Page 2-ThursdayJuly 20, 1978-The Michigan Daily BEGIN CLASHES WITH PERES Knesset split on Israel's position JERUSALEM (AP)-A shouting match in Parliament between Prime Minister Menachem Begin and op- position leader Shimon Peres heated up the tense political atmosphere in Israel yesterday as the Jewish state ap- proached tough decisions on Mideast peace issues. Peres, in his first speech to the Knesset, or pariliament, since his talks with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat 10 days ago in Austria, demanded a debate on the Mideast situation. The Labor Party chief accused Begin of "filling a prescription for Israel's isolation" and of failing to keep the Knesset informed on peace moves. BEGIN'S GRUFFLY shouted response was heavy with sarcasm, asking Peres if he and Sadat had discussed the Labor Party's doctrine of territorial compromise. "You believe it is the high read, the only way to peace, and there is no other," said Begin. Holding a sheet of paper, the prime minister asked: "What is the meaning of territorial compromise? Part for me and part for you." He then ripped the paper in half. The harsh words in the Knesset also reflected divisions in Begin's Likud cabinet, which is scheduled to respond on Sunday to Sadat's latest peace proposals. Speaking at the Organization of African Unity meeting in Khartoum, Sudan, Sadat accused Israel of clinging "onto the ghosts of the past, still dreaming of expansion, still giving priority to appropriation of others' lan- ds." OPPOSITION parliamentarians glee- fully pounced on Begin's paper-tearing gesture and shouted: "It's not a peace poster." For the past two days, Israeli newspapers have been full of reports that Defense Minister Ezer Weizman ripped down a peace poster in Begin's office building after last Sunday's stormy cabinet meeting. Peres took note of the widely reported division between Begin and his defense minister, who also had talks with Sadat in Austria last week and brought back new proposals from Egypt. Begin and Weizman were talking during Peres' speech, and he broke off to chide, "I'm glad to see the prime minister is talking to the defense minister. But they should do it around the cabinet table, not in the Knesset." PERES AND BEGIN lunchd together after their encounter in the Knesset. At one point, Begin's minister of commerce, Yigal Hurvitz shouted at Peres: "You're trying to rise to power on Sadat's shoulders." Peres shouted back: "The problem isn't who will be prime minister-that will be decided by the Knesset's vote. The problem is what will the political situation be-Israel isolated, or Israel enjoying the support of other nations, as it has in the past, Israel displaying political skill in working toward a set- tlement, or Israel entrenched in domestic conflcits within the cabinet, within the Likud, within the Knesset, in imaginary games of prestige?" Russia warns of'confrontation if U.S. pressure continues MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet Union the Soviets in apparent retaliation for "Instead they inflcited blows on airesre one recent dissident trials interests in the United States Kreind i y trdey ootherresis otin THE SALE OF a Sperry-Univac and other Western countries who were the interest of the United States and computer system was to have been subordinate to the dictates of would lead to a "path of confrontation." made to the official Soviet news agency Washington," Izvestia said. The article in the government Tass. Noting that the volume of Soviet- The arIi a fn n- Izvestia said any U.S.-Soviet "trade American trade is "insignificant" n nem Izvestiashingt followedn an- or business contracts are concluded for compared to Moscow's business deals Preent t hashcng ele a mutual interests." with other capitalist nations, Izvestia President Carter has canceled a "This is one more A-B-C truth which called on U.S. leaders to reconsider multimillion dollar computer deal with Should be taken into anount b these their actions. Mideast talks end (Continued from Page One) Despite the U.S. failure to break the deadlock, Mohammed Ibrahim Kamel, the Egyptian minister, told reporters that his government's proposals for the West Bank and the Palestinians, dismissed earlier this month as totally unacceptable, would now be recon- sidered in Jerusalem. KAMEL SAID Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan "agreed to take back the Egyptian proposal and recon- sider it." Vance also indicated that the Egyp- tians were increasingly aware of the security measures that Israel would need if it gave up the West Bank. tt 44,. r U...xrn OM; a1n ..r dcr confidence to Israel that this problem is being seriously and thoroughly discussed," Vance said. "MAJOR differences remain bet- ween the positions of the two sides," the U.S. statement said. "There is a lot of hard work ahead. Common elements in their approaches have been identified." Vance would not identify these elements and said "it is too early to come to any conclusions yet." Ambassador Alfred Atherton, the State Department's principal Mideast envoy, will leave for Brussels today and from there to the Middle East to lay the Grnmdwnrk forVancesvisit. politicians in the U.S.A. who are hat- ching their plans of pressure on the U.S.S.R. in the economic field as well as inother spheres," the newspaper said. IT SAID WASHINGTON leaders ap- parently have not learned the lessons of cold war days when a trade and economic embargo imposed on the Soviet Union and other socialist coun- tries failed to hurt the bloc's economies. "ALL THIS UNSEEMLY fuss in Washington shows that there are in- fluential forces who would like to return the United States on the path of con- frontation with socialist countries, not taking into account the consequences of such actions for the national interests of the American people," the newspaper wrote. Compromise sought on capital gains tax cut Thursday through Sunday prese'ts APPEARING MONDAY doors open and PINK FLAMINGOS at9:OOpm HAVE A PLEASANT ART FAIR STAY rMUSIC A ND MEAL DEAL g i Dine at the restaurant after 4:00 P.M. and receive FREE admission to Nightclub that eve- 1 ning. SUN.-THURS.1 WASHINGTON (AP)-Long-stalled legislation for a $15 billion tax cut got a boost yesterday as President Carter's administration put out feelers for a compromise on taxation of capital gains. Carter has denounced proposals to ease the tax on profits from the sale of assets held a year or longer as a give- away to the rich that would be worth only two bits to the average American. THE TAX-WRITING House Ways and Means Committee for weeks has suspended work on tax legislation at the administration's request, but scheduled a session today with one of the plans Carter objects toas its starting point. Treasury Secretary W. Michael Blumenthal began a last-ditch effort late Tuesday with a round of discussions involving key committee members. He was described as still THE MICHIGAN DAILY vol. LXXXvIII, No. 47-S Thnrsday, July 20,i978 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 40109 Published daily Tuesday through saturday morning' during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. wanting to ward off across-the-board slashes in the capital gains tax. House Speaker Thomas O'Neill told reporters yesterday the administration had made some offers toward a com- promise. A Treasury Department sour- ce, however, said there were no com- mitments, except that Blumenthal would report back to Carter. OTHER CONGRESSIONAL sources, declining to be identified, said the prin- cipal capital gains tax modifications discussed Tuesday included ways to encourage investment in new and risky ventures; relief for persons selling residences that had acquire inflated values; arrangements by which a per- son selling a business could reinvest the proceeds in another without incurring heavy taxes, and possibly some revision of maximum capital gains tax rates. At the White House, Carter's press secretary, Jody Powell; said of the reported discussions: "The president has authorized no one to commit him to any sort of -com- promise or agreement in this area. "He had.., allowed the secretary of the Treasury to engage in discussions,