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July 21, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-07-21

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p michigan DAILY
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 48-S
Friday, July 21, 1978.
Sixteen Pages



Mail talks
stalled, pact
still unsettled

WILU UUHEN, former. University School of Education dean, talks with
Governor Milliken as he presents the mental health task force's final report
in Lansing yesterday.
Plymirouth report
confirms .abuse

negotiators moved swiftly last
night toward a contract set-
tlement that could avert a
threatened mail strike at mid-
One source close to the
bargaining said the U.S. Postal
Service and three unions were
"very close" to agreement on a
new contract covering more
than 500,000 postal employees.
This source, who asked not to be iden-
tified, said he was confident there
would be a settlement before the mid-
night deadline. He said that by late
evening, negotiators had disposed of
the hotly cdntested job security issue
and were trying to narrow differences
on wages.
Both sides were described as being in
a loose, jovial mood and working hard
for an announcement sometime before
midnight, so postal employees could be
alerted to report as usual for midnight
shifts around the country.
The two sides resumed face-to-face
negotiations under the auspices of
federal mediators yesterday for the fir-
st time in three days.
The breakthrough in the talks repor-
tedly came at midday, when the Postal
Service expressed willingness to grant
a critical union demand that employees
remain protected against job layoffs.
Through three months of bargaining,
union negotiators had insisted retention
of the no-layoff clause was crucial to
agreement on a contract replacing the

one expiring at midnight. Until yester-
day, management had insisted with
equal determination that the clause
must go.
ACCORDING TO sources close to the
negotiations, the principal concern of
the mediators was the possibility the
unions might push harder for
management concessions in other
areas if the,.no-layoff question were
resolved well before the midnight
Meanwhile, Army officials said local
commanders have been told to be ready
to activate detailed plans for helping
the government move and protect the
mails. But the officials, declining to be
identified publicly, stressed that no
troop alerts have been ordered.
The military plan would provide as
many as 96,000 troops if a strike
paralyzed movement of the mail. But
officials said the introduction of ser-
vicemen and reservists would be done
on a phased basis as conditions warran-
In another development, U.S. District
Judge Gerhard Cesell denied a request
for a temporary restraining order
against the threat of a wildcat strike.
Federal law prohibits strikes by postal
minutes of arguments on the request by
the Public Service Research Council, a
self-styled citizens lobby. After
deliberating for less than a minute on
the bench, he said, the case did not
"warrant any intervention of the court
at this time."
But, Gesell pointedly observed, "I'm
See MAIL, Page 14

A special task force appointed by
Governor William Milliken to in-
vestigate charges of abuse and neglect
at the Plymouth Center for Human
Development issued its final report
yesterday, confirming that problems at
the state-run institution have been
"real and serious,' and the "full range
of improvements necessary will take a
longer time to accomplish than first
seemed apparent."
The report, culminating a five-month
investigation, recognized "progress
has been made at the Plymouth Cen-
ter," but recommended several
changes for the center.
THE REPORT'S recommendations
include calls for better hiring policies
for the center's employees, more com-
munity placement homes to accom-
modate. Plymouth residents and
greater opportunities for the center's
attendants to report suspected or actual

Headed by former University School
of Education Dean Wilbur Cohen, the
committee was established by Milliken
in early March after a series of articles
in the Detroit Free Press listed
documentedcases of abuse and neglect
at the center.
Milliken also asked the task force to
investigate the state's nursing homes,
homes for the aged, adult foster care
facilities and other institutions.
COHEN, WHO presented the report
to the governor yesterday, said he was
"very pleased" with the initial reac-
tions of the governor and represen-
tatives of various state agencies but
cautioned that it would take a few years
See FINAL, Page 2

Carter dismisses vendetta'

WASHINGTON (AP)-President Carter yesterday renewed
his criticism of Soviet trials of dissidents but said he has "not
embarked on a vendetta" against the Russians and remains
hopeful for better relations.
The president also said at a news conference that he hopes
the imprisoned Soviet dissidents will be released, but he
declined to discuss any negotiations in which the United
States might play a role.
ASKED IF HE were aware of any talks underway for the
release of Anatoly Shcharansky and other Soviet dissidents,
Carter said, "not specifically."
The president said cancellation of the sale of a
sophisticated computer to the Soviet news agency Tass is
"all the action I intend to take for the time being" to express
U.S. displeasure with the treatment of Soviet dissidents.
"We have a deep commitment in our nation to the enhan-

cement of human rights not only here but around the world,"
Carter said, but he stressed that he has "not embarked on a
vendetta against the Soviet Union ... We cannot interfere in
the internal affairs of the Soviet Union."
CARTER ALSO said he continues to feel very deeply about
the inequity of proposed reductions in capital gains
rates-proposals gaining increased support on Capitol
Hill-but he declined to say flatly that he would veto a bill
containing any reduction of capital gains rates.
"I have to wait until the final tax package is on my desk
... At that time I have to decide whether it is in the best in-
terest of our country," Carter said.
At his last news conference, Carter was much more
vehement in his opposition to a cut in capital gains rates,
describing the proposals as providing a windfall for the rich
and only pennper middle income taxpayers.

Dr. Peter Bourne, white House expert
on drug abuse, resigned yesterday after
he admitted to writing a prescription
for a potent sedative to a fictitious
name. See page two for details.

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