Page 4-Friday, July 21 , 1978-The Michigan Daily ~michigan D AILY Eighty-eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48109 Vol. LXXXVEII, No. 48-S News Phone: 764-0552 Friday, July 21, 1978 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Africa for Africans A FRICA HAS been the butt of western colon- ialism and imperialism for centuries. The industralized nations have always justified their African exploits by claiming the average African worker received economic benefits. They said that as the living condition of the average European improved so would the life of the African. But this logic, has failed. The gap bet- ween western industrialized nations and the third world countries of Africa has widened drastically sinse the 1920's and is now widening beyond anyone's control. We can certainly understand why African movements have turned to the Soviet Union for aid in their struggle to, as they say, "break the imperialist yoke" which denies them the opor- tunity to determine their own destiny. But, the intentions of the Soviet Union in Africa are, at best, questionable, Soviet p-olicy clearly has grave implications for world peace and order. For these reasons it was encouraging to hear Lt. Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo, the military leader of Africa's strongest and most populous country, Nigeria, warn the Soviet Union "not to overstay their welcome" in Africa. To a receptive audience of other African leaders at the Organization of African Unity's annual meeting in Khartoum on Wednesday, Obasanjo said "Africa is not about to throw off one colonial yoke for another." Obasanjo's remarks should be a credo for all African leaders. Self determination for African nations is the only option left which will at least slow the widening gap between developed and underdeveloped nations. We urge the African states to follow a policy of strict nonalignment, end all foreign military alliances and close foreign military bases. Of course if the security of an African state is en- dangered it may need to acquire military aid from an outside source, but only in extreme cases. Only under these conditions can Africa be reserved for Africans. J'ACcUSE 'Vast middle class shrinks ever smaller By Gerald Cavanaugh point at which middle-income families, frustrated in their search for an affordable conventional home, For 350 years, two great fears have plagued have even pushed working-class families largely the American psyche: the dilemmas of class and sex, out of the mobile home market. Once again, status But in the last decade sex has galloped out of the is reduced to economic class. closet, to be discussed, displayed, portrayed and Call it class or call it status: The middle class in purveyed to the point of saturation. And social America shrinks to the level of a relatively small, class, too, has emerged as a topic of discussion in affluent minority. This is, to be sure, not a new public forums and as a subject of legislative situation. Our middle class has always been much proposals and enactments. Class, however, smaller than we preferred to believe, as the work of promises to be even more socially unsettling in its historian Edward Pessen and other scholars has implicationsthansex. demonstrated. what is new is the growing HOW, PRECISELY, do Americans perceive their recognition that there are class lines and that they class position? In a recent Yankelovich, White and have hardened in recent years. Kelly survey, 82 per cent of those polled defined DASHED EXPECTATIONS and frustrated hopes themselves as "middle class" or "upper-middle lead to confusion, bitterness and social hostilities. A class." The remaining 18 per cent labeled them- $15,000 a year postal clerk put it succinctly when he selves "lower class." It's a textbook portrait of told a national news reporter: "There was a time, America. But the economic facts betray a reality before the children arrived, that I felt middle class. that is an almost exact reversal of those figures. But I don't anymore." The most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics an- On his income should he have felt middle class? nouncement reported that a family of four needs to The question is important because social percep- have an income of $25,202 a year to maintain a tions and misperceptions do much to form gover- "higher level" standard of living. This higher level nmental policies. Take, for example, perception of standard-whose budget includes homeownership, social realities, which allows legislators to propose savings for college costs, expenditures for enter- a new and unchallenged proposal to offer tax relief tainment, vacations and travel and the purchase of for middle-class families with incomes of $30,000 a new car every three years-actually reflects the per year. Young married couples know more ac- commonly reported conception of the middle class. curately that if they are to enter the American Unfortunately, only the top 20 per cent of American dream of homeownership they require two incomes families have a yearly income of $25,000 or more. and no children. Last year almost 40 per cent of all Almost half of all American families. fall below homeowners between the ages of 25 and 30 were the Bureau of Labor Statistics figure of $17,106 a childless couples, and most enjoyed two incomes. year required to maintain a so-called "middle- Joseph Benedict of the U.S. League of Savings level" standard of living; those with yearly incomes Associations said dual incomes constitute "an ex- below $6,200 are officially living in poverty. traordinarily significant social trend. There is no According to Andrew Levison, author of "The question that savings and loan firms are including working Class Majority," the figures prepared by secondary incomes and that a lot of homebuyers the bureau "automatically define the three distinct could not buy homes without them." socioeconomic cultures in the Unites States: the INSTEAD-OF BEING a haven in which to raise culture of poverty, working-class culture and the children, the new idea of a home is a setting for a lifestyle of middle class affluence." lifestyle that precludes the very thought of children. OF COURSE, EVEN if the official middle class A closer look at the middle class in America does include only one-fifth of American families, reveals it to be a relatively small segment of our that leaves a tremendous number of people-bet- population. What is most disturbing is that the class ween 40 and 50 million-who do lead the "good life." divisions appear to be taking on caste forms just as Therein rests the enigma of America's middle-class we have reached the apparent limits to economic veneer, for these 40 million are both highly visible growth. The really poor in America are over- and much publicized, while the working class and whelmingly people of color (a fact that enables the poor remain peripheral and only rarely and most white Americans to set themselves off as mid- usually negatively perceived. dle-class despite the last 10 years of affirmative ac- Those politicians and professors who would keep tion programs. the problem of class in shrouds argue that citing The working class, two-thirds of our population, is yearly income alone is both vulgar and misleading. more and more locked into its position as They claim there is such a thing as status that is unionization is thwarted, as access to higher based on non-economic criteria. But where does education is blocked and as the amenities of the status come from? good life are priced beyond reach. At the same time, A college degree, even today, still is one of the the real but shrinking middle class, through its ef- minimal tokens of middle-class status. Yet children fective political power, takes steps to assure its own from the top 20 per cent of the income group have preservation through legislation. five times the probability of entering college as, do children from the bottom 20 per cent. And as college- Gerald Cavanaugh, who lectures in social costs continue to increase dramatically, with no science at California's Berkeley campus, wrote corresponding rise in fellowships and scholarships, thisfor the Pacific News Service. Tamily income becomes overwhelmingly deter- minate. It is now estimated that in 1995 a college __ degree will cost $47,330 at a state college and $83,830 at a private college. NOW THAT IS status. Even to the middle class the price of a college diploma is becoming onerous. SUMMER EDITORIAL STAFF Hence we have a spate of state and federal BARBARAZAHS proposals to provide tuition-tax credits to families Editor-in-Chie with dependent children in college. Without EditorsD irectors question, such credits would go almost entirely to KEN PARSIGIAN wealthier families. Not too surprisingly this "mid- MagazineEditor dle-class legislation" appears certain of enactment OWENGLEIBERMAN while continued federal support of day-care ArtsEditor facilities, a lower-class concern, languishes and STEVE SELBST willbe klledoutrghtBooks Editor probably will be killed outright. ANDY FREEBERG Homeownership, too, provides status. But as JOHN KNOX things stand now the top 20 per cent of Americans ' - Photographers can afford the mortgage on the average-priced new STAFF WRITERS: Mike Arkush, Rene Becker. Richard Berke, home. The median price of a new home in the San Mitch Cantor, Elisa Isaacson, Judy Rakowsky, Elizabeth towik, . Francisco Bay Area last year was $53,000 J.Smith (nationally, $44,000); the median yearly income of purchasers, $25,000 (nationally: $22,000). C -rsNTT - naostcin Lenn ekhnideo