The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 25, 1978-Page 13 FOREIGN MILITARY PACTS CRITICIZED: 'Dreai KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) - African nations, wrenched by ideological and ethnic differences and wracked by territorial wars, wound up their 15th major summit conference last week with the dream of unity as elusive as ever. One delegate to the Organization of African Unity (OAU) meeting in the Sudan capital reflected that the late Kwame Nkrumah, one of its founding fathers, would have been "deeply sad- dened" by the spectacle of an indepen- dent Africa divided and squabbling. IT WAS Nkrumah, first president of Ghana and first African leader to win independence from a colonial power, who told the inaugural 1963 meeting of the African-Arab club. "If we are to remain free, if we are to enjoy the full benefits of Africa's enor- mous wealth, we must unite to plan our total defense and the full exploitation of our human and material resources in the interests of all our people." Fifteen years later, feuds between member states and failures to resolve Africa's most burning issues of pover- ty, ignorance and disease highlighted the OAU summit. THE 34 AFRICAN leaders who atten- ded this year's conference failed to set- tle conflicts involving Ethiopia and secessionist guerrillas in the northern Eritrea and southeast Ogaden regions. Nor did they resolve anti-government wars by rebels in Angola and Chad or the fighting between Algeria-backed Polisario guerrilla and Mauritania and Morocco over the disputed former Spanish Sahara. United Nations Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, in an address to the 49- nation body, pointed out that many states were producing less food per person than at independence and 83 million of the continent's 400 million people were struggling to survive below the breadline. At the same time, he said, conflicts Fun 'Forum' fills the bill (Continued from Page 7) in with the rest of the characterizations, mainly because it was the only one which spanned the course of time. No other characters were modeled after stereotypes we are familiar with in today's world. Horner should have unified his direction by making everyone an image of today, or no one. It's difficult to mix Dudley Do-right and AnnieHall. THE SINGING in the show was usually slightly off key, but the work does not require beautiful voices. Ex- pression and projection were excellent. There was some difficulty because the orchestra was back stage - the actors and orchestra were constantly jostling for position, hoping they were around thesame measure. The performance's main achievement was the energy and vitality which pervaded throughout; this was a frenzied farce rollicking with wildness. Hysteraeum, the dancing concubines and Pseudoles were par- ticularly good. Perhaps Forum, which announces its disdain for loftier mat- ters in the opening chorus, was par- a eludes African had created more than four million He urged the OAU to plan in- refugees. dustrialization to tap the abundant LT. GEN. Olusegun Obasanjo, the wealth of energy and mineral resources Nigerian head-of-state, asserted that traditionally sold to the developed Africa's problems "are about world at prices uncontrolled by African sustenance, education, health and states. about shelter." The dominant issue at the summit, The Nigerian leader called for however, was over foreign military in- 'oday Africa appears to be an inert body from which every vulture picks its piece.' -Agostinho Neto, Angolan president 'massive economic assistance . .. not military hardware for self destruction or stale ideological slogans that have no relevance for Africans." Agostinho Neto, president of Marxist Angola, also urged the OAU to turn its attention more toward economic in- dependence. "TODAY AFRICA appears to be an inert body from which every vulture picks its piece," he said, in an un- disguised reference to continuing foreign controls over Africa's trade and influence in governments. tervention which resulted in what Uganda's President Idi Amin called "hot words" and drew battlelines bet- ween moderate and radical African states. THE MODERATES defended the 14,000-man French military presence in many of France's poor former colonies while the radicals justified the reten- tion of 40,000 Cuban troops and hun- dreds of Soviet military advisers in war-torn Marxist states such as Angola and Ethiopia. Congo Foreign Minister Theophile summit Obenga castigated those African coun- tries which contributed troops to the French-sponsored peacekeeping force in Zaire after the May invasion of the mineral-rich Shaba province by Angola-based Zaire rebels. Such actions, he said, constituted "high treason and a flagrant violation of the OAU charter." The charter for- bids interference in the internal affairs of member nations. MOSCOW AND Havana also came under fire from anti-Communist African leaders. Somali President Mohammed Siad Barre lashed out at the Cubans for ac- ting as "proxies for the Soviet Union," branding Moscow a "highly active par- ticipant in the scramble for the re- colonization of Africa." Nigeria, acknowledging that Soviet and Cuban intervention was originally invited by certain African states, also warned them not to overstay their welcome in Africa. THE DIFFERENCES were irrecon- cilable. In the end, a compromise summit declaration accommodating conflicting views supported the "inalienable right" of African states to seek military help from any source and called for the closure of foreign military bases and an end to military pacts with powers outside the con- tinent. But, overall, the only real evidence of the unity that Nkrumah once im- passionately spoke of were the sym- bolic flags of the 49-member nations fluttering side by side outside the Chinese-built Friendship Hall where the conference was held. O, PREPARE FOR: ea MCAT DAT'- LSAT'- GRE GMAT* OCAT VAT SAT NMB I,I,JIi, ECFM G [FLEX'VQE NAT'L DENTAL BOARDS NURSING BOARDS Flexible Programs & Hours There IS adifference!!! KAP-H EDUCATIONAL CENTER Test PreparationSpecialists since 1938 For Information Please Calf: (313) 662-3149 For Locations in Other Cities, Call: Toll FREE:800-223-1782 ajo us ies Ron, Betty Carter mesmerize Hill (Continued from Palge) Carter's vocals soar above the music. Her approach here was no less forceful than her attitude toward uptempo tunes. She was intense but tender, insistent but flexible. And when she returned to a ballad after a bebop tune, her mood transformation was so complete that it was as if she were resuming an earlier conversation. The music stopped before the ends of songs, and Carter would keep spinning out the melody note by note before a captive audience. The jazz singer who took this year's Newport Jazz Festival by storm, had done it again. THE RON CARTER Quartet formed an instrumental counterpart to the jazz vocals of Betty Carter. Ron, no relation to Betty, plays both acoustic and pic- colo bass (a small version of a regular bass), but used only the piccolo on Friday. While Carter fans thrilled to songs from Carter's latest albums ("Sheila's Song" from Peg Leg and "Blue Monk" from Piccolo) they also received an unexpected treat. Previously recorded Carter classics which had utilized the acoustic bass were now performed with the piccolo. The change in timbre magically altered the mood of these pieces. For instance, on "All Blues," where formerly the acoustic bass would bellow and sigh, the piccolo sang in a yearning mood. The new emotion of this modal piece spread to other members of the group. Kenny Barron played not only modes but chromatic scales, mocking the melody. DRUMMER BEN RILEY furthered this emotionalism by adding more rhythmic sunnort than is usually ac- bass. Partly because of the unique tuning of the piccolo, they were able to achieve a perfect harmonic duet in the refrain. This treatment of the Miles Davis composition was simply wonder- ful. The piccolo voice on "Sabado- Sombero" made the spell of Carter's music total. What was once an asser- tive acoustic bass has now changed to a piccolo with shades of deep feeling. Carter varied the effects by alternately bowing, plucking and strumming. The number opened with the harmony bet- ween Williams and Carter and, Riley's percussion projected a meditative mood. The rise in tempo and pitch built the emotion to a climax marked by Barron's superb flamenco-like chords. It was one of the most beautiful songs of the evening, and comparing this per- formance with their appearance at MSU last year, I can sense the growth of this group. A LL KINDS SOF FOLKS ENJOY BELL'S, S. STATE and PACKARD CALL 995-0232 Open from I 1 a.m.