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July 22, 1978 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1978-07-22

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The Michigan Dolly-Saturday, July 22 19/-rage 3
HEW to investigate 'U' athletics

The University is one of several
schools soon to be under investigation
by the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare (HEW) on
charges that it does not provide
equality in men's and women's athletic
HEW's Title IX guidelines prohibit
the disbursal of federal funds to in-
stitutions which have been found to
discriminate on the basis of sex.

SEVERAL civil rights groups con-
tend that the University does not
allocate sufficient facilities and funds
for women's sports. Athletic Depar-
tment officials are confident, however,
that such charges will be cleared.
"These charges are, without
question, totally false," said women's
athletic director Phyllis Ocker. "The
most recent charges were made in 1974
and we have since achieved definite
equality in men's and women's

Ocker said equality, while hard to
define, is roughly equated with funding
proportionate to the percentage of the
University's total sports revenue
brought in by a particular sport.
O'Connor described the initial phase of
the investigation as one which forces
"voluntary compliance" with Title IX
"We will examine the charges,

determine whether they are valid, then
ask the school to change their program
so it complies with Title IX," said
O'Connor. "If there is still no complian-
ce, we will then take some sort of ad-
ministrative action." O'Connor added
that federal funds would be cut off only
as a final measure.
Central Michigan University is the
only other Michigan school under in-
vestigation for possible Title IX
violations. In all, HEW will scrutinize
41 colleges and universities.
Art Fair
serves as
of ideas
Amidst the Reynold's Wrap balloon
vendors and the pottery, painting and
what-have-you merchants hawking
their wares on city streets this week,
there stands another group of
They have planted themselves at the
corner of East University and South
University with their tables, booths and
nooks-nearly 70 in all. All the balloons,
signs and price tags are there as they
try to attract attention. But these
hucksters are different.
and East U, they market ideas.
It is at that intersection, in front of
the Enginerring Arch, that dozens of
special-interest organizations set up
shop. For the duration of the art fair,
See FAIR, Page 13

Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX
A MINIATURE FAIR-WITHIN-A-FAIR, the corner of South and East University teems with special interest organizations
dispensing flyers, handouts and booklets, and selling such things as T-shirts and buttons.

. .. begin with a reminder that Project Outreach
is accepting applications for its fall Internship in
Adolescence, a full time undergrad -fieldwork
program. Call 764-9179 or stop by 554 Thompson
. the Art Fair winds up from 10-6 on Liberty;
Maynard; Main; South, East, and North University
Streets . . . the Larry Manderville Quartet and
others provide Art Fair entertainment in front of
Apollo Music, Main St. near William, from 2-
5 ... the West Park Poetry Series features
readings by local poets from 2-5 at the West Park
Band Shell ... at 8, Manuel Lopez-Ramos gives a
free classical guitar concert at Rackham
Auditorium. SUNDAY happenings are limited to
an Outing/Hiking Club excursion at 2. Meet at the
Huron St. entrance of the Rackham
Building . .. MONDAY Happenings are singular
as well. Eclipse Jazz sponsors another of its weekly
jam sessions at the University Club, Michigan
Union, from 9:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. Bring your in-
strument and join in or just sit back and enjoy.
Fit to be president
Nine-year-old Mary Tucker of Yazoo City, Miss.
liked the idea when Jimmy Carter said he hoped she
would be president some day. But one year later,
Mary's decided she'd rather be a gymnast. Mary


was one of several people who got to ask the
president questions when he held one of his "town
meetings" for 1,400 invited residents in Yazoo City.
She asked what it was like to be president. "Nothing
would please me better than in about 30 years to
have you find out by being in the White House your-
self as president," Carter told her. At the time,
Mary thought that sounded pretty good. Now,
however, she has other plans for the future: "I want
to be a gymnast. They get to do a lot of things, they
get to work a lot and mostly they get to be active."
Aw, come on, Mary. Don't discount the president's
physical agility, Mary. We've heard he's pretty
good at flip-flops.,
Several women from Minnesota have come out
swinging at Major League Baseball officials in that
state to protest Halter Day at Metropolitan Stadium
tomorrow. The women are complaining that the
team is using sex to make money. Women attending
the game Sunday will receive halters with the word
"Twins" (the team nickname) written across the
chest. "It (Halter Day) is part of the wet --shirt
mentality, which says for itself what it appreciates
about women: breasts, buns and a chance to make
the almighty buck," according to Janet Wigfield.
Think of the new standards in tastelessness that
could set: the Atlanta baseball club could offer all

Native Americans shirts with that team's name (for
you non-sport fans, that's "Braves"). We have
more than a few reservations about that one our-
Three minute egghead
University of Tennessee at Knoxville students
may not have to put up with a lengthy commen-
cement speech at this year's graduation. The
keynote speaker for this year's summen event will
be University of Tennessee at Martin Chancellor
Larry McGehee who gave a similar address in three
minutes in 1972. McGehee said he didn't know how
long this year's speech would be. "I may do one in
one sentence," he added. That should provide
welcome relief from the four years of lengthy lec-
tures the grads have no doubt had to endure.
On the outside.,..
If you think we've got it bad, just think of those
poor folks in Texas who have sweltered through
nearly three weeks of 100-plus temperatures. Com-
pared to that, things are looking up here: it will be
warm and humid today, as opposed to hot and
humid. But here's the really good news: there's a
good chance of more thundershowers to cool things
off and provide some relief. Tomorrow, more of the


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