The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 27 YEAR ROUND CULTURE: Ann Arbor's mood breeds art By STEPHEN SELBST I came from the suburbs of Detroit. Despite my parents' attempts to educate me in cultural matters, when I arrived as a freshman six years ago I didn't know Picasso from the Pyramids. So imagine what a shock Ann Arbor was, a small midwestern city that virtually defied the stereotype laid down in Sinclair Lewis novels, a community awash in culture. The Art Fair serves dramatic proof each July on the rest of the state that the arts flourish here. Like Vesuvius each year, theentire community erupts in a dazzling display of painting, sculp- ture, jewelry, pottery, and dozens of other arts and crafts. But after the annual eruption sub- sides, it would be a mistake to suppose that the influence of the arts also vanishes. Like a volcano, the rum- blings continue substrata, and any trained observer can detect the signs of artistic activity. Attempting to define how the artistic influence pervades the community is like trying to describe a shadow. The in- fluence is elusive, and it shifts constan- tly in response to weather conditions and the people present. Indexes of the community's sentivity to the arts abound. The University's Musical Society and Professional Theater Program provide an array of plays and concerts and the various film societies insure a steady flow of popular and classic films. Contributing to the cultural awareness are the professors, students and professionals who reside here in numbers highly disproportionate to a city of this size. But the cultural in- fluences don't begin and end with the University. Because the community is attractive, diverse and tolerant, growing numbers of professional ar- tists have chosen, in recent years, to work and live in the area. Local interest in the Artists and Craf- tsmen Guild indicates thriving artistic enthusiasm in the area. The Guild has 625 members who ply a variety of craf- ts. A spokesperson for the group, Celeste Melis, said, the Guild has a waiting list of 800 non-students waiting to join. Two years ago the Guild decided to restrict membership to enable students to exhibit their work in the Festival. Melis said, "The Guild has developed in quality, not in size." Commenting on the national art scene, Melis said the number of jobs teaching art has dwindled along with the reduction in the number of general teaching positions. Therefore, artists are banding together and selling their wares to survive. Involvement in the arts also extends to heavily subscribed classes in photography, dance, pottery, and other arts and crafts whichaare offered by both the University and private in- dividuals. Almost everybody gets into the act. When the University placed a large piece of modern sculpture, Daedulus, in front of the Art Museum at the corner of S. University and S. State, letters streamed into local newspapers com- menting on the newcomer. Opinion was sharply divided; some people at- tacked the piece as a rusty tin can more suited to a junk yard than a campus. Lovers of modern art professed to see grace and form underneath the rust. Another example is the prevalence of murals. In other cities, blank rows of bricks are the norm for building walls; this city boasts numerous urban murals to brighten the scene. A popular store on S. University has futuristic panels along its storefront. A store near the Farmer's Market, and the Afro- American Center across from the School of Education also feature decorativepanels. Gallery art is also available to those who wish to spend a pleasant weekend afternoon browsing. The University's Art Museum has a fine collection of early prints and lithographs, often augumented by traveling shows, or works rotated out from the storage collection. For those in an acquisitive mood, the Union Gallery presents the works of ar- tists with both local and national reputations, and its changing exhibitions make it virtually an exten- sion of the Univeristy Art Museum across the street. Downtown, at least one store, displays the talents of craftsmen who have formed a cooperative to sell their works together. A more traditional gallery is also located within the cen- tral business district. There is little mystery about why the Art Fair has endured and thrived for almost two decades in this artistically aware community. In most Michigan towns the event might have fizzled out after the original proponents lost in- terest or left town. But in Ann Arbor, art enthusiasm merely peaks at fair time and it's maintained by various groups and institutions throughout the year. Purists have not strongly objected to the craftsy twist the fair has taken. Therefore, the array of quality, prices, and artists have permitted the fair to retain an audience whose heterogeneous interests can still be met. The many-faceted fair is educational for the novice, artist and afficionado alike. The annual Art Fair is an indication of the artistic and intellectual wealth of Ann Arbor which distinguishes it apart from any midwestern city of its size. STORE WIDE SALE 20*60% OFF Everything in Our Store Baseball " Tennis Footwear m Camping Swimwer "Skiing & Racquetball! 3150 Carpenter Road 97!10 P/ZZ4 BOB'S 810-814 S. STATE ST. " 665-4517 a 6654518 DO YOURSELF A FLAVOR WHY DON'T YOU TRY WHAT THE DETROIT FREE PRESS CALLED "PROBABLY THE BEST SHAKE - ~IN THE STATE." YOU COULD TRY ... Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, banana, cherry, pineapple, caramel, hot fudge, cof- fee, lemon, rootbeer, coca cola, jamoca. 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