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May 06, 1978 - Image 18

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-05-06

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Page 18-Saturday, May 6, 1978-The Michigan Dail
e 0
Partiers ";join
celebrities at
Derby bash

LOUISVILLE. Ky. (AP) - Forget about the other Scattered throughout the box
Saturdays in the year, this is the one if you love thor- will be such celebrities as BobI
oughbreds. Don Ameche, who's been coming
To see and be seen, thousands will push their way the 1930s, John Forsythe and Jac
into historic Churchill Downs for the 104th running of the TV show "Charlie's Angels,"
the Kentucky Derby, the climax of a week-long round Derby time also brought in Ran
of parties, parades, banquets, and more parties. falo Braves, the most valuable p
One of the longest and largest began Thursday Basketball Association's All-St
morning at the home of Bob Whitehouse, a painting and Austin Knowlton, a board m
contractor, who is playing host to 300 guests from as nati Reds baseball team and the
far away as Canada and Mexico. football team.
Whitehouse, who has meticulously planned each' President Carter and his wi
shindig since the first one in 1952, declined to set a couldn't make it. However, the
cost for the 723 hours of fun, which includes tickets to Billy, will beon hand.
the Derby for everyone.

seats on Derby Day
Hope; veteran actor
to the Derbies since
lyn Smith, both from
and Jim Nabors.
ndy Smith of the-Buf-
layer in the National
ar Game this year,
ember of the Cincin-
e Cincinnati Bengals
fe were invited but
President's brother,


Spring is a perfect time
to do something about rust.
Rusting is a year-round
problem, and corrosive con-
ditions have become a lot
worse in the last five years.
If you live where salt is
used to melt ice on the roads,
that is speeding upcorrosion
on your car. If you live in the
country, it's the calcium
chloride that's spread on dirt
roads to hold down dust.
And corrosive chemicals in
the air are causing rust in
every part of America.
We're doing something
to help prevent rust on the
new cars we're building.
Meanwhile, you can do
something about reducing
rust on your car.
It's important to wash your
car often. Use a mild soap
and lukewarm or cold water.
Please don't neglect
the underside of your car.
The worst rusting happens
from the inside out. That's

because salt, slush, and
even mud tend to collect in
the crevices underneath the
car, in the door creases, and
inside the fenders. Moisture
gets trapped in those places
and causes rust. So try to
wash the underside of your
car, too. In winter, if you can,
and at the first opportunity
in spring. Even if ifs only a
few times a year, that would
help some.
If your car gets dented,
scratched, or chipped, try
to get it repaired as soon
as possible. Even a "small"
scratch is bad. Because once
a car starts to rust, the dam-
age spreads fast. The paint
around a dent or scratch can
look okay, but rust is spread-
ing underneath. In the long
run, ifs cheaper to fix the
car right away.
A lot of people think that
parking a car in a heated
garage during the winter
will help prevent rust. But
it's just the opposite. Cold
slows down the rusting pro-
cess, as it does most chem-
ical reactions.

We're doing more now to
protect GM cars from rust.
For one thing, were using
more rust-resistant mate-
rials, including different
types of zinc-coated steel, in
places where rust usually oc-
curs. Also, our new paint
primers and the way we
apply them are designed to
provide a thorough finish,
even on some parts of the
car you can't see.
Our goal is to protect
your car so that it lasts
longer and gives you the
most value. And fighting
rust helps.
This advertisement is part of
our continuing effort togive cus-
tomers usefulinformation about
their cars and trucks and the
company that builds them.
General Motors
People building transportation
to serve people

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