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July 19, 1978 - Image 33

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-07-19

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 5
Senate approves coal package

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate
passed overwhelmingly yesterday a
compromise measure aimed at saving
the country's dwindling supplies of oil
and natural gas by increasing in-
dustrial use of coal.
By a 92-6 margin, it approved the first
part of President Carter's long-stalled
energy program. Although only a
relatively minor provision in the five-
part energy package submitted in April
1977, the measure's passage was hailed
by Democratic leaders as a sign that
Carter's program is back on the
legislative track.
"While it is a small bill, it is part of
the sum total of the effort this nation
must make," said Sen. Henry Jackson
(D-Wash.), chairman of the Senate
Energy Committee.
SENATE Majority Leader Robert
Byrd, (D-W. Va.), had telephoned Car-
ter in Bonn over the weekend to
forecast passage of the coal conversion
bill. The President was attending the
seven-nation economic summit at the
White House press secretary Jody
Powell hailed passage of the measure.

"Its timing right after the summit is
quite good," he said. But Powell also
said it "would have made Carter's joba
little easier" if the action had come
before last weekend's summit.
The measure would prohibit most
new power plants from burning oil or
natural gas, give the government the
power to force many businesses to con-
vert to coal and ban all use of natural
gas as an industrial boiler fuel after
Residential outdoor gaslights would
also be banned, beginning in 1982.
THE BILL now goes to the ,House,
where approval is also expected.
However, House leaders plan to await
arrival of other segments of the energy
package before sending any of the
compromise bills to the President's
During March and April, razor-billed
auks, common on the coasts of Britain
and all the northern parts of the Atlan-
tic Ocean, congregate in large numbers
on cliffs and islands for their breeding

Jackson estimated the measure could
eventually reduce oil imports by nearly
1.3 million barrels a day - more than
half of the 2.5 million barrel reduction
called for on Monday by Carter at the
conclusion of the summit in West Ger-
The nation currently imports about
eight million 42 gallon barrels of oil a
day, accounting for roughly 40 per cent
of U.S. consumption.
HOWEVER, critics claimed the
measure probably would not save more
than 250,000 barrels a day, at the most.

They said many industries already are
switching to coal anyway, and those
that don't want to, probably could
qualify for one of the numerous exem-
ptions in the bill.
One such exemption would prohibit
the governpient from ordering plants to
burn coal if doing so would violate clean
air laws. Another exemption could be
obtained if coal were not available at
"reasonable prices" in the area in-
Sen. Clifford Hansen, (R-Wyo.), said
even though he supported the measure,
"nothing in this bill will help us supply
our energy needs."

Soviets rule writers
must retract stories

Phully makes plans
to p arbage
By TheAssociated Press n would be kept at a "minimum" but that
Philadelphia officials announced. they would be "across the board."
emergency plans yesterday to deal with The strike by non-uniformed city
the health hazard posed by trash that workers that began Friday has closed
has been piling up during a five-day mosteof the ciy resreatsona
walkout by nearly 20,000 municipal em- most of thecity'srreational
ployees. facilities, and health-care units were
Firefighters in Louisville, Ky., operating on a referral-and emergency
meanwhile, ended their five-day only-basis. Guards at the city's three
walkout yesterday after voting over- prisons and court workers refused to
whelmingly to accept the city's wage obey a back-to-work order Monday.
offer, while in New Orleans, garbage THiE MEMBERS of the American
collectors staged a wildcat strike over Federation of Stae, County and
the lack of trucks in good repair. Municipal Employees union last week
PHILADELPHIA CITY Managing rejected a contract offer providing pay
Director Hillel Levinson said private increases of 12 per cent over two years.
contractors would begin collections at The clerical and blue collar workers
29 emergency dumping sites. He said now are paid an average $11,686 a year,
the city Health Department was and professional workers $17,400.
monitoring the'situation that he said Louisville firefighters voted 358-30 to
could result in a health problem if the accept a new contract that calls for
trike alonhigher wages and overtime pay, ending
sMare weren lg onesaidhowever a strike that had closed all but seven of
ayor Fank Rzzo she aid,' hoev, the 23 fire stations in the city of 400,000
that officials of the nation's fourth- persons.
largest city with a population of 1.9 About 280 Kentucky National Guar-
million were standing firm in their dsmen and 28 department supervisors
refusal to negotiate the layoff of about had been providing fire protection.
3,500 workers. He said the furloughs

MOSCOW (AP)-A Soviet judge
ruled yesterday that two American
newspaper reporters had "crudely"
slandered Soviet television and ordered
them to print a retraction within five
days and pay all court costs.
If-they refuse, Craig Whitney of the
New York Times and Harold Piper of
the Baltimore Sun could risk having
their press accreditation revoked by
the Foreign Ministry. Both men boycot-
ted the hearing, claiming it to be tan-
tamount to censorship. They are
vacationing in the United States.
IN BALTIMORE, the Sun said it
would not bow to the judge's demand
for retraction, but agreed to pay the
$3,330 court costs. The Times said in
New York it would not print a retrac-
tion "of Mr. Whitney's accurate May 24
dispatch," but no decision had been
made on whether to pay the court costs.
State Department spokesman
Thomas Reston said in Washington that
the U.S. government deplored the
decision and was contemplating
retaliatory action.
Piper said he would return to Moscow
on Aug. 14 as planned despite the court
ruling and the Times said Whitney
would return after his home leave. Both
newsmen have called the charges
THE CASE WAS a civil matter and
the two correspondents did not face im-
The central figure in the civil law
suit, imprisoned Georgian dissident
Zviad Gamsakhurdia, testified against
the two Americans as a surprise wit-
ness at yesterday's hearing.

Gamsakhurdia told Judge President
Lev Almazov that a confession made to
Soviet television on the news program
Vremya or Time was genuine. Gam-
sakhurdia's testimony disputed articles
written by Whitney and Piper quoting
friends and relatives as saying the con-
fession was fabricated.
PIPER SAID in an interview in
Washington that Gamaskhurdia "said
he meant his confession, but that
doesn't make our earlier story inac-
curate because we didn't say it was
fake, we just reported that a lot of
people in his home town didn't believe
Seymour Topping, managing editor
of the Times, said Whitney's story wass
"filled in good faith after conscientious
Gamsakhurdia was brought to the
court from a labor camp where he is
serving a three-year sentence for anti-
Soviet agitation and propaganda. Con-
victed on May 19, he was also sentenced
to two years' Siberian exile.
of the Vremya program of Soviet
television which brought the slander
suit, told the court: "This is a case
where we have caught a journalist red-
Prosecutor Georgy Skoredov claimed
during the two-hour hearing that Whit-
ney and Piper were among "certain
circles who constantly attempt through
the mass information media to try to
paint this country with slanderous ink.
"This trial is a logical extension of
their hostile attitude to the Soviet
Union," the prosecutor added, urging
Judge Almazov to recommend that the
Foreign Ministry revoke the'
newsmen's accreditation.
Trella & Co.
P.O. Box 562
Wayne, Michigan

Eat your spinach, dietician says

(Continued from Page31
But Hiebert said dietary fat and
sugar consumption has surged, which,
combined with growing American inac-
tivity, is a contributing factor to heart
ACCORDING TO A new book, The
Changing American Diet, the average
American's diet in 1976 consisted of 31
per cent more dietary fat and 50 per
cent more refinedsugar than in 1910.
Published by the Center for Science
in the Public Interest, a consumer
research group, the book says
Americans should begin to consume
less meat, high fat dairy products, oils,
and sugars. It says Americans should
be encouraged to eat more fresh frit -
and vegetables, potatoes, whole grains,

and beans. In addition, the book reports that
Hieber said people should be taught Americans ate 403 eggs per person in
to make wiser choices and realize they 1945, but in 1976 the figure was 276.
don't have to eat so much meat and Much of the drop, the book speculates,
sugar. may have been caused by working
mothers who no longer fix eggs for
"UNFORTUNATELY, THE money breakfast, and by the growth of cereals
is in the (food) industry, not in as a breakfast food.
education," she maintained. "The em-
.phasis has to be (in education)." Nicaragua is divided diagonally into
The book, based on statistics three distinct geographical regions.
gathered at the Agriculture Depar- The torrid Pacific region is the most
tment and elsewhere, reports that populous and developed. The central
tmernt r k y s region, the coolest of the three, consists
Americans are drink noy half as of mountain ranges, with some peaks
much coffee as they did in 1946 and con- reaching 7,000 feet, where coffee and
siderable less butter, milk, candy, and tobacco are cultivated and cattle
eggs than in previousyears. raised The eastern region- humid and
It ascribed the change to rising coffee hot, is an extensive lowland which
prices, a decline in coffeequality, and ,a slopes' gently tOwar. the Atlahtic
generalswitch to soft drinks.

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