The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 18, 1978-Page 11 African Unity summit toopen amidconfict KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) - The Chad. 15th annual summit conference of Somalia urged the OAU yesterdayt African leaders opens here today amid agree to a referendum of the ethni clamors for the ouster of foreign troops Somali inhabitants of the Ogade from the troubled continent and giving them a chance to determin renewed demands for international their own future. The move is almos pressures and intensified guerrilla war- certain to be blocked by Ethiopia fare to bring down the governments of whose forces are engaged in a South Africa and Rhodesia. escalating war against Soma A record number of at least 30 heads guerrillas in that region as well a of state are expected for the secessionist Eritrean fighters in th Organization of African Unity (OAU) north. summit which will open under tight In a further bid to isolate South Afric security and in the face of deep the foreign ministers agreed yesterda ideological splits, open conflicts bet- to a resolution by which the OAU shoul ween several of the 49 member states request the United Nations Securit and continuing civil wars. Council to order a mandatory bano The only major issue on which there nuclear collaboration with the Pretori is total agreement between diverse government. Marxist, neutralist and pro-Western THEIR RESOLUTION also seeks et member states is the determination to fective measures to prevent Soul end minority rule in South Africa, Africa from acquiring the technolog South-West Africa and Rhodesia. and expertise that would allow it t BUT WHILE African foreign manufacture nuclear weapons. ministers agreed yesterday to The issue that is expected t resolutions calling for further isolation dominate the summit is foreign inte of South Africa to end white rule and in- vention in African affairs. tensified guerrilla warfare against the The foreign ministers meeting ha biracial Salisbury government they already revealed a split between stat also backed British-American peace who support the presence of some 40,00 proposals efforts on Rhodesia. Cuban troops and more than 1,00 OAU spokesman Peter'Onu, confir- Soviet military advisers in Africa an ming renewed OAU support for moderates who back the deploymentr Patriotic Front guerrillas fighting in 14,000 French troops in several of Fra Rhodesia, asserted that the foreign ce's former colonies. ministers were against any gover- THE SPLIT has been papered ov nment being imposed on that country's by resolutions that accommodatea 6.7 million disenfranchised blacks and points of view. African states are beir 263,000 whites. Instead, he said, all urged to follow a policy of strict no Rhodesians would have to choose their alignment and end foreign milita: own rulers. alliances and close foreign bases. THE HEADS of state will also grap- But at the same time the right ple with disputes between Ethiopia and African states to receive milita Somalia over Ethiopia's Ogaden region assistance from any quarter if the and Chad and Libya over Libya's sup- security is endangered is also beii port for guerrillas controlling much of upheld. .Rhodesian farmer killed SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP - A killed in the war, according to offici white Rhodesian farmer who hosted a fgrs rally for moderate black nationalists in In the Sudanese capital of Khartou a peace bid last month has been killed where a summit meeting of th by nationalist guerrillas, the military Organization of African Unity is said yesterday. begin today, one of the leaders of th A relative told The Associated Press Patriotic Front alliance said yesterda "that Timothy Peech, 31, was killed by the war in Rhodesia is nearing a su guerrillas in retaliation for hosting a cessful conclusion for the guerrillas. peace rally attended by 1,000 Joshua Nkomo, co-leader with Robe tribespeople and Bishop Abel - Mugabe of the Front, said the bi-raci Muzorewa, one of the three moderate government should realize th black leaders in the bi-racial transition guerrillas are winning the warand a government. cept that as a fact "before it is t A government bulletin announced 23 late." Be predicted a "peoples' gove more war deaths in the previous three nment" would be established days. About 10,000 people, more than Rhodesia within nine months. one-third of them civilians, have been to 0 lit m ie st a, n as he a y d la ty Dn a f- th :y to to r- as es 00 00 nd of n- er all ng n- ry of ry eir nng al m, he to he iy Ic- rt al ie ic o er- in SECOND STORY SALE 20% discount on all BOOKS ON OUR SECOND STORY INCLUDING SPORTS BOOKS CHILDREN'S BOOKS PLANT BOOKS ANIMAL BOOKS RUNNING BOOKS CRAFT BOOKS ART BOOKS ANTIQUE BOOKS ARCHITECTURE BOOKS PHOTOGRAPHY BOOKS COOKBOOKS ART TECHNIQUE BOOKS & ALL SECOND STORY REMAINDERS Also, we'll give you a 10% discount on all CUSTOM FRAMING AT J~rerg Woo 1jo 303 SOUTH STATE STREET 9:308:30 Monday-Saturday. 12-4 Sunday Book Sale valid only Monday, July 17 thru Saturday, July 22 Framing sale valid thru July I . _. G1c BELL'S HAS FOOD FOR THOUGHT! Pizzas - Grinders Open from 11 a.m. FREE DELIVERY from 4:30 p.m. S. State & Packard 995-0232 U