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July 14, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-07-14

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Vol LXXXVIlI, No 43S
Friday, July 14, 1978
4ma Sixteen Pages
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents
'U' dorms overbooked or all

Come September 50 to 100 fresh-
women will find themselves without
permanent dormitory housing.
John Finn, acting associate housing
director, said yesterday that the
University Housing Office didn't intend
to overbook dorm rooms, but the shor-
tage comes becausethe Admissions Of-
fice increased the number of female
spaces in the incoming class by one per
ALSO, THERE have been fewer can-
cellations than expected from women
reapplying for dorm rooms.

Students caught in the- housing
squeeze will be assigned to temporary
accommodations in lounges or rooms
shared with dorm staff members. Finn
said the temporary rooms will either
become permanent or students will be
placed in permanent rooms as they
become available. But he added that
the Housing Office hopes to place
students in permanent housing by early
The freshwomen will be notified of
their housing situation by mid-August,
according to Robert Hughes,- acting
University housing director.

"RESIDENCE hall rooms were fully
assigned by the end of June, except for
spaces reserved for incoming fresh-
men," Hughes said. "Since then, all
students above the freshman level who
want to live in halls have been told we
are full."
By late June the Housing Office
received 331 more applications for
housing than last year, according to
Hughes said the Housing Office has
added 46 fall dorm spaces by conver-
ting lounges into rooms, as one way to
deal with housing shortages. In ad-
dition, the Housing Office is providing a

roommate matching service for studen-
ts searching for off-campus housing.
Last September some 60 freshwomen
were placed in lounges because of a
space shortage similar to the one an-
ticipated for this fall. Most of the tem-
porary accommodations were turned
into permanent spaces.
Last fall's situation spurred a "tent-
in" by Coalition for Better Housing
members concerned about the Univer-
sity's increasing housing shortage. The
last University dorm was constructed
in 1968 despite increasing student

Soviet court
gives Ginzburg
8-year term

a LL

MOSCOW (AP) - Alexander Gin-
zburg, a veteran of the dissident
movement and the Soviet "Gulag"
prison system, was sentenced to eight
years at hard labor yesterday, ending
one of two trials that have drawn world
attention and frayed U.S.-Soviet de-
Ginzburg's wife, Irina, who was
barred from the last two days of the
trial, called the sentence "a tragic far-
ce ... They spit on the West so openly
and ignore public opinion."
IN THE OTHER major trial, of
Jewish activist Anatoly Shcharansky
for espionage, the prosecutor said the
30-year-old defendant deserved the

maximum allowable penalty, death,
but he called instead for a 15-year sen-
tence, saying he was taking into ac-
count Shcharansky's youth and the fact
that it is his first trial. The verdict is
expected today.
In the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius,
Catholic activist Viktoras Ryatkus, like
Ginzburg and Shcharansky a member of
the now-decimated "Helsinki" human
rights group, named after an inter-
national accord signed at Helsinki, was
sentenced to 10 years hard labor and
five years of exile within the Soviet
Union, friends reported.
A growing sentiment for retaliatory
action was evident in the U.S. Congress.

American U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young, who told a French newspaper
there are "hundreds, perhaps even thousands" of political prisoners in the U.S.,
survived a soundly defeated House proposal calling for his impeachment.
House won't oust
Young for remarks
By The Associated Press ticular time," O'Neill said of Young,
WASHINGTON (AP) - The House who gave up a House seat to become
defeated overwhelmingly yesterday an U.N. ambassador in the Carter ad-
impeachment resolution against U.N. ministration.
Ambassador Andrew Young, who was "I don't believe there is such a thing
both denounced and defended for asa political prisoner in America and I
remarks about American political don't believe Andy believes there is
prisoners. such a thing either," O'Neill said. "I
The ambassador's statements come guess it is how you interpret the word."
at a time when the United States is at- The comments which set off the chain
tacking the Soviet Union's trials of two reaction were published in the French
dissidents and stepping up its criticism Socialist newspaper Le Matin. In an in-
of human rights violations. terview that touched on the trials of
Rep. Larry MCDonald (D-Ga.), of- Soviet dissidents, Young was quoted as
fered the impeachment resolution. But saying that in his opinion, there are
House Majority Leader Jim Wright "hundreds, perhaps thousands" of
proposed that it be tabled or killed. political prisoners in the United States.
Wright's motion was upheld on a 293-82 He added, however, that there are
vote. "likely to be tens of thousands" of
Speaker Thomas O'Neill criticized political prisoners in the Soviet Union.
Young, his former House colleague, at Young said there are different ways of
a news conference which preceded the defining theterm "political prisoner."
floor session.
SECRETARY of State Cyrus Vance.

Iacocca reportedly

ired from
DETROIT (UPI) - Lee Iacocca, an
energetic executive who worked his
way up throuh the ranks to the
presidency of the Ford Motor Co., has
been fired effective Oct. 15, a trade
publication reported yesterday.
A company spokesman late yester-
day refused to comment on the report,
which will appear in next week's issue
of Automotive News.
AUTOMOTIVE NEWS said Iacocca's
ouster was ratified Wednesday night at
a meeting of the company's board of
directors, reportedly on a split vote
with many of the nine outside directors
supporting Iacocca.
Iacocca was elected president of the
nation's second largest auto company

Ford post
tors since May 20,1965.
He made his mark with Ford as the
"father of the Mustang" in 1964 when he
was in his late 30s.
will leave Ford on his 54th birthday af-
ter 32 years of service that began when
he joined the firm in 1946 as a sales
"The downfall of Iacocca is in
keeping with a history of such things at
the Ford Motor Co., which celebrated
its 75th birthday last month," the
Automotive News report said.
"Iacocca's departure followed two
years of speculation that he, too, had
fallen from favor with Henry Ford II."
IN AN INTERVIEW with Automotive

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