The man reportedly on his way out is GSA Deputy Administrator Robert T. Griffin, not Michigan Sen. Robert P. The Republican senator can breath easily-at least until the Aug. 8 primary. Happenings.. . ... get off to a suspense-filled start at 2, when Alfred Hitchcock's Suspicion is shown in the meeting room of the Ann Arbor Public Library, Fif- th and William... meet at the International Center at 3 for a peach picking outing, and bring a car if you can. Peach pickers will return to the Center around 6 ... the Aether Gallery provides a music and comedy revue from 6:30-9 at the Liber- ty/Division St, park ... a Community Assembly on Health will be held at 8under the sponsorship on the International Meditation Society in the Communiity Room of the Ann Arbor Public Library. Hot seat Kansas Gov. Robert Bennett was involved in a cover-up the other day, but instead of demanding his ouster from office the folks in the Sunflower State are laughing. The cover-up was revealed during a public appearance Wednesday afternoon. It seems Bennett refused to take off his suit coat despite the stifling 90-degree heat. But he had good reason. He later confided the seam in the back of his trousers had split. On the outside ... It looks like good weather has reaached us just in time for the weekend. It will be mostly sunny today with a high near 80; tomorrow, sunny as well with the temperatures reaching 81. L