The Michigan Daily-Thursday, July 27, 1978-Page 5
Fitzgerald well ahead in funds
LANSING (UPI)-State Sen. William which observers say is making this the public aid. every $1 they collect in contributions of
Fitzgerald leads all candidates for most expensive campaign for governor RALLS, A FORMER member of the $100 or less. A major party candidate in
governor in the $1 million-plus public in recent memory. state Public Service Commission, has a contested primary can receive up to
funding sweepstakes, running well Fitzgerald's success in qualifying for recieved approval for $284,810 as of this $660,000 in public funds while a can
ahead of his closest competitor William funding coincides with the general im- week, according to the secretary of didate in an uncontested primary-like
Ralls, state records show. pression that he is the frontrunner in state's office. Milliken-can receive up to $165,000.
More than $1.1 million has been the race for the Democratic nomination State Sen. Patrick McCollough (D- Major party nominees each gel
distributed to the four Democrats and for governor. Dearborn) has received approval for $750,000 for the general election.
one Republican candidates in the East Lansing attorney Zolton Feren- $244,953, Milliken $161,400 and Ferency Money for the program comes from a
gubernatorial primary; according to cy, long estranged from the $118,117. voluntary check-off on state income tax
figures released yesterday by the Democratic Party establishment Under the new campaign finance forms.
secretary of state's office. because of his outspoken views, is at the reform act, candidates for governor are From the total campaign fund of
PUBLIC FUNDS totalling $362,248 bottom of the public funding list so far. eligible for public funding if they can $5,207,000, more than $1.6 million is
have been approved for the Detroit Gov. William Milliken, who is unop- raise at least $50,000 in contributions of earmakred for the general election. O
Democrat's campaign so far under the posed in the Republican primary, has $100 or less. the remaining funds, $1.1 million has
two-for-one public matching program collected near his $165,000 limit in Once they qualify, they receive $2 for been approved for distribution to date.
Mother to stand trial for chemical-attacks
From AP and UPI Reports marked hy testimony from several breaking into Smith's home March 17. Smith testified that, on March
MASON - A Michigan State Univer- Okemus residents that toxic chemicals Smith and his wife and son testified sent his family to a concert and 1
y (MSU) chemist and mother of were methodically dumped in their . that on several occasions since October wait in his darkened home for
ree yesterday was ordered to stand homes, cars and studios. of 1976 their cars emitted nauseating truder.
al in a bizarre series of chemical at- More than 100 such incidents were fumes and odors, often after the family He testified that Reusch enter(
cks on 20 families in nearby Okemos. reported over a two-year period by the had attended a concert or their garage and started to open the d
Rosetta Reusch, a chemist in MSU's 20 families, most of whom include children's musical awards were an- his house, carrying a "weighty" sa
crobiology laboratory, will re Okemos High School music students or nounced in a local newspaper. State Police expertts testifie
raigned tomorrow in Ingham County their teachers. sack held traces of white cryst
rcuit Court on charges of breaking RUESCH'S SONS HAVE played in HE SAID he collected samples of mercury chloride.
d entering a home intending to the school orchestra. Prosecutors have zinc, lead, arsenic and mercury from Personal recognizance bon(
posit noxious chemicals. suggested that Reusch was attacking the cars. Reusch was continued.
families whose children competed
THE FELONY carries a maximum against hers in the orchestra.
ur-year prison term. Bell, in his written order, focused on Carter aide Schultzt
District Judge Robert Bell of Mason testimony offered by Duane Smith,
ued the order more than one month music coordinator of the Lansing
ter a two-day preliminary hearing schools. Reusch is charged with &A 4 n A " " "W -A
17, he
aid in
an in-
ed the
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d the
als of
I for
Apathy may dim
light bulb proposa
LANSING (UPI) - State Public decides it-it has to be taken
LA .N UI -SaePbe count,"
Service Commission Chairman Daniel In contrast, demlow said,
Demlow said yesterday apparent received 8,000 to 9,000 calls an
public apathy could affect the fate of a in a two or three day period fro
proposal to establish "free" light bulb unhappy with the demise of
programs statewide, program.
Demlow made the comment after the "'Obviously there are pe
morning session of a Lansing public there who care about this an
hearing on the proposal was cancelled like to participate" in the
because no one showed up. making process, he said.
AT A HEARING later in the day, only DEMLOW SAID the $
five persons presented testimony. A received 29 written commen
hearing in Detroit Tuesday also was proposal-all of them negative
lightly attended. He said many of the comm(
Under the PSC proposal, which is op- from electrical supplies retail
posed by many utilities, all state- the rest were from utilities
regulated electric companies would be them small rural outfits wh
required to operate a free light bulb plained the . program w
program for their customers. The cost especially difficult for them. b
of the program would be reflected in and claimed its cost would out
electric bills. benefits for their customers.
In part, the proposal is an effort to No more public hearings on
save a free bulb program operated for ter are planned. The propos
years by the state's largest electric proved by the PSC, would be a
company-Detroit Edtson Co. Edison to the legislature's Jo;
has been forced to drop the ministrative Rules Committ
a result of a suit, but PSC officials consideration.
believe mandating it statewide could
solve the firm'slegal problems.
"OBVIOUSLY WE'RE disappointed
that no one showed up," Demlow said.
He said the proposal was
"premised on the fact that we feel on
the one hand it's a cost containment
program and, secondly, it's a desirable_
program that the public finds George Be
The seeming lack of interest "at least
calls into question the second M J
premise-whether the public finds it
desirable," hesaid. . Tom*
"THAT'S NOT to say it conclusively
into ac-
the PSC
id letters
m people
ople out
nd would
SC' had
ts on the
ents were
ers, while
-many of
ich com-
ould be
o operate
tweigh its
the mat-
al, if ap-
mit Ad-
se for its
seese iconoumr retej
WASHINGTON (AP) - The worst of ter administration to label inflation its
the huge rises in food prices is over and No. 1 economic problem.
Americans can look forward to relief MEANWHILE, the Commerce
from the headache of double-digit in- Department reported good anti-in-
flation, President Carter's top flatibn news when it announced a sharp
economic adviser said yesterday. drop in the U.S. balance of trade deficit
Charles Schultze, chairman of the for June.
President's Council of Economic Ad- The department said U.S. businesses
visers, made no specific prediction on sold a record $12.1 billion in products to
inflation for the remainder of the year. other countries as the monthly trade
BUT HE TOLD the Senate Budget deficit fell to $1.6 billion, the smallest in
Committee he looks for "considerable more than a year. The deficit was $2.2
improvement" over the current annual billion in May and $2.9 billion in April.
rate of about 10per cent. Schultze termed the balance of trade
He also said, "The rise of food prices information "unalloyed good news."
should slow substantially."
A second top government economist,
Congressional Budget Office Director
Alice Rivlin, also said inflation should
moderate somewhat during the second
half of the year.
EVEN SO, SHE predicted inflation
for the year will be between 6.8 and 7.8
per cent - "substantially" above last
year's figure of 6.6 per cent. Prices will
continue to rise next year, but not as
swiftly, she said.
Looking ahead to 1979, she said no
"shocks" in food prices similar to this
year's rise is expected.
Inflation has been rising at an annual
rate of about 10 per cent for the past
several months, fueled in part by huge
increases in food prices. The rise in
prices, coupled with a sharp decline in
unemployment, has prompted the Car-
Box Office Open 6 p.m.
Michigan Rep. Ticket Office: Mon-Fri:
12-5 p.m. in the Michigan League.
System Analyst
and Programmer
Progressive minicomputer mar-
keting organization has immediate
opening for experienced or aca-
demic qualified person to assume
software development and imple-
mentation, working with EDS, Iris
operating system and Data General,
NOVA, compatible CPU:
Opportunity to assume depart-
ment managership. Must be willing
to relocate to Traverse City. Con-
sider moving expenses. Send resume
to: Michigan Doily, Box 120, 420
Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
rnard Shaw's comic masterpiece
arrow night: TRAVESTIES