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May 06, 1978 - Image 14

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-05-06

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Page 14-Saturday, May 6, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Gunmen spring three
BOGOTA, Colombia, (AP)-A pair of dressed as a police captain and the
gunmen dressed as police officers other as a lieutenant, entered the
yesterday sprang three North lockup afRio Hacha, 500 miles north of
Americans and an Irishman from the this capital, about 1:30 a.m.
small-town jail where they were held as The pair quickly overpowered the
suspects in a massive marijuana bust, guards, injuring one, and let the four
police reported. prisoners out of their cells, police said.
The escapees were among 14 persons The six men jumped into a car waiting
arrested by Colombian troops in the with its motor running and sped away.
northern rural area of Los Pajaros last Police theorized they might have
weekend in the seizure of more than 500 driven to one of many clandestine air-
tons of cannabis, believed to be the strips in the sparsely populated area
largest haul in history. and flown out of Colombia.
POLICE SAID the two men, one Authorities said an organized crime

ring may have been behind the
THREE OF THE escapees were iden-
tified as North Americans David
Faugter, Theodore Powell and Earl
Zerbe. No hometowns were given. The
other was identified only as an Irish-
Rio Hacha is the capital of Guajira
state, near the Colombia-Venezuela
border. The 14 prisoners were jailed
there pending transfer to Bogota.
The seized marijuana was found
in homes and specially built

warehouses and aboard a CD-7 aircraft.
U.S. NARCOTICS officials, who have
been cooperating with local authorities
in cracking down on the Colombian drug
trade, estimated the haul at 574 tons.
Colombian marijuana is grown in the
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta moun-
tain range. After harvest, it is transpor-
ted along secret trails in trucks and on
the backs of animals to the Guajira
peninsula, where the recent seizure was
made. From there it is flown to the
United States, mainly to Florida, police

Ellsberg, nuke protesters arrested at Rocky Flats
GOLDEN, Colo. (AP) - Daniel installation for the production of the HEAVY, WET snow blanketed the has always been to allow th
Ellsberg and 27 other protesters were plutonium components for nuclear wea- area as sheriff's deputies and Rockwell as long as it didn't interfer
arrested and removed from a railroad pons. , officials approached the tracks at 8 operation of the plant. We ha
spur next to the Rocky Flats nuclear A spokesman for Rockwell Inter- a.m. and gave those camped there half a switching engine in on Satt
weapons plant yesterday, ending a six- national, which operates the plant for an hour to move, according to Rich , we felt we had gone along wi
day demonstration against the produc- the federal government, said the Maes, a Rockwell spokesman. far as we could go."
tion of nuclear weapons. decision to move the demonstrators "It was all very civil and we allowed Maes said Rockwell had t
The former Pentagon analyst and came after "repeated broken them to bring in more people to move ever-later estimates of
other members of the self-styled promises." their equipment and cars," he said. protesters would leave, cu
"Rocky Flats Truth Squad" earlier had The protesters were bused to the Jef- "We try scrupulously to avoid any with the announcement W
announced their intention to stay on the ferson County Fairgrounds, where each problems," Maes said, "but our policy that they wanted to stay until
tracks until May 27, when a United was issued a summons for criminal
Nations disarmament conference opens tresspass and unlawful blocking of a
in New York. The occupation began last passageway, said Dennis Potter of the
Saturday after a rally that drew more sheriff's office. All will be required to S o e ial e rv ie e s n e t
than 5,000 demonstrators from across appear in court in connection with the
the nation. charges during the next three weeks, he
ROCKY FLATS is the nation's only said. n lc m d of ecavermsi

em to stay
e with the
ve to bring
urday, and
th them as
been given
when the
May 27.

Are you
planning to go to
Hofstra University
School of Laws
annual pre-law
Due to the enthusiastic reaction to its prior
Institutes, the School of Law will again
offer a "Pre-Law Summer Institute" for five
weeks from May 30to June 29 for weekday.
sections (Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thurs-
days) and from June 3 to July 1 for the
Saturday section. The course will be of
value to those who have already decided
to attend law school and to those who are
trying to decide whether or not they should
attend. Taught by the Hofstra Law School
faculty, the Institute will assist students in
developing analytical skills, familiaritywith
the use of the law library and writing tech-
niques, all of which are essential for com-
petent performance in law school. The
course will be conducted In the same man-
ner as regular law school courses and will
include case and statutory analyses and
research techniques.
Minimum Requirements for Admission
Applicants must have successfully com-
pleted at least two years of college.
WRITE: Pre-Law Summer Institute
School of Law
CfjJHIAor Call 516-S60-3636

to speak here today

LANSING (UPI) - The Michigan
Welfare Rights Organization says state
Social Services Director John Dempsey
has deliberately covered up numerous
failures in his department and is
making welfare recipients the fall-guys
for his mistakes.
Dempsey is scheduled 'to be on cam-
pus today to address a noon luncheon on
'Policy and Administrative Im-
plications of Welfare Reform
Legislation for the State of Michigan"
at the University's Michigan League.
THE LECTURE is one of a number of
events planned for today's Welfare
Reform Symposium to be held in
various buildings aroundcampus.
In a letter to Gov. William Milliken
yesterday, the organization demanded
that Dempsey be publicly censured for
his actions.
"Over the last year, Dempsey or top
officials in his department authorized
the presentation of inaccurate and
misleading information about major
welfare programs to the United States
Congress, the Michigan Legislature
and the news media," said spokesper-
son Mary Schacher.
"DEMPSEY'S misrepresentations
have distorted the actual cost and effec-
tiveness of many welfare programs and
they have adversely affected Michigan
families who are eligible for public
benefits and services."
Schacher accused Dempsey of trying
to cover up problems within the Depar-
tment of Social Services.
"If welfare recipients have to be held
accountable, we feel John Dempsey
and his department heads should have
to be held accountable," she said.
mation . ..is designed, we suggest, to
make the public and elected represen-
tatives believe the department is fun-

ctioning efficiently and well - meeting
clients' needs while saving public
money - and that the only problems
are with client fraud and a few inef-
ficient workers."
Schacher, a welfare recipient
from Mayville, said adequate services
"are not being provided in too many in-
stances, and the department is 'spen-
ding time and money attempting to
cover up those failures."
The group attacked Dempsey for at-
tempting to prevent a new federal
regulation that would have allowed a
welfare mother to withhold the name of
her spouse or boyfriend if she feared he
would hurt her or her children.
cent of Michigan's new ADC mothers
refuse to identify absent fathers and
that the figure would double if the new
federal regulation is applied.
He said the rule could cost $12 million
by making it impossible to identify
fathers who should be helping to sup-
port their children.
Schacher, however, said her
organization found that onlygone to five
per cent of welfare mothers refuse to
identify their children's fathers, and
those who won't tell are probably
protecting themselves from abuse.
She also pointed to a letter from
Dempsey to state Sen. Jerome Hart
which claimed that a new reporting
project has steadily reduced the
welfare error rate.
NEW YORK (AP) -This one got a
laugh at a gathering of the golf clans.
San Snead, after lashing a perfect drive
from the practice tee, said: "Man, ah'd
like a million likethat."
Dave Hill, standing nearby, commen-
ted: "Sam, you've had a million like

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