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May 04, 1978 - Image 23

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-05-04

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sports of the DAILY
Netters on the road
The ten-time defending Big Ten men's tennis champion Michigan
Wolverines move into the final weekend of dual matches versus conference
rivals when they visit Ohio State today and Indiana tomorrow.
The Wolverines are currently 6-1 in the league, second to Wisconsin.
Ohio State is close behind the two leaders. Against the Buckeyes, Michigan
coach Brian Eisner expects a battle from the team that defeated his squad
last year.
"They always try to play up the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry when we go
down there," said Eisner, "so they will be ready for us."
Michigan's women's tennis team will be playing at College Station, Pen-
nsylvania today and tomorrow. The netters will compete against teams from
Ohio State, Princeton and Penn State.
This is the team's last match before the SMAIAW championships, which
will be played here in Ann Arbor, May 11-13.
-Daily Sports
Women running
Fresh off of a fairly imprssive showing, Michigan's women's track team
is heading into the Big Ten Outdoor Championships, held today and
tomorrow at Evanston.
Coach Red Simmons will only be sending nine team members to the
meet. "We don't have any depth. so we'll probably be fifth or sixth (place),"
he said. Most of the teams attending will be depleted because the academic
year has ended.
Simmons himself will not be going to the meet because he is being induc-
ted into Eastern Michigan's Hall of Fame this weekend.
-Daily Sports
Soluk nine in SMAIAW
The Michigan women's softball team will be playing in the SMAIAW
championships today and tomorrow at Grand Valley.
Coach Gloria -Soluk's Wolverines, currently 8-4, are favorites in the
championships, along with last year's champion Michigan State and
Jackson Community College. JCC defeated Michigan twice last week.
Michigan is led by pitchers Teresa Gardocki, a junior, and Shelly Piilo, a
senior. The team's leading hitters are Ann Slade, a graduate of Ann Arbor-
Pioneer, and basketball star Terry Conlin, also a native of Ann Arbor.
-Daily Sports

The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 5, 1978-Page 23
Fryman, Cubs burned
by Smithled Dodgers
CHICAGO (AP) - Reggie Smith runs. He singled in the fifth, went to
drove in three runs with a home run and second on a balk by Fryman, to third on
a sacrifice fly and Rick Rhoden stopped a sacrifice bunt by Russell and scored
Chicago on six hits yesterday to give when second baseman Manny Trillo
the first-place Los Angeles Dodgers a 4- dropped Steve Garvey's pop fly for an
1 victory over the Cubs. error.
Smith, driving in three runs for the RHODEN, notching his fourth victory
second successive game, drilled his without a defeat and his second shutout
fourth homer of the season into a 22- of the season, gave up a two-out single
mile per-hour wind in the first inning to Larry Cox in the second inning and
after Bill Russell had singled: retired seven in a row before Dave
THE DODGERS added an unearned Kingman doubled in the fifth.
run off loser Woody Fryman, 0-3, in the The Cubs nicked Rhoden for their
fifth inning and scored off reliever lone run in the eighth when Ivan
Donnie Moore in the seventh when DeJesus singled, stole second, reached
Dave Lopes tripled and scored on third on catcher Jerry Grote's throwing
Smith's sacrifice fly. error and scored on Greg Gross'
Lopes scored two of Los Angeles' sacrifice fly.

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