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July 18, 1978 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1978-07-18

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Page 2-Tuesday, July 18, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Couneil OK's EDC on split vote
By BRIAN BLANCHARD who compared the EDC to University could be raised as a result of the DDA. was proposed by Council n
City Council last night passed a recruitment policy. Sheldon observed Just as Latta had earlier argued the David Fisher (R-Fourth War
resolution, 7-4, to establish an that the University is selective in its EDC might run out of control, Councilmember Ronald Tro
Economic Development Corporation admissions policy, but that it still finds Republican Mayor Louis Belcher war- (R-First Ward) contended ths
(EDC) and approved unanimously an it necessary to offer scholarships and ned that it would be unfortunate if the tenants might not want the de
ordinance requiring city landlords to special programs to attract top flight DDA were "to create its own ad- and it would be an infringement,
odinancsmokdetrequirsin cityar academic prospects. ministrative arm." rights to require them.
install smoke detectors in all city spar- But while Council approved the EDC BELCHER recommended the Belcher told Council he wante
tments within the year. to promote business development, it establishment of a downtown advisory off any decision on a downtown1
Council also tabled a motion to set up tabled a motion to establish the DDA, commission to deal with the issues one structure on the city-owned par
a Downtown Development Authority an organization which would be by one, but the decision was made in- north of the public library bec
EDDA) proposD-SeCouncila m e charged with the development of plans stead to table the motion until the first had received a number of con
voted to proceed with a downtown for construction of moderate cost Monday in August. reports and that "Council hasj
parking structure, housing downtown. An unsuccessful amendment to the yet discussed" parking stri
THE REPUBLICAN opposition to the smoke detector ordinance would have enough. The mayor annour
DDA claimed that, unlike the EDC, required landlords to install smoke working session next Monday fo
ALSO AT the evening session City Ad- there would be a possibility that taxes detectors only at the request of tenants cil to discuss parking structures

d) and
it some
on their
d to put
king lot
ause he
just not
nced a
or Coun-

ministrator Sylvester Murray released
a statement indicating that he had not
yet received a copy of the alleged
lawsuit against him filed by former city
employee Marc Levin concerning
Levin's firing last year. Murrayestated
that the city would refuse to settle out of
court if Levin again offered, as he did
last year, to take a cash settlement in
place of court proceedings.
".. . some citizens may still feel that
the whole truth about the arbitrage in-
vestments has not been publicized. The
court process may provide some
satisfaction to those citizens," Murray
The EDC vote split along party lines,
with Republicans supporting the cor-
poration to promote business develop-
ment, claiming it would provide an ad-
ditional tax base and bring clean,
"quality" business to the city.
DEMOCRAT Ken Latta (D-First
Ward), however, charged that the EDC
"hasn't addressed the primary needs of
the community." Further, Latta
questioned the need for such an
organization and predicted that the
EDC could grow to dominate city
development issues without the benefit
of citizen or Council participation.
The question of necessity raised by
Latta was addressed by Council mem-
ber Clifford Sheldon (R-Third Ward),

__ . _ _ _. r..,., .. .,.. ... .,.,. ...


House delays energy bill action
WASHINGTON (AP) - House in 19s5, would be far too generous to the Secretary James Schlesinger had of-
aaders delayed action on a major oil industry. fered a compromise under which ad-
ergy bill yesterday after a dispute "IT'S A NEW ball game," Eckhardt ministrative steps would be taken that
oke out over a proposal to lift price said. "This raises serious concerns would, in effect, offer deregulated - or
ntrols from the estimated one million among the natural gas conferees." world market prices - to about half of
rrels of domestically produced oil The bill was "pulled" from the House the oil covered by Wright's own amen-
ilyc floor by House Speaker Thomas O'Neill dment.
Critics said the measure, being while Wright, other House leaders and
,shed by House Democratic Leader the Carter administration tried to reach HE SAID this proposal would
m Wright of Texas, could cost con- a compromise. probably satisfy him but wanted to see
mers $3 billion a year in higher prices Wright indicated that Energy it in writing.
d threaten compromise agreements
ready reached on President Carter's
ergy program. Suit iin
IT WOULD ALLOW world oil prices
wells producing 35 barrels of oil a *1
y or less. The present cutoff is 10
The measure became controversial '
ter several lawmakers who helped WASHINGTON (AP) - As a lawsuit the event of a strike.
gotiate a compromise on the natural- was filed to try and prevent a mail At a press conference, Denholm was
s pricing part of Carter's energy strike, the Postal Service and its unions asked whether the current federal law
an, including Sen. Henry Jackson (D- continued attempts yesterday to reach doesn't already make postal strikes
ash.), and Rep. Bob Eckhardt (D- agreement on a new labor agreement illegal. He replied, "Obviously, the
xas), threatened to vote against that by Thursday's deadline. unions don't think it is illegal or they
mpromise if the Wright amendment "The most important issues - wouldn't be threatening to strike."
ire adopted. wages, retention of a no-layoff clause THE POSTAL Service has repeatedly
They claimed the combined effect of and reduction of compulsory overtime reminded its employees that par-
e Wright deregulation proposal and - still remain. They probably will ticipation in a strike could, under
e gas compromise, calling for lifting remain when they go up to the wire," a federal law, bring them fines of up to
leral price controls from natural gas source close to the negotiations said. $1,000 and a year in jail.
"FOR NOW, they are tackling some However, the sanctions were not used
of the less divisive issues," the source in 1970 as part of an agreeement that
said. ended the strike.
While the negotiations continued at a The Postal Service has updated its
Washington hotel, a lawsuit was filed at strike contingency plans. These plans
the U.S. District Court across town include such possibilities as.asking for
seeiping to have any striking postal federal troops to handle mail, forbid-
worker fired. ding temporarily some types of mail
Postal strikes already are forbidden and requiring people to come to
by federal law, but that has not stopped "general delivery" windows to pick up
local leaders from threatening their mail.
walkouts. That happened on a large A PENTAGON spokesman said that
scale only once previously when 220,000 military reserves and national guar-
workers, mainly on the East Coast, dsmen would be used to handle mail if
staged local strikes in 1970. troops are used in an emergency. He
THE PUBLIC Service Research added that no ROTC cadets would be
Council, a group that opposes strikes by used.
public service workers, filed the On Aug. 3, the Social Security Ad-
lawsuit seeking a declaration that "any ministration is scheduled to mail 23.7
postal worker participating in a strike million pension checks and 2.3 million
against-the United States is terminated Supplemental Security Income checks.
from his or her position and may not be The recipients might be asked to get
reinstated." their checks at general delivery win-
The group's president, David dows or, if picketing cuts off access to
C Denholm, said the council reserves the post offices, at Social Security offices.
right to seek damages from the four "We will make sure that all
pn postal unions and the Postal Service in beneficiaries get their checks," said
Social Security spokesman Mike
voi. LxxxvIII, No.45-s The bargaining involves 554,000
STuesday,Juy18.' workers and is taking place at two dif-
g is edited and managed by students at the University ferent bargaining tables. The three
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class u nsiram tbes.fthe thre
Pusge is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. unions that are members of the AFL-
Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning CIO are bargaining together while the
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, rural letter carriers' union is
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 negotiating Separtely.
September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. The three AFL-CIO unions are the
Summer session published through Saturdaymor- American Postal Workers Union, the,
ning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; *7.50 by National Association of Letter Carrier,
mail outsideAnnArbor. and the mail handlers divasons
- -. ., .. . Laborer' International union:.s.. ..

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