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July 27, 1978 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1978-07-27

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, July 27, 1978-Page 7
Egypt ousts Israeli military officers
has not made sufficient efforts to reach Palestinian homeland. "The Americans aren't sure but they
JERUSALEM (AP) - Prime a peace agreement with Egypt. Since then, the Israeli military group believe that it will be possible to bring
Minister Menachem Begin said yester- In Egypt, Foreign Minister Moham- has been cooling its heels, but there further meetings between Israel and
day that Egypt has ordered Israel's med Ibrahim Kamel offered to resume have been reports it was used oc- Egypt," Begin said. Isreali and Egyp-
military delegation to leave Cairo, but direct talks with Israel "at any level" if casionally to funnel peace feelers bet- tian negotiators met under U.S. aegis in
he dismissed the ouster as a minor mat- Jerusalem "shows real willingness to ween Jerusalem and Cairo. Britain last week, holding their first
ter and said chances for a Mideast reciprocate our peace initiative." Begin said he received a telegram direct talks since January.
peace settlement are excellent. The Israeli military delegation was saying the mission should leave and "I believe peace will come out of all
Begin disclosed the Egyptian demand dispatched to Cairo in January to take said Israel would recall it today. "They this, though it may take some time,"
in, an interview on Israeli state part in direct military negotiations that don't have a central role. If their hosts Begin added.
television. "We'll take them out," followed Egyptian President Anwar don't want them ... we'll receive them The no-confidence motion against
Begin said referring to the 10-member Sadat's visit to Israel last November. back here happily," Begin said. Begin's government was introduced in
military team that went into Cairo six The military talks paralleled political Parliament by former Foreign Minister
months ago. negotiations between Israeli and Egyp- DESPITE THE surprise demand, Abba Eban. It was killed by a vote of 70
tian delegations in Jerusalem. Begin said he sees "excellent chances to 35, with three abstentions. The

THERE WAS NO immediate ex-
planation of the Egyptian action, which
came only hours after Begin's Likud
coalition easily defeated an opposition
motion of no-confidence stemming
from Labor Party charges that Begin
NEW YORK (AP) - A new
master of arts program in ad-
ministration with a focus on visual
arts will be offered by Parsons
School of Design and the Bank Street
College of Education.
David Levy, dean of Parsons, and
Gordon Klopf, dean of the Bank
street College, remarked that this
collaboration would provide a
program giving teachers and school
administrators a critical overview
of professional practice in American
art and design.

SADAT RECALLED his political
negotiators Jan. 18, claiming the talks
were blocked by Israel's refusal to
withdraw completely from captured
Arah lands and allow the creation of a'

for the peace process." He noted that
U.S Mideast mediator Alfred Atherton
was on a Mideast tour and U.S.
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance was ex-
pected to visit Cairo and Jerusalem
next week.

voting, as expected, was along party
"I was elected by the people," Begin
said in his television interview, "and
today confidence in me was confir-

Drink, up!
Take in all the beer you want - the
University has no plans to restrict
students' alcoholic consumption like
administrators at an eastern univer-
Although still unofficial, a group of
students and administrators at the
University of Massachusetts are
establishing a list of guidelines
prohibiting excessive use of beer and
other alcoholic beverages by students.
THE RESTRICTION at that school
would only apply to large campus par-
ties and not affect private affairs. Some
administrators are urging to limit the

'U'won't cut you off

amount of beer to one keg per 40 people.
If such a move would be instituted here,
it would probably only relate to the
same areas, specifically parties in
dormitories or other University-owned
"We feel our students are basically
responsible and we want to give them a
chance to monitor their own usage,"
said John Finn, director of housing in-
formation in student services.
Finn said, however, that proof of
identification would be more strictly
checked at the University ifa rise in the
state's drinking age becomes law in
December as expected.
A referendum to raise the drinking

age to 21 has been placed on the
November ballot and supporters
predict a substantial victory. The state
legislature voted this year to lift the age
to 19 but the ballot proposal could
overrule it.
"IF THE LAW is abused, there may
be a time when we'll have to make sure
students under the drinking
requirement are not present at parties
serving liquor," said Finn.
Dr. Robert Anderson, director of the
University's Health Service, agreed
with Finn, saying students are "old
enough to make decisions on their
Tom Easthope, assistant Vice-
President for student services, admits
there is a drinking problem on campus
but said he opposed any limit on studen-
ts' consumption.
"We have to inform them through
education and not to deny people their
right to drink," said Easthope.

Judge refuses to force transplant

Fall, a 39-year-old asbestos worker
likely to die within a year unless he
receives a bone marrow transplant,
was turned down by a judge yesterday
in his lawsuit to force his cousin to
donate the marrow.
Common Pleas Court Judge John
Flaherty denied the critically ill Mc-
Fall's request for an injunction against
David Shimp, 43.
FLAHERTY'S opinion said McFall's
argument that Shimp should be com-
pelled to donate bone marrow was
based on an ancient European common
law precedence.
Flaherty said that the European
Mondale asks
union support
(Continued from Page One)
yesterday Fraser called Carter
"ineffective" and branded Congress
"an abysmal failure."
Mondale stressed, however, that
what Fraser meant by his statement
"is not that Mr. Carter is ineffective,"
but that the power of his office has
eroded over the last decade.
Mondale also said the administration
is not confining its human rights cam-
paign to foreign governments.
Mondale also used his- address to
defend Carter, the subject of in-
creasingly low ratings in public opinion
"We can't claim perfection-no one
can do that," he said. "He's (Carter) a
good man ...he's working hard."

precedence, implying that an in-
dividual is responsible for the well-
being of other individuals in society, is
not in keeping with the American
tradition of respect for the rights of in-
dividuals to preserve their own bodies.
McFall is stricken with a rare and
fatal form of anemia, and doctors say
the marrow transplant had a 50 per cent
chance of increasing his life expectancy
beyond one year.
SHIMP IS said to be the only known
compatible donor for McFall, in need of
21 ounces of the bone marrow.
At ahearing Tuesday, a hematologist
testified unless McFall received the
bone marrow, he stood only a '20 to 25
per cent chance of surviving one year."
' Dr. Louis Pietragallo also said the
medical procedure to remove the
marrow presented "minimal risks" for
the donor and would offer McFall a 50
per cent chance of living.
UNDER cross-examination, Pietra-
gallo admitted it was possible to find a
compatible donor who was not a
relative of McFall. But he said he knew
of only one case where transplants done

with compatible, non-relative marrow
had been successful.
Shimp's lawyer, John Studeny, con-
tended Pennsylvania state law did not
legally require Shimp to help his
cousin, and the marrow extraction
procedure would prove dangerous to
"Even if there's no risk to the defen-
dant, my client is under no legal
obligation to come to anyone's aid,"
Studeny said.
McFall is employed as an insulation
worker, and doctors think he may have
contracted his disease while exposed to
The American zoologist and paleon-
tologist Alpheus Hyatt was the prin-
cipal founder of the American Society
of Naturalists, and served as its first
president in 1883.
The average single man who is 20 and
employed in today's work force can ex-
pect to work for 41.5 years, while a
single woman of the same age can plan
on working 41.2 years, according to the
American Council on Life Insurance.


n uo- es-Turs-m i7:S-9:3
Sot-Sun-wed 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30
Philipe rDeBrocs
_De arI
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"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown"
based on "Peanuts" by Charles M. Schulz
presented by
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre
July 26-29 Lydia Mendelssohn.Theatre
Tickets; CURTAIN 85pm
$4.00 Weds. & Thurs. $4.50 Fri. & Sat.
Children 16 and under who are accompanied by an adult are $1.00 off the
regular price. Weds., July 26
Box Office (in the theatre lobby) will be open: Mon., July 24 . through
Tues., July 25 Sat., July 29
10am-6 pm 12 pm.showlme



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