.Themichigan Doly-Wedneaday, July 19,1978-Page7 Demonstrations highlight South U By TIMOTHY YAGLE South University is the most placid of Ann Arbor streets, that is until mid- summer, when it becomes a formidable task to take three steps to your right. Back when the Ann Arbor Art Fair was still a manageable event-when the ar- tists maintained a spark of originality-the festival, known as the Ann Arbor Street Fair, took place solely on South U. Ah, but now, those who traverse the blocked-off streets must contend with the estimated 250 thousand "art-lovers" from out of town, who turn the street into a veritable mob of buying, selling, and-that best loved of all pastimes-browsing. Oh, there are browsers from everywhere, to the point that the Art Fair has ceased being any sort of celebration-it is more likea massive, throbbing, sun-drenched out- door mall, with paintings and sculp- tures in place of ornamental lam- pshades and plastic lawn furniture. Still, for all its overblown magnitude, it is possible to brave the fair's original South University section and be "entertained"-a word we Americans cherish so highly-and for that we should perhaps take a closer look at what the Street Art Fair has to offer. Aside from irresponsible critical opinions on the finished products, the most enjoyable activity is observing the craftspeople as they work. A viewer may stroll by a glass-blower's booth, for instance, and see the artists mold a blob of hot glass into a beautiful glass horse before a group of mesmerized onlookers, who gaze with open mouths. Or there is the potter's wheel, where watching potters fashion lumps of clay into smooth bowls may make one wish that hand craftsmanship still had some real respectability. "I feel that the demonstrations are one of the most important parts of the fair," said Roseanna Tendler Worth, demonstration coordinator. "It's a valuable thing for the community to be able to see this-it's a learning ex- perience. There will be 21 artist- demonstrators at this year's fair, who will do everything from plastic casting a volunteer's face to creating ceramic animals. Joan Beaver of Ypsilanti will be giving pointers to those interested in silk-screen printing. There are even booths where lay- persons are encouraged to try their hand at creativity. Huge vats of murky, steaming wax line one stall on East University, where patrons-turned- artists dip and redip long white strings into the goo. When they decide they have dipped "just enough," they snip the string and emerge with the finished product-a candle. Parents can be spared, for a few minutes at least, the nerve-wracking task of searching for the kiddies over the heads of the crowd. There are fingerpainting stalls where the tots can revel in making a mess in the name of art. Painted clowns meander through the throng, pinching cheeks and bellowing ho-ho-boa. If so inclined, the public can have their own faces painted by a cheerful personage in patched jeans. When one has had his fill of paintings, sculptures, and varied unclassifiable items, East University offers a stage show featuring live perfomances by bluegrass, country and jazz groups. The Ann Arbor Junior Theatre Strolling Players will perform on Wednesday, in addition to other theatre offerings and mime presentations. Those with in- satiable tastebuds will discover a wide assortment of cuisine, ranging from palatable to positively grungy, available in the south University rots galore Art on South University leans heavily toward painting and pottery. Here patrons contemplate the clay at a canopied booth. restaurants and the ubiquitous snack huts. For those who are, shall we say, easy to please, there are pizzas, ham- burgers and hot dogs. If one quests for the more sublime of appetizers, the palate may be satisfied with vegetarian pizza, frozen yogurt, and Mexican and Indian food (but beware of the Mexican food-and don't say you weren't war- ned). For those unfamiliar with the city, there is an information booth, a white box under the sign of the fish (a symbol of the Fair since its inception in 1959), located on the corner of South and East University Streets. The booth has com- plete lists of participating artists, as well as schedules of demonstrations and musical and theatrical perfoman- ces. There is also a Red Cross station on the same corner. ANNOUNCING ANN ARBOR'S ONLY MEXICAN NIGHT CLUB * Authentic Full Service Mexican Restaurant * Live Mariachi Music Seranade During Dinner " Disco Dancing after 9 pm * Free Disco Dancing Lessons Taught by Professional Instructors every Wednesday Night * Open from 4:30 pm Tuesday through Sunday " Live Jazz every Sunday Night 611 Church near South University 995-5955 In the past, Ann Arborites, proud of their city's supposed artistic heritage, proclaimed the art fair as a major cultural event. Well, perhaps we know better now. the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair does not turn South University into 16th century Florience (nor, for that matter, does it tower far above 20th century Akron), but it is fun, and we might as well live with its bad points for the sake of entertainment. After all, it provides food for discussion and com- plaints when summer is starting to drag. I For the TALL GIRL we now carry: SLACKS, TOPS, BLOUSES, SKIRTS, JACKETS, DRES- SES, and much more TALL WOMEN'S apprel. NEWLY REMODELED SECOND FLOOR 126 S. MAIN ST. ANN ARBOR i