The Michigan Daily-Saturday, July 22, 1978-Page 11 b 1 1 '7T T' ! (Continued from Page10)U HELP WANTED '71 MBG, needs work, cheap. 663-7155 7 days a L CHEMISTS week, noonsto 8p.m, cNtc s 1968 CHEVY WAGON, blue, $200, best offer. Call 1 CHEMICAL TECHNICIANS Eric days668-4490, evenings665-0825. 72N729 for Ann Arbor's fastest growing medical instrumen- tation company. Contact or send resume to Arthur sIN Abel, Transidine General Corporation, 903 Airport sion, AM/FM, radials. $1000. Call after 9 p.m., Drive,769-1900. 51H722 665-0221,63N722 Student Services assistant wanted for work-study MUSICAL MDSE. job No. 638. 20 hours per week, morning or after- . A E noon. Call Mike at 763-2203 orO995-2158. 11H715 USED FENDER Precision bass guitar. Apollo BUSINESS SERVICES Music Center, 769-1400. pcXtc USED SLINGERLAND DRUM SET-5 piece. Call TYPING-Student papers. Fast service, reasonable Larry, 761-9431. pcXtc rates. Maggie, 004-3074. 73J729 rats.Magie 94-974 7J79- Used Gibson SO-old pick ups. Call Don, 701-0431. RIVER ART WORKS in Depot Town, Ypsilanti, eXtc welcomes closet and aspiring professional artists to submit work in a multi-media gallery for com- Used Brinkerhoff baby grand piano. $0 0. Apollo mission sales.Call48-8785. p3J72O. Music Center, 323S: MainSt., 760-1400. eXtc PROFESSIONAL EDITING CLASSICAL GUITARS-40% off list. 665-7348. fortbefinal-quality- ext of the manuscript PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION in the design and handcrafting of fine steel string guitars and dul- Ruth Gladstone-769-2931 cimers. All tools and materials available. T. White, pcJtc Box 171, Stockbridge, Mich. 49285. 52X729 PROFESSIONAL TYPINGSUBLET J&J COPYING/TYPING SERVICES 2 BEDROOM SUITE available for August in house We handle dissertations, resumes, legal, term near campus, $50. Mornings, Dayne, 662-7858. 79U725' papers. Rackham Quality guaranteed. 1202 S. UniVerSity 7 days 662-6401 SITUATIONS WANTED cJlc WILL DO HOUSEKEEPING. Own transpora ion. PROFESSIONAL Typing, Dissertations, Term References. Holly,769-9104. 470725 Papers, Legal Briefs. Rates reasonable TICK ETS CallJudie,434-5626 Jc WANTED-NEIL DIAMOND tickets (ONE or - - more!). Call Euni,6637962. dQ722 sublet 24 July-20 August or 24 July-5 August, or 5 August-20 August. Call weekend, evenings, 761- 1044. 67L725 -W ANT ED TO BUY USED BIKE WANTED-10-speed girl's. 995-4789 65K722 Giant Flea Market Furniture, antiques, new, used & bargains. 150 dealers every weekend, 6 p.m.-10p.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday & Sunday. 214 E. Michigan at , Park, downtown Ypsilanti. 971-7676,487-5890. 57W812 SeccndServe Tennis Wear FACTORY-OUTLET PRICES 406 E. Liberty near Division J Daily Phone Numbers: Billing-764-0550 Circulation-764-0558 Classifieds-764-0557 Display-764-0554 News and Happenings-764-0552 Sports-764-0562 _ m it 1 . i , ''- i '/ , 1r . . Qrw U HOUSECLEANING-Expertly done by U-M gradu- ate student. Workable schedule. References if required.Call 973-2586. dJ TYPING-Experienced, all phases. Reasonable. 971-3699. 48J722 Professionaldirection-theses papers. 557-2755. eJt' THE SECRETARIAT Resumes composed, typed andcopied- choice of papers 812 South State Street 994-3594 9-6 Mon.-Sat. BIKES AND SCOOTERS BIKE, 23", all "Campy," like new, accessories. Offer. 665-0275. 64Z725 The hours are long, but thai's- O.K., the pay is lousy. But as a volunteer you'll get to help America stand a little taller. And you'll stand a little taller yourself. America needs your help or we wouldn't betasking. Your community needs your help. People 18 or 80: we don't care as long as you do. VISTA is coming alive again. Come alive with us. VISTA. Call toll free: 800-424-8580. vI TA "Maybe it Wx i1 go away. The five most dangerous words in the English language. AmeriCan Ccer SocietA We want to cure cancer in your lifetime. I